Chapter 191 The hero, you are gone 19
After hearing this, Rong Jiu looked at Qi Yue's gaze with undisguised disgust.

Seeing this, Qi Yue stretched out her hand and touched her nose embarrassingly.

Rong Jiu withdrew his gaze, squeezed the teacup, brought it to his mouth, and took a sip.

Seeing that Rongjiu stopped talking, Qiyue propped her chin with one hand, played with the folding fan with the other, and stared straight into Rongjiu's eyes.

The kid's eyes are so pretty.

Rongjiu didn't speak, and Qiyue didn't speak, they just looked at Rongjiu quietly.

Soon, Xiao Er brought the food.

When Rong Jiu saw the food, he had no time to talk to Qi Yue.

Rong Jiu immersed herself in the cooking, and Qi Yue watched Rong Jiu eat with her chin up.

Seeing Qiyue's idiot-like face, the strongest cheater shook his head, and said, "I'm not active in cooking, and I have a problem with my thinking."

Rong Jiu raised his eyes and glanced at Qi Yue when he heard the words of the strongest cheater.

Then nod in agreement.


However, that's fine too.

In this way, the little fairy can eat alone.

Seeing Rongjiu looking up at her, Qiyue's expression changed, she blinked at Rongjiu, and made a one-eyed wink.

Rong Jiu didn't seem to notice, he lowered his head and continued to eat hard.

Seeing this, Qiyue not only doubted in her heart, but the charm of this deity has declined?

Still not attractive enough to eat?


After a meal, Qi Yue didn't take a few mouthfuls, all of which was eaten by Rongjiu.

Rongjiu is very satisfied with this.

Neither paid for it, but also ate two portions for one person.

Fan friends like Qiyue can be kidnapped for long-term appointments.

After dinner, Rong Jiu bought a lot of food in the town.

Waiting for Rongjiu to gather enough food, he sacrificed Feijian and planned to go back to Wuwangzong.

Qi Yue glanced at her stomach, is it really okay for a cultivator to have such a heavy appetite?
Rong Jiu tilted his head, glanced at Qi Yue with clear eyes, "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Facing Shang Rongjiu's gaze, Qi Yue raised her eyebrows.

Although the eyes are clear and clean, why do they always have a kind of listless feeling?
With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he nodded slightly at Rongjiu, "Since Sect Master Rong kindly invites you, then this deity will not be disrespectful."

Rong Jiu curled his lips and flew onto the flying sword first.

Qi Yue was afraid that Rong Jiu would regret it, so she immediately flew up to follow.

The two stood on the flying sword and flew towards Wuwangzong all the way.

There is a protective array outside the Wuwangzong, and if you don't pass through the gate, you can't fly in.

The two fell at the gate of the sect.

Before entering the gate, Luo Xinyan came out of the sect with an anxious expression on her face.

Seeing Rong Jiu, Luo Xinyan hurriedly walked up to Rong Jiu, "Sect Master, something happened, you should go and have a look."

As he said that, he took Rongjiu and walked into the sect.

Qiyue took steps to keep up.

After entering Wuwangzong's sect, Luo Xinyan was the first to sacrifice the flying sword, and flew onto the sword with Rong Jiu.

"This morning, two disciples disappeared under my sect. Meng Luo and I sent people to search for them. We found them at the back mountain of Wuwangzong Luoxue Peak before a stick of incense. It's just..." Speaking of this, Luo Xinyan didn't say any more.

Rong Jiu blinked and looked at Luo Xinyan, "It's gone?"

Why do people nowadays like to talk half-spoken?
"You'd better go and see for yourself." Said, speeding up Yu Jian's speed.

Standing on the enlarged folding fan, Qiyue followed beside the two of them, and when she heard Luo Xinyan's words, she narrowed her eyes slightly.

Luo Xuefeng?
Soon, Luo Xinyan landed on the back mountain of Luo Xuefeng with Yujian.

At this time, the mountain behind Luoxue Peak was full of people, onlookers, as well as the suzerains of various sects.

"Sovereign, are you here?" Hua Mengluo asked immediately when she saw Rong Jiu's figure.

(End of this chapter)

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