Chapter 197 The hero, you are gone 25
Lu Xiuyuan shook his head at Xuanyan, "No, I haven't even met a disciple of the Luohua Sect."

When Xuanyan heard this, she took a deep look at Lu Xiuyuan, and after a while, she opened her lips and said, "You better not lie."

After speaking, he took out his flying sword and flew towards the four people in the air.

Lu Xiuyuan looked at Xuanyan's back, tightened his hands under the sleeves, his back was cold.

Outsiders thought Xuan Yanzun was a cold and refined person, but Lu Xiuyuan knew that there was another side to him.


Rongjiu hadn't fought for a long time, and finally had the opportunity to exercise his muscles and bones, so he didn't use all his strength immediately.

Picked Elder Lu, who seemed to have a higher cultivation base, to fight.

Seeing that Rongjiu fought Elder Lu with ease, Qiyue restrained Sect Master Tang so that he could not help Elder Lu.

Originally, a very harmonious scene, but because of Xuan Yan's joining, it seemed less harmonious.

Xuanyan did not confront Shang Rongjiu or Qiyue, but stopped Elder Lu from making a move.

Seeing this, Rong Jiu had no intention of stopping at all, swung his sword, and slashed straight at Xuan Yan and Elder Lu.

Elder Lu pulled Xuanyan aside, "Are you crazy? Do you think that little lunatic will show mercy to you?"

Xuanyan didn't expect that when Rongjiu saw him, he didn't intend to stop at all.

Seeing that the two of them avoided, Rong Jiu stuck out his tongue against the small fangs, "You two go up together."

Fighting alone with that old man was a bit disappointing.

After all, Xuanyan is also a strong mainlander in name, so he shouldn't be weak, right?
Looking at Xuanyan, there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

Xuanyan met Shang Rongjiu's eager gaze, and his heart froze, as if blocked by something.

Elder Lu glanced sideways at Xuanyan, "What do you think is the chance of winning?"

"Almost none." Xuanyan said truthfully.

Elder Lu "..." Then hit him with a hammer!
Seeing that the two started chatting, Rong Jiu raised his sword and slashed at them.

I simply don't pay attention to the little fairy, how can I chat during the fight?

Xuanyan and Rongjiu had no choice but to fight with Rongjiu.

Qiyue was fighting Sect Master Tang, and she squinted at Rongjiu's situation from the corner of her vision.

"Old man Lu, Xuanyan, you two are too shameless to beat a little girl together? Are you not afraid of being ridiculed by others?" Qi Yue slowly approached Rongjiu while fighting Sect Master Tang.

Elder Lu & Xuanyan "..." The current situation is... we can't make a choice!
If you don't fight, this little lunatic...she might really kill them, okay?

When she got close to Rongjiu, Qi Yuefei walked up to Rongjiu and said, "I'll do it, you go and rest."

Rong Jiu "..." These days, are there still people fighting with the little fairy?
Looking at the three people restrained by Qiyue, Rongjiu put away the sword in his hand a little depressed, "I won't fight anymore."

Hearing this, Qi Yue immediately retracted the fan.

The three of Xuanyan also withdraw their hands together.

Qi Yue looked at Rong Jiu, "Why didn't you suddenly stop fighting?"

Rong Jiu didn't want to pay attention to Qi Yue, and turned around, leaving only the back of his head.

Seeing this, Qi Yue rubbed her nose.

Didn't mess with her today.

"Sect Master Rong, why did you suddenly attack my disciples?" Tang Sect Master asked, looking at Rong Jiu.

"Lu Xiuyuan harmed four of my disciples, and asked Sect Master Tang to hand them over." Rong Jiu raised his eyes, looked at Sect Master Tang and said.

"Nonsense, Xiu Yuan is all about goodness, how could he harm your disciples." It's true that Elder Lu couldn't beat Rong Jiu, but he didn't believe that his disciples would do such nasty things.

(End of this chapter)

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