Chapter 199 The hero, you are gone 27
But in the blink of an eye, the bodies of the two disciples began to burn.

Rong Jiu waved his hand and broke up the virtual mirror.

The picture disappeared, and the last picture was the scene where the bodies of the two disciples were burning.

"Elder Lu, do you have anything to say now?" Rong Jiu looked at Elder Lu and asked.

Elder Lu was stunned and didn't react for a long time.

Sect Master Tang was also stunned.

Seeing this, Rong Jiu didn't wait for the answer from the two, but lowered his head and looked towards the ground.

Several people were still flying in the air, when Rong Jiu lowered his head, he saw Lu Xiuyuan fleeing among the crowd.

Flipping his palm lightly, a rope flew out from his wide sleeve and flew straight towards Lu Xiuyuan.

Lu Xiuyuan, who was fleeing in the crowd, was about to unleash his flying sword and fly away when suddenly, the sound of breaking wind came from his ears.

Looking back, he saw a rope flying straight towards him.

Eyes wide open, he raised his sword and slashed straight at the rope.

Before the sword had time to miss the rope, his whole body could not move.

I saw that the rope tightly bound Lu Xiuyuan as if he had self-awareness.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Falling Flower Sect surrounded Lu Xiuyuan with their swords.

Rong Jiu flew and landed in front of Lu Xiuyuan.

Several people flying in the sky also flew to the ground one after another.

Rong Jiu walked up to Lu Xiuyuan slowly, "A disciple of my Luo Hua Sect?"

"I don't." Lu Xiuyuan immediately replied, still struggling to get the rope.

"Just now we all saw clearly in the virtual mirror, and you still quibble." Hua Mengluo raised her foot and kicked Lu Xiuyuan's leg.

Lu Xiuyuan staggered, nearly fell, barely stood still, and said angrily, "That's fake!"

Seeing this, Qiyue turned her hands together to fold the fan, looked at Lu Xiuyuan, and clicked her tongue lightly.

Isn't it the hero, that's it?
Luo Xinyan stretched out her hand and grabbed Lu Xiuyuan's neck, "If you kill my disciple, you will have to pay in blood."

"I...cough cough, there is no... fake." Lu Xiuyuan blushed.

Seeing this, Luo Xinyan increased her strength.

There was a sound of breaking wind, Luo Xinyan threw Lu Xiuyuan to the ground, avoiding the sword stabbing at her.

"Nangong Menghan, the thing that deceives the master and destroys the ancestors." Hua Mengluo saw the person who attacked Luo Xinyan clearly, picked up the sword, and started fighting with Nangong Menghan.

Seeing this, Rong Jiu didn't intend to do anything, and looked at Nangong Menghan and Hua Mengluo who were fighting together.

Seeing that Rongjiu had no intention of making a move, Luo Xinyan also stood aside and watched the battle.

When Hua Mengluo started to lose the wind, Luo Xinyan raised her sword and joined the fight.

Even if Hua Mengluo and Luo Xinyan worked together, they were faintly at a disadvantage.

Hua Mengluo frowned, unexpectedly, in just over two months, Nangong Menghan's cultivation was so high.

Luo Xinyan's complexion was also not very good-looking, she straightened her face, and seriously flirted with Nangong Menghan.

Qiyue played with the folding fan, and put it close to Rongjiu's ear, "No shot?"

Rong Jiu shook his head, and continued to look at the three fighting together.

Seeing that Rong Jiu had no intention of fighting, Qi Yue stood beside Rong Jiu and watched the battle with Rong Jiu.

On the other side, Elder Lu, who had come to his senses, strode up to Lu Xiuyuan, "Xiuyuan, tell me, Master, did you kill the disciples of the Falling Flower Sect?"

"Master, I... I really don't." Lu Xiuyuan shook his head at Elder Lu.

He also didn't know why his appearance appeared in that virtual mirror.

Moreover, he didn't know Nangong Menghan at all.

He didn't understand.

"How do you explain it in the virtual mirror?" Elder Lu said with a sullen face, his voice a bit depressed.

"I... I don't know." Lu Xiuyuan shook his head, looking a little frustrated.

 Good night)
(End of this chapter)

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