Chapter 274 Idiot, You Deceived 43
Following Rong Qi's opening, the imperial guards moved and surrounded Rong Jiu one after another.

"Your Majesty, listen to my son's advice, it's better not to make a fuss." Rong Jiu said to Rong Qi with a sweet smile on his lips.

After finishing speaking, he turned his wrist, and there was a ball of white light in the palm of his hand, and he shot towards the Imperial Guard behind him.

Before the imperial guards could get close to Rongjiu, Qiqi was blown away by a gust of wind.

Flying straight out from the imperial study room, outside the imperial study room, there was the sound of body colliding with the floor, as well as the muffled sound of pain.

Rong Qi looked at the scene in front of her, her pupils shrank, and she suddenly looked at Rong Jiu.

The smile on the corner of Rongjiu's mouth was sweet and deadly. It was clear that there was no wind, but his long black hair seemed to have life, fluttering gently.

The pearl hairpin on the head swayed gently with the fluttering of the black hair, colliding with each other and jingling.

"What evil skills have you learned?" Rong Qi was sullen, her hands were clasped tightly on the corner of the table, her knuckles turned white, and she stared straight at Rong Jiu.

The smile on the corner of Rongjiu's mouth remained undiminished, "Evil work? Your Majesty, do you want to try it?"

When Rong Qi heard this, there was a trace of vigilance in her eyes, "Nie Zhan, I am your queen mother."

Rong Jiu withdrew his gaze from looking at Rong Qi, ignored Rong Qi, but took steps towards An Yi who was still lying on the ground unable to get up.

Rong Qi plucked the corner of the table with her fingers very hard. The wooden table seemed to be cracked by her strong fingers.

The imperial guard who had just been slapped out of the imperial study by Rong Jiu got up and rushed towards the imperial study again.

Rong Qi stretched out her hand and stopped the imperial guards, "Back off."

Seeing this, the imperial guards stopped one after another, stood guard outside the imperial study room, and watched the scene inside the imperial study room.

Rongjiu had already walked up to Anyi, squatted beside Anyi, opened his palms, and clasped them on top of Anyi's head.

"Ah!" Soon, An Yi screamed in pain.

The shrill scream resounded throughout the imperial study room, making one's scalp tingle after hearing it.

Rong Qi's eyes seemed to be poisoned, and she stared straight at Rong Jiu with a dark complexion.

When Rongjiu let go of An Yi, An Yi had already passed out from the pain.

Rong Jiu got up, and glanced at An Yi faintly at his feet.

He lifted his foot and kicked the person to the corner.

Just when Rong Qi thought that Rong Jiu was about to say something or do something, Rong Jiu's figure began to fade, and disappeared in the imperial study room in a blink of an eye.

All the imperial guards looked at each other, the female officer Qingyu stared at the place where Rongjiu disappeared, blinked, blinked again.

no one.

Rong Qi froze for a moment, unable to conceal her shock, staring fixedly at the place where Rong Jiu disappeared.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

No one, or no one.

There was a cold sweat on Rong Qi's back, and she was powerless all over. She slumped on the chair, and a sense of powerlessness and great fear rose in her heart.

Everything just now... is it true?

After Rongjiu's figure disappeared in the imperial study room, he appeared in the Tianchayuan that he had just taken a bite of.

"Big baby, have you... used the soul search technique?" the strongest cheater asked cautiously.

Rong Jiu ignored the strongest cheater, stood on the edge of the cliff, lowered his head, and looked towards the bottom of the cliff.

You can't see the end at a glance, and you can't see anything except endless darkness.

It's too deep, and if you go deep, you can't see anything clearly.

Seeing that Rongjiu was silent, he stopped talking.

Rongjiu stood on the edge of the cliff for a long time, finally closed his eyes, let go of his mental strength, and explored the surroundings and the bottom of the cliff.

As soon as the mental power is activated, it spreads out in all directions.

The spiritual force had only extended to less than 100 meters, and the entire world began to vibrate violently.

(End of this chapter)

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