Chapter 244 Idiot, You Deceived 13
After reading the contents of the note, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his face and mouth.

"Elder Sister is really, actually getting into trouble with the Queen Mother because of a fool." She shook her head regretfully as she spoke.

The smile on the corner of the female officer's mouth deepened, "Your Highness, what should we do now?"

"Let's solve the flood problem here in Nanqi first." With obvious joy on her face, she said to the female officer, "Let the people in the imperial capital continue to pay attention to Rongjiu's movements."

"Yes." The female officer cupped her hands against her face and stepped back.


"Your Highness, is it really okay for us to run out like this?" Xue Rong looked at a bunch of candied haws in his left hand, a bunch of candied haws in his right, and a Qiyue Rongjiu hanging behind him, with a depressed expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" Rong Jiu bit a candied haws and said vaguely.

"If His Majesty finds out, will His Majesty be blamed?" Xue Rong followed behind Rong Jiu with a bitter face.

"If you don't tell me, if I don't tell you, how would she know that we came out." Rong Jiu replied casually, then looked sideways at Qi Yue, "Is it delicious?"

"Sweet." Qi Yue said to Rong Jiu with a smile.

"Sweet is right." Rong Jiu nodded, "Later, I will take you to a big meal."

Hearing this, Qi Yue's eyes lit up, and she nodded.

Xue Rong looked at the two people in front of her, her temples throbbing with pain.

Just walking on the street in such a swaggering way, it is estimated that by now, the news has already reached the ears of the Queen.

After Rong Jiu finished eating a bunch of candied haws, he stretched out his hand to grab Qi Yue's wrist, and walked towards the restaurant not far away, Xue Rong immediately followed.


In the palace, in the imperial garden.

Standing by the railing with a vessel in her hand, Rong Qi threw a handful of fish food into the lake from time to time.

A black shadow fell behind Rong Qi, "Your Highness."

"What?" Rong Qi asked lightly.

"The princess has left the palace." Hei Ying whispered to Rong Qi's ear.

Rong Qi's hand holding the tableware tightened.

Hei Ying leaned close to Rong Qi's ear and whispered a few more words.

"Huh, huh, huh!" Because the hands holding the food utensils were too hard, a lot of fish food in the food utensils spilled out, and some fell into the pond, causing small ripples in circles, which attracted the fish to compete for food. The tail slapped the water surface, making a rattling sound.

After Hei Ying finished speaking, he stepped aside and stood still without speaking again.

Rong Qi's fingers holding the food utensils turned slightly white, but the expression on his face didn't change much.

After a while, he said lightly, "Keep staring."

The black shadow responded with a sound, and disappeared into the darkness.

Rong Qi looked at the fish fighting for food in the pond, half-closed her eyes, and said calmly, "The fish even know how to fight for food, this boss is really getting worse and worse."

Hearing the words, the female officer standing aside raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Rong Qi's face.

Can't see the slightest anger.

Although she couldn't see the anger, it was certain that Rong Qi was unhappy.

"Qingyu, tell me, this Yan'er is still dealing with the flood in Nanqi, what about Jiu'er, she still has the mind to eat, drink and have fun."

"His Royal Highness always cares about the world. Recently, she may be in a bad mood." The female officer Qingyu said respectfully.

"You're in a bad mood?" Rong Qi's tone didn't fluctuate, she just said something lightly.

Qingyu lowered her head and didn't speak again.

She has never been able to figure out the Queen's mind.

Especially recently, Her Royal Highness is too abnormal, and Her Majesty's reaction is not normal.

If you want to say that you have a preference for Her Royal Highness, but you can't see how much preference you have.

If you say you don't like Her Majesty the Crown Princess, then she is more indulgent to Her Majesty than other imperial daughters.

(End of this chapter)

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