Chapter 181 The hero, you are gone 9
Rong Jiu nodded, then continued to bite the candied haws in his hand.

Hua Mengluo breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Rongjiu was fine, swept the candied haws in Rongjiu's hand, froze for a moment, and then chuckled, "Why are you eating things from this secular world again, so you're not afraid of impurities accumulating in your body?"

After the cultivator introduces qi into the body, he will start to eat all kinds of food containing spiritual energy, and stop eating food from the secular world, just to prevent impurities from accumulating in the body.

Impurities accumulate in the body, which is not conducive to cultivation.

"Impurities?" Rong Jiu looked up at Hua Mengluo and said seriously, "It's not impurities."

Hua Mengluo laughed lightly when she heard this, thinking she was getting hungry again, "Next time if you want to eat, let the people in the canteen use spiritual plants to make it for you, don't eat these omnivores anymore."

When Rong Jiu heard this, he blinked and asked the people in the canteen to do it, a good idea.

Nodded, "Okay."

Seeing this, Hua Mengluo raised her eyebrows. For some reason, she always felt that today's Suzerain is so obedient.

"You came to see me for something?" Seeing Hua Mengluo staring at him, Rong Jiu wondered if he was coveting her candied haws.

After hearing this, Hua Mengluo immediately remembered the business, "Three hours ago, your soul lamp suddenly went out, why?"

After hearing this, Rong Jiu paused in biting the candied haws, "The soul lamp is off?"

The soul of the original owner has not dissipated, so the soul lamp should not be extinguished.

Hua Mengluo nodded, "It's strange to say that it was all off, but after a while, it turned on again."

"I was seriously injured and almost died." Rong Jiu replied casually.

It should be that when he first entered the plane, the time and space were disordered.

Hua Mengluo was shocked when she heard this, "Injured? Who did it? Is it serious?"

"It's okay." Rong Jiu shook his head.

"Dare to hurt you, I'm impatient to live, tell me who the other party is, let me see my mother lead the disciples of the sect, and destroy him." Hua Mengluo rolled up her sleeves and said angrily.

"It's too late, the other party has already turned into a pile of bones." After Rong Jiu finished speaking, he bit the last candied haws in his mouth.

After hearing this, Hua Mengluo stared wide-eyed, " you use acacia to kill him?"

Outsiders don't know, but Hua Mengluo knows it very well.

Although the suzerain created the Hehuan Jue, she herself hates men very much, so she never touches men.

Later, she had a deep-rooted affection for Lu Xiuyuan, and she had never met a man.

This time... a narrow escape, shouldn't it be?
Hiss—what the hell is the sudden thought of being unclean.

Rongjiu looked at Hua Mengluo's heartbroken expression, feeling a little inexplicable.

But he shook his head honestly, "It's useless."

Although the original owner created the Hehuan Jue, he never used it.

Seeing Rongjiu shaking her head, Hua Mengluo breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay, cub...ah bah, the suzerain is still pure and pure.

"Then, how did you narrowly escape?" Hua Mengluo looked at Rong Jiu curiously and asked.

"A little fairy saved me." Rong Jiu blinked and said to Hua Mengluo.

"Really? Little fairy can beat someone you can't even beat, isn't she very powerful?" Hua Mengluo became interested, and looked at Rongjiu with burning eyes.

"Looks good." Rong Jiu only answered two words.

"Really? What does it look like? What's your name? Where are you from?" Hua Mengluo looked at Rong Jiu with her chin propped up.

Rong Jiu shook his head, "I don't know."

After hearing this, Hua Mengluo sighed with regret, thinking that she could witness the beauty of the little fairy with her own eyes.

As soon as the strongest cheat came out of the system space, he heard the whole process of Rong Jiu fooling Hua Mengluo.

 Good night

(End of this chapter)

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