Chapter 231 Extra Story, Transition

One second before, Rongjiu was chasing the sky, and the next second he was sent back to the system space.

"What's going on?" She hasn't even fought Tiandao yet.

"The derivation world's suppression of you is no longer effective. You are rejected by the world consciousness. In order to prevent that world from collapsing, I have no choice but to bring you back to the system space."

"Can I go back?" Rong Jiu lowered his eyes and subconsciously stroked the necklace on his neck.

"No, if you go back, that world will collapse." The strongest cheater looked regretful.

"Then... what about Qiyue?" She hadn't said goodbye to him yet.

I promised to protect him, now...

"The underworld sent people to negotiate with Tiandao. Tiandao agreed not to kill the original creatures, and would choose a new hero and heroine from the original life." The strongest plug-in explained.

"Oh." Rong Jiu responded lightly, "Qiyue, he is all right."

"Don't worry, baby, he ascended within 500 years after you left." The strongest plug-in said.


"Then I'll update the mission data." He said, updating the mission data about Rongjiu.

"Name: Rongjiu
Age: visual estimate 18
Gender: visual female
Force value: -99999+ by visual inspection (the current situation is that the visual inspection may be wrong)

Bloodline: visual inspection of a ghost

Skills: Visual inspection may have a little bit of other things besides cooked rice (⊙x⊙)
Mental power: visually -99999+
Others: currently unavailable

Points: 80/520”

"Congratulations baby, another task has been completed."

"Papa papa" the strongest slap sounded.

"Let's enter the new world of missions." Rong Jiu let go of the necklace that was held in her hands for a long time but was still cold, closed her eyes and said.

"Okay, start teleporting, please help the big baby and go to jail..."


"Your Majesty, this is the book you want." Liao Yan took out a jade slip and handed it to Qi Yue.

Qi Yue took the jade slip from Liao Yan's hand, "Go down."

Liao Yan withdrew.

More than 400 years ago, after the disappearance of Sovereign Rong, His Majesty was in a downturn for a long time, and many people even thought that His Majesty was crazy.

Then one day, His Majesty suddenly began to collect ancient books that recorded anecdotes and strange events.

Concentrate on research, so far, hundreds of years are like a day.


"Little ghost, I have learned a lot of new dishes, when will you come and try them?"

"Do you not remember the way back? If you can't remember, just tell me in a dream."

"I'll pick you up."


One day, above the Hall of the Venerable Lord, suddenly dark clouds were densely covered, and it was full of black clouds.

"The Master has ascended!"

Liao Yan hurried to the Suzerain Hall, and saw Qi Yue wrapped in a black robe.

"My lord, are you... going to ascend?"

Entered the catastrophe hundreds of years ago, stayed here for so many years, now, finally decided to ascend?
"I dreamed of a little ghost, she said, it's too lonely alone on Huangquan Road, I have to go with her."

Liao Yan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, "Your Majesty, you are..."

I saw a flash of white light, a crack appeared in front of my eyes, Qi Yue, who was dressed in a black robe, jumped into it.

Everyone thought that Mozun Qiyue had ascended, and only Liao Yan knew that he was missing.

Maybe, he really ascended, maybe he went to find the girl he had been thinking about for hundreds of years.


On this day, a man in a black robe came by the Wanchuan River in the underworld.

"Did any of you see my wine? I lost her."

She said in her dream that she was hungry and wanted to eat the meal he cooked.

[Qiyue's story has a follow-up, so stay tuned...]

 Not surprisingly, the hero and heroine of the next plane will be together
(End of this chapter)

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