Chapter 233 Idiot, You Deceived 2
Standing were three teenagers, a girl, and a ragged and dirty boy lying on the ground.

"Little fool, come and bark like a dog, and bark for the princess." A young man held a small wooden stick and poked the person lying on the ground.

"Hey, he stared at me, how dare he stare at me." Lifting his foot, he kicked the person on the ground.

The person shrunk into a ball on the ground let out a muffled grunt, and stretched out his arms to hug and kick his own leg, with a hint of ruthlessness.

He pressed his head between the legs of the boy who kicked him, and bit him hard.

"Ah!" The boy whose legs were hugged screamed.

"He bites, this idiot actually bites." Seeing this, the other two teenagers immediately stepped forward and kicked the man on the ground one by one.

The boy lying on the ground didn't intend to let go, and bit the boy's leg fiercely.

"Quick, pull away, pull him away."

The other two teenagers pulled him away.

The boy was forcibly pulled away, and the bitten boy raised his foot and kicked the boy hard on the stomach.

Seeing this, the other two teenagers raised their feet and started kicking around the teenager.

The boy curled up in pain, hugged his head, and whimpered softly.


Rong Jiu and the others stopped, just in time to see the young man who huddled into a ball and sobbed softly.

"Your Highness, it's the sixth princess who brought other protons to bully the Yang country protons." The female officer stepped forward and explained to Rong Jiu.

Seeing this, Rong Jiu's expression didn't fluctuate.

He just responded lightly, then looked away, and continued to walk forward.

Seeing Rongjiu's appearance, the female officer was taken aback for a moment.

In the past, Her Royal Highness would have taken care of these things when she saw them, but today, why not?

Rong Jiu took a few steps forward, the whimpering and cursing in his ears continued.

For some reason, a trace of irritability suddenly appeared in my heart, and I stopped.

Seeing this, the people behind Rong Jiu stopped immediately.

Rong Jiu turned around and strode towards several people.

"Look if I don't kill you, a fool dares to bite me."

"kill him."

"You little bastard, you actually learned how to bite, kill him."


"Stop!" The female officer Xue Rong who was following Rong Jiu yelled.

After hearing this, several people immediately stopped their movements.

"Big...Elder Sister." The sixth princess was stunned when she saw Rong Jiu.

"I've seen Your Highness the Empress." The other protons knelt down when they heard the sixth empress addressing Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu ignored them, but went straight to the boy lying on the ground.

The boy felt that the beating man had stopped, his eyes were exposed from under his elbows, and he looked around vigilantly.

Looking at Shang Rongjiu's clean eyes, the young man was taken aback for a moment, let go of his elbow in a daze, and said, "Are you... sister fairy?"

Rong Jiu was also slightly taken aback when he met the young man's clean and ignorant eyes.

He stopped, squatted down slowly, his eyes were slightly bright, "You, can you cook?"

The young man stared blankly at Rong Jiu, unable to react for a while.

Rongjiu reached out and stroked the boy's arm.

The young man retracted his hand slightly, but he didn't retract it in the end. He looked at Rongjiu's hand curiously, "Warm... warm."

Not feeling the familiar soul wave, Rong Jiu was disappointed for a moment, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

Standing up, he glanced lightly at the few people who kept saluting beside him, and said lightly, "An eyesore."

Several people trembled slightly.

"From now on, don't bully Yang Guo's proton again." Rong Jiu dropped such a sentence casually, stepped up, and left.

The boy who was lying on the ground immediately turned over and stood up, limping and trotting to keep up with Rongjiu, "Sister Fairy."

 It is clearly said to be free, but I don’t know what went wrong, it’s still charging, I’ve already responded to the editor, and I’m still waiting for news
  I don’t know what’s going on in the background, it’s annoying (︿)
  It's [-] today, good night
(End of this chapter)

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