Chapter 277 Idiot, You Deceived 46
"Your Highness, you are finally back, have you encountered any danger? Why did you become like this..." Seeing Rongjiu coming back, Xue Rong immediately asked.

"Xuerong." Looking at Xuerong, Rong Jiu called out, interrupting Xuerong's words.

"Your Highness." Xue Rong looked at Rong Jiu, her eyes were full of worry.

"I didn't find it." Rong Jiu looked straight at Xue Rong, his eyes that were clean and clear before were tinged with a trace of desolation.

Can't find the nerd anymore.

She searched all over Tianchayuan, but couldn't find it.

"It's good news that he didn't find it, it means that Mr. Qi Yue is still alive..." Xue Rong immediately comforted him.

After hearing this, Rong Jiu twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to smile the same as before.

However, I can't seem to laugh.

Stepping forward, she walked towards the room where Qi Yue lived before.

Seeing this, Xue Rong immediately followed, "Your Highness, this subordinate has already sent someone to look for it. As soon as there is news, I will report to Your Highness immediately."

"Let Su Cheng lead people to arrest a few people." Rong Jiu seemed not to hear Xue Rong's words, walked to the door of Qiyue's room, Rong Jiu turned around, and said something to Xue Rong.

"Your Highness, who do you want to arrest?"

Rong Jiu rolled over his wrist, and there was an extra piece of paper in his hand, "I want all these people, one... can't be missing."

Xue Rong was still surprised at the change in Rong Jiu's palm, and there was an extra piece of paper in front of her.

Xue Rong took the paper, which was filled with names.

"Tell Su Cheng, take them all to Tianzhuyuan in three days." After Rong Jiu finished speaking, he pushed open the door of Qi Yue's room and walked in.

Xue Rong wanted to say something more when she saw that Rong Jiu had closed the door.

Xue Rong looked at the closed door, moved her lips, and finally left with the paper in her hand.


"Thump, thump, thump..." There was a knock on the door of the dormitory, and after waiting for a long time, there was no sound from the hall.

"Your Highness, Third Young Master Su is asking to see you." Seeing that His Highness was silent, Xue Rong opened her mouth and said this.

Inside the hall, there was still no sound.

"Let me do it." With a warm smile on the corner of Rong Tiantian's mouth, she nodded slightly at Xuerong.

Seeing this, Xue Rong stood aside.

"Xiaojiu, it's me." The smile on the corner of Rong Tiantian's mouth remained unchanged.

There was still no movement in the hall.

Xue Rong breathed out lightly, "Third Young Master, Your Highness, she won't..."

"Squeak" Xue Rong said halfway, the door opened.

"Tiantian, come in." There was no one at the door, and the sound of wine came from the hall.

Rong Tiantian nodded, stepped forward, and walked into the hall.

Xue Rong froze for a moment, looked at Rong Tiantian, and then at the hall, it took a long while before she realized it.

"Your Highness, you..." Before he could finish speaking, the door of the palace was closed again by Rong Jiu.

Snow velvet "..."


"Why didn't you take medicine when you were injured?" Rong Tiantian asked, looking at Rongjiu who still had a small scar on his face.

"It will get better after all, it's just a matter of time." Rong Jiu sat on the couch by the window with bare feet, huddled in a corner of the couch, hugging his knees and resting his chin on his knees, not looking sweet, but It was staring out the window blankly.

Rong Tiantian sighed softly, "Xiaojiu, don't you think he has too much influence on you?"

Rong Jiu didn't speak, but continued to hug his knees, staring blankly out of the window.

There are several trees planted in the yard outside the window.

The autumn wind blows, and the leaves are rolled up by the wind, whirling in the air, one circle, one circle, another circle, and finally slowly fall to the ground.

Lie quietly on the ground.

If there is wind, just move gently, if there is no wind, just lie down quietly.

Seeing that Rongjiu ignored him, Rong Tiantian didn't care, "Do you still remember what the doctor said?"

 Good night)
(End of this chapter)

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