Chapter 188 The hero, you are gone 16
Qi Yue sat at the side, listening to the two talking, squinted her eyes slightly, her eyes were dark red, her hand holding the folding fan was tighter and tighter, and her breath became more and more oppressive.

Liao Yan was sitting next to Qi Yue, seeing the oppressive aura on his body, she rolled her eyes helplessly, stretched out her hand, and tugged at Qi Yue's sleeve.

Qi Yue turned her head and glanced lightly at Liao Yan's hand that was pulling his sleeve.

Liao Yan coughed lightly, and said silently, "Calm down."

Qi Yue ignored Liao Yan, but turned her head and continued to stare at Rong Jiu.

Xuanyan, that hypocrite, what strategy can he use?
After Rongjiu and Xuanyan chatted for a while, the competition officially started.

Xuanyan then turned her attention to Dabi.

Rong Jiu tilted his head slightly, looking at Xuan Yan.

After a long while, he looked away, closed his eyes, and played with his hands.

Every word and deed, every frown and smile, are exactly the same as Dr. Mu.

Just... coincidence?

Seeing that Rongjiu and Xuanyan hadn't chatted any more, Qi Yue looked a little better, propped her chin with one hand, leaned over, and leaned closer to Rongjiu, "I didn't know that Master Rong and His Majesty Xuanyan are so familiar."

Rong Jiu raised his eyelids, and glanced sideways at Qi Yue.

When she turned her head, she met a pair of eyes that were hazy, deep and sparkling like water.

The expression is blurred and profound, which is addictive.

Rong Jiu was shaken for a moment, blinked, and looked away from Qi Yue.

With a slight smile on the corner of Qi Yue's mouth, she looked at Rong Jiu.

"Qiang Zai, who is this Qi Yue?"

There is no mention of Qi Yue in the script, let alone the sect of Xuanyue Sect.

The original owner did have some information about Xuan Yuezong in his memory, but very little.

For example, Xuanyue Sect is the second sect of cultivating immortals, and the suzerain's name is Qi Yue.

Then, nothing else.

When I came into contact with Qi Yue yesterday, I felt that his cultivation base was unfathomable, even, it might be higher than Xuanyan.

Therefore, No.1 in mainland China is really not Xuanyan.

"Qi Yue is actually Demon Lord Qiyue, and Xuanyue Sect is Qiyue's hidden stake in the cultivation world. The entire Xuanyue Sect is full of demon cultivators." Seeing that the big baby needed him, he immediately crawled from the system space come out.

After hearing this, Rong Jiu blinked, Demon Lord Qiyue?

No wonder, the cultivation base is so high.

After all, he is a villain, and his cultivation base is not high enough to fight the protagonist.

"Didn't the Xuanyue Sect also have disciples who came to participate in the big competition? I don't think they have any demon energy on them."

"Don't you know that? Among the demons, the phantoms are good at hiding. As long as they want to hide, let alone people who are cultivators, even members of the demons will not be able to detect their identities." The strongest cheater faced Rong Wine lane.

It's the first time for the big baby to ask so many questions, ahahaha, today is also a day when I feel that I am very useful.

"Phantom? Hide?" Rong Jiu stretched out his hand, supported his head, and looked at the competition stage.

There were hundreds of competition tables, and many disciples of Xuan Yuezong participated in the competition.

Rong Jiu swept his eyes over them one by one.

It seems that it is really undetectable.

"Is there any way to tell the difference?"

"Unfortunately, Ben Qiangqiang doesn't have this function." The strongest plug-in said with regret.

"It turns out that you guys are not omnipotent." Rong Jiu said casually.

The strongest cheat "... who said that?! My adults will tell the difference."

After hearing this, Rong Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Your lord?"

"My lord, but the first founder of the Quick Transmigration Bureau, one of the Nine Gods of the Upper Realm, and the maker of this strong one." The strongest cheater straightened his small chest and said with a stinking face.

Rong Jiu "..." I didn't come to hear you praise your adults, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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