Chapter 222 The hero, you are gone 50
"Oh, in the world of comprehension, ten years and a hundred years is just a blink of an eye." The strongest cheat waved his hand.

Rongjiu "..." Ah this...

Forget it, ten or a hundred years is also pretty good.

Holding his chin, he continued to watch Qiyue's cooking.

Qiyue turned her head by chance, and saw Rongjiu looking at him with her chin raised, the corner of her mouth hooked, she turned her head and continued cooking.

In the days that followed, a certain incognito Mozun stayed at the Falling Flower Sect and did not leave.

He became the first man in Luohuazong to come and go freely.

Rongjiu also changed the clan rules, abolishing the Jubilee Art, after all, if this spell is used, it will cause karma.

He has a good feeling for Hua Mengluo and Luo Xin, so he helped them both get Taoism and immortality as soon as possible.

Rongjiu's several fights in Wuwangzong quickly spread throughout the cultivation world.

Gradually, no one dared to mention that the Fallen Flower Sect was an affair of the Evil Sect, at least publicly.


In a blink of an eye, three years have passed.

"Qi Yue, I'm hungry." Rong Jiu pushed open the door of Qi Yue's room and said something.

However, when the door was pushed open, there was no one in the room.

Rong Jiu paused for a moment, leaned against the door, and scanned the entire room carefully, but still did not find Qi Yue.

"Qi Yue?" He raised his foot and walked into the room.

"Sect Master, Sect Master Qi's sect has something to do, so he left early in the morning." Hua Mengluo walked in with food in her hand, "Here, I made a meal for you before leaving."

"Let's go?" Rong Jiu muttered in a low voice.

"Should we eat here or go back to your room?" Hua Mengluo asked.

"Go back to the room." After Rongjiu finished speaking, he took the tray from Hua Mengluo's hand, "I'll do it myself."

Hua Mengluo looked at the handsome back of Rongjiu leaving, and shook her head helplessly, Sect Master Qi is really pitiful, three years, coming here is not as important as a meal.


Xuanyuezong, the suzerain hall.

"What's going on?" Qiyue asked casually, playing with the folding fan in her hand, lying lazily halfway on the seat.

"In one night, hundreds of male disciples died, and the murderer was a man in black. Those disciples all died from... the acacia technique." Speaking of the acacia technique, Liao Yan paused for a while.

"Acacia technique?" Qi Yue tapped lightly on the folding fan.

"Yes, moreover, that man in black looks exactly like Sect Master Rong." When Liao Yan said this, he even looked up at Qi Yue's face.

Hearing this, Qi Yue paused slightly with her lightly tapping fingers on the folding fan, and slightly narrowed her long and narrow eyes.

"During the fight, some disciples used the photo stone, and the subordinates also saw it, and it was indeed exactly the same as Sect Master Rong." Liao Yan continued.

"Shadow Stone."

Hearing this, Liao Yan immediately took out the photo stone.

Stretching out his hand, Void grasped it, and the Photo Stone flew into Qiyue's palm.

Mobilize the spiritual power, inject it into the photo stone, and soon, the picture of last night appeared on the photo stone.

A woman in a black cloak shuttled among the disciples holding magical artifacts.

I can't quite see how it was shot, and a large number of disciples will fall wherever they pass.

In the end, none of the disciples who participated in the fight survived.

I saw the woman squatting next to the corpses of the disciples, one by one, absorbing the spiritual power, energy and blood in their bodies.

After a stick of incense, all the disciples turned into mummies, lying in disorder on the training ground.

The person in the black cloak closed her eyes slightly, raised her head, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Because of this movement, the photo stone clearly engraved her entire face.

That face was exactly the same as Rong Jiu's.

Looking at the face in the photo stone, Qi Yue narrowed her eyes slightly.

"My lord, this murderer..."

(End of this chapter)

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