Chapter 262 Idiot, You Deceived 31
However, after Rong Jiu said so, Rong Yan naturally couldn't say anything more, and said with a smile, "Then it's settled."

Left and right, she won't lose in appearance.

Rong Jiu frowned when he heard this, and a cunning flashed in his eyes, "Then, let's get started."

If you win the first floor in the world, you can go there to eat and drink for nothing in the future.

"If the two princesses don't mind, the last general will be the referee." Luo Qin said suddenly.

"I don't know if this humble minister can join in the fun and become a referee." As soon as Luo Qin finished speaking, a voice came from behind Luo Qin.

Rong Jiu followed the prestige and saw a woman in a well-dressed outfit.

The person who came was Li Guo's prime minister, the queen's sister Su Ying, and the original owner's aunt Su Huan.

"For people who practice martial arts, why are you a civil servant to join in the fun." Luo Qin said, feeling a little disdainful towards Su Huan.

With a smile on the corner of Su Huan's mouth, he ignored Luo Qin, but looked at his face with gentle eyes, "Third Princess, what do you think?"

"Since the prime minister has spoken, I will not refuse you." Rong Yan said with a smile.

The corner of Su Huan's mouth curled up before he looked at Rongjiu, "Be careful, winning or losing the game is not important."

"Don't worry, aunt, Xiaojiu won't get hurt." Rongjiu said to Su Huan with a smile.

"Then, let's start." Su Huan looked at Rongyan and said.

Rong Yan whipped her whip, rode her horse, and galloped into the woods, followed by a group of guards.

"Be careful in everything." Su Huan told Rong Jiu again.

Rong Jiu nodded slightly, and with one foot, pinched the horse's belly, and galloped towards the woods.

Both Luo Qin and Su Huan got on their horses, led the horses, and went into the woods.

As soon as Rongjiu and Rongyan left, the spectators began to mount their horses and enter the woods.

Outside the camp, there are only some guards and people who are not skilled in martial arts, just come to join in the fun.

With her hands behind her back, Rong Qi looked into the distance, looking in the direction where everyone disappeared.

In the eyes, the look is inexplicable.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go hunting in the woods?" the female officer who followed Rong Qi asked.

"Go." Rong Qi came back to her senses and replied with one word, "Bring my bow."

Upon hearing this, the female officer turned around and walked into the tent.

Rong Qi was good at fighting when she was young, and she was good at fighting. Every year in the autumn hunting, none of them was lost.

This year, naturally it will not fall.

The female officer quickly fetched the bow and arrow, and handed it to Rong Qi with both hands.

Rong Qi took the bow and arrow, walked to the side of the horse, got on the horse, led a group of people, and headed for the forest in a mighty manner.

The place where the autumn hunting took place was the royal garden, which is very extensive. So far, no one has visited the entire forest.

There is no danger in the outskirts of the forest.

But the deepest part of the forest is unknown.

Once Rongjiu, who promised to bring a tiger back to Qiyue, entered the forest, he headed towards the deepest part of the forest.

"Your Highness, don't go any further, there might be some ferocious beasts inside." Xueying followed Rongjiu on a horse, and said loudly to Rongjiu's back.

"Go hunting, don't follow me anymore." Rong Jiu said, waving his whip, and the horse galloped quickly.

Xueying was stunned for a moment, and immediately pinched the horse's stomach, and caught up with Rongjiu, "Your Highness, don't want to be alone."

Rong Jiu didn't seem to hear Xueying's voice, so he rode his horse and galloped towards the depths of the dense forest.

No matter how Xueying and the others pursued, they just couldn't catch up.

In the end, it was lost directly.

Xueying frowned, "You take a group of people to the left, and I'll go to the right. Don't hurt His Highness."


(End of this chapter)

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