The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 171 The host wants to be the supporting actor 60

Chapter 171 The host wants to be the supporting actor 60
He shook his head, closed his eyes, and tried to recall what happened last night when he was drunk, but he couldn't remember anything.

I patted it lightly on the head, but still couldn't think of anything.

Tsk~ I lost the chain at the critical moment.

Smell of alcohol all over his body, Pei Yichen moved to the side of the bed, looked around, no shoes, no slippers?

Helpless, I had no choice but to walk towards the bathroom barefoot.


After taking a shower, I only wrapped my lower body with a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

Seeing Rong Jiu sitting by the bed with a lollipop in his mouth, Pei Yichen staggered.

"Xiaojiu? You...why are you here?" Pei Yichen asked.

"Hungry." With a lollipop in his mouth, Rong Jiu blinked and looked at Pei Yichen.

One, two, three, four, five, six... six pack abs?
It seems that Pei Yichen is not an overbearing president.

The domineering CEOs all have 48-pack abs.

Pei Yichen looked at Rongjiu's clear eyes staring at his...abdominal muscles, the corners of his mouth twitched, feeling a little helpless.

Whenever there is a trace of obsession or surprise in a girl's eyes, he will not just feel helpless.

"Does it look good?" Pei Yichen raised his eyebrows and asked Rong Jiu.

"Good-looking is good-looking, but there are too few of them." Rong Jiu said seriously with a lollipop in his mouth.

Pei Yichen "..."? ? ?
"I read that the male lead in the novel has 48-pack abs." Rong Jiu said.

Pei Yichen "...Are you sure it's the hero of the novel? Not the centipede?"

Rong Jiu blinked, "Of course it's the male lead, he can still hold 500 million cash in his pocket."

It's not easy to be a domineering president, not only must you have a figure like a centipede, but you must also have a pocket as large as a little fairy's pocket.

Pei Yichen "...Are you sure, it's not a card with 500 million deposits?" It's cash?

What the hell, are all the male protagonists now transformed into Jingdong cats?
Rong Jiu nodded, "Of course."

Pei Yichen "..." I am ignorant.

With a complicated face, he walked to the closet, found a set of clothes, and looked back at Rong Jiu, "I need to change, do you want Xiao Jiu to look at it?"

Rong Jiu got up and ran out the door, "Remember to come and make breakfast."

The little fairy is going to starve to death.

"Got it." Pei Yichen said helplessly.


Pei Yichen never remembered the fragments of the drunken night.

However, he found that the little girl got along with him a little more intimately than before.

After a long time, Pei Yichen didn't worry about what happened that night.

Pei Yichen is the director and Rong Jiu is the actor.

For the next 30 years, every time Pei Yichen directed a play, the heroine would always be Rong Jiu.

As for Rong Jiu, he only acted in Pei Yichen's play.

When Rong Jiu was 56 years old, he announced his retirement from acting. On the same day, Pei Yichen also announced his retirement from filming.

Over the years, there have been many scandals between the two.

It is rumored that the two are more than friends, not lovers.

However, there has been no official announcement.

After the two quit the entertainment circle, Pei Yichen took Rong Jiu and ran around the world.

The two traveled around, Rong Jiu's purpose was to taste all the delicacies from all over the world, while Pei Yichen's purpose was to learn all Rong Jiu's favorite dishes.

Until their twilight years, the two couldn't move anymore, so they lived in a manor.

"I can't cook anymore, Xiaojiu, it's time to go." Pei Yichen has white hair and wrinkles on his face, but his eyes are full of tenderness and doting.

Rong Jiu felt that this sentence sounded familiar, blinked, and didn't answer Pei Yichen's words, just looked at Pei Yichen with his chin raised.

At the age of 71, except for his white hair, Rongjiu's face has no wrinkles at all. Rongjiu raised his chin and stared at Pei Yichen eagerly.

The corners of Pei Yichen's mouth were slightly bent, and he closed his eyes.

Rong Jiu raised her chin and looked at Pei Yichen. She knew that Pei Yichen's time had come.

Blinking, there was a slightly hot touch in the palm of his hand.

She lowered her head and took a look. Is she... crying?

(End of this chapter)

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