Chapter 287 Idiot, You Deceived 56
Before leaving, he did not forget to say to Ye Qi and Daren Li, "Elder Sister is drunk, I will send her to rest."

Ji Chen wrapped one arm around Rong Jiu's waist, and put one hand on Rong Jiu's shoulder, pressing Rong Jiu to his arms, and followed Rong Yan's footsteps.

Wait for the three of them to leave the room.

In the private room, there were only two people left.

Ye Qi tilted his head, looked at Li Daren and said, "Who is the idiot she is talking about?"

"I heard that it was a favorite monarch she once liked very much, but later, it seems to have died." Master Li replied.

Ye Qi withdrew his gaze, and continued to ask Lord Li, "Is that man similar to King Shen?"

"This minister is not very clear." Lord Li replied, "I heard that the name of that favored monarch is a forbidden word among the empress dowagers, so no one dares to tell about the favored monarch... Not much is known."

Hearing this, Ye Qi stretched out his finger and tapped lightly on the table.

It took a while before he opened his mouth and said, "Have you really found out Ji Chen's identity?"

"His identity was checked by the prime minister, so there should be no fakes." Lord Li said a little uncertainly, "Besides, he has so many subordinates, so he can't be mistaken, right?"

Ye Qi fell into silence upon hearing this.


On the other side, when the three of Rong Yan walked out of the private room, Xue Rong came up to them, "Your Highness is drunk again..."

Seeing Rong Jiu obediently leaning against Ji Chen's arms, Xue Rong froze for a moment.

Even if His Highness is drunk, he never lets others touch her, what happened today...

His gaze stayed on Ji Chen for a moment.

"Elder Sister is drunk, I remember she has a rest room on the first floor." Rong Yan looked at Xue Rong and said.

"Yes, yes, please follow me." The latter sentence was addressed to Ji Chen.

Ji Chen held Rongjiu's waist with one hand, pressed Rongjiu in his arms with the other, and followed Xuerong.

Walking outside the door of the rest room, Xue Rong pushed the door open and said to Ji Chen, "Your Highness, give me your Highness."

Ji Chen was reluctant in his heart, he hadn't hugged enough yet.

But still nodded slightly on the face, and loosened the hand that was loosely wrapped around Rong Jiu's waist.

Xue Rong reached out to help Rong Jiu, but just touched Rong Jiu's arm, Rong Jiu opened his eyes.

Drunk and hazy eyes with a hint of coldness stared straight at Xuerong.

Xuerong couldn't help shrinking her hands.

Rong Jiu withdrew his eyes lightly, stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around Ji Chen's waist, and continued to lean against Ji Chen's arms, "Dizziness."

Snow velvet "..."

Ji Chen's figure froze again, he tightly wrapped the hands around Rong Jiu's waist, and said to Xue Rong, "Let me do it."

Xue Rong nodded, "Then... trouble the prince."

Ji Chen nodded slightly, and helped Rong Jiu into the rest room.

Helping him to the side of the bed, Ji Chen said, "His Royal Highness, lie down and rest for a while."

"No." Rong Jiu said softly, standing by the bed, not letting go of Ji Chen's waist.

Ji Chen took a deep breath, "Lie down for a while."

"I don't sleep." Rong Jiu shook his head, like a child who doesn't want to sleep by himself, "Wake up, you have to go again."

"I... won't go." Ji Chen controlled the strength in his hand and said.

"Liar." Rong Jiu tightened his hands around Ji Chen's waist, "Big liar, I don't believe you, you always lie."

Ji Chen didn't dare to make any other moves, so he just stood there, letting Rong Jiu hug his waist tightly.

Slightly drooping eyes, the bottom of the eyes is full of darkness.

So... Who do you think he is?

"My lord...this..." Seeing Rongjiu like this, Xue Rong felt a little worried for a moment.

His Highness used to be very obedient when he was drunk. He either slept obediently or found a place to be in a daze.

This is the first time that such a situation has been encountered today.

(End of this chapter)

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