Chapter 269 Idiot, You Deceived 38
"Go." Rong Jiu nodded.

"Have you met a tiger?" Rong Qi asked while looking at Rong Jiu.

"Are there any tigers in the royal garden?" Rong Jiu didn't answer Rong Qi's question, but suddenly asked, "Whether you have encountered one, the empress should know better than my son."

When Rong Qi heard Rong Jiu's answer, she fell into silence for a while. After a while, she suddenly opened her mouth and said to Rong Jiu, "I guess I'm tired after hunting all day. Go back and rest."

Rong Jiu cupped his hands at Rong Qi, then turned around and left.

Rong Qi looked at the back of Rong Jiu leaving, her eyes were darkened.

It wasn't until she couldn't see Rong Jiu that Rong Qi turned around and walked towards her tent.

Walking into the tent, he called out, "An Yi."

A black shadow fell in the tent.

Rong Qi walked up to Hei Ying, whispered a few words to Hei Ying.

The black shadow responded, stood up, flew a few times, and disappeared into the tent.

With her hands behind her back, Rong Qi looked towards the door of the tent, and murmured in a low voice, "Whether you can become a monarch or not, you shouldn't have weaknesses in the royal family."

Rong Qi's personal female officer came in, vaguely heard it, her footsteps paused, and her heart was filled with horror.

This is... whose weakness is to be eliminated?

A picture flashed in my mind.

At the beginning, the empress, who was still a prince, shot and killed Yao Fangjun, who was being held hostage by King Ling, with her own hands during the battle for the throne in King Yu Ling.

That was Rong Qi's favorite side prince when she was still a princess.

Rong Qi glanced at the female officer indifferently, "Go and transfer the dark three back."

"Yes." The female officer Qingyu replied, turned around and walked out of the tent.

Not long after, a dark shadow appeared in front of Rong Qi.

"What did the princess do today? Let me tell you one by one." Rong Qi looked at An San and said.

"This subordinate and An Si followed His Highness alone. At first, the empress and Xueying hunted together. Later, when they said they were going to hunt tigers, they went to the depths of the dense forest alone. The tiger's trace..." The third general Rongjiu's trace came slowly.

Mingming followed Rongjiu all the time, but the dark guard seemed to have forgotten what happened in the depths of the dense forest, and didn't mention a word.

Rong Qi heard the words, "You said, the princess can do light work?"

"Not only do you know how to do light work, but also... martial arts are not bad." An San said to Rong Qi.

When Rong Qi heard this, she narrowed her eyes, her expression was inexplicable, and she spoke after a while, "Continue to follow her, and come here once every night."

"Yes." The dark three agreed.

Rong Qi waved her hand, and the dark three withdrew.

After the dark three retreated, Rong Qi stood where she was, not moving for a long time.


The autumn hunt lasted for five days. On the first day, Rong Jiu won the No. [-] Under Heaven.

The other princesses only thought she was lucky, so they rushed up to compete with her.

The boss of the bets one by one, Rong Jiu felt sorry for himself if he didn't want to agree.


The next day, in a competition with the second princess, Rong Jiu won two rouge shops.

On the third day, Rongjiu won a teahouse in a competition with the four imperial daughters.

On the fourth day, compared with the fifth and sixth imperial daughters, she won a restaurant and a pastry shop.

Rongjiu cupped his hands at the fifth and sixth princesses who had ugly faces, and smiled sweetly and obediently, "Thank you two sisters, for understanding that the imperial sister can't open the pot in the palace these days, come to give the imperial sister warmth."

The fifth princess & the sixth princess "..." I can go to your place to send you some warmth.

The sixth princess snorted coldly, shook her sleeves and left.

The fifth emperor's daughter didn't look good, she turned around and left without saying a word.

 good night jzz('*) zzz
(End of this chapter)

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