Chapter 291 Idiot, You Deceived 60
The boatman still hesitated, "You guys really met His Highness?"

Ye Qi nodded.

The boatman looked Ji Chen and Ye Qi up and down, hesitating again and again, he still put on the pole, propped up the boat, and approached the big boat.

As soon as he got close to the big ship, the guards noticed it.

"Who is it? This is His Highness's boat, don't get any closer." The guard stood on the deck of the big boat, looking in the direction of the black-padded boat, and said.

"This is Ye Qi, please tell your highness that Ye Qi wants to discuss piano skills with Su Zhengjun." Ye Qi said to the guard with a smile on his lips.

Hearing this, the guard turned around and went to report back.

Not long after, the guard came back and said to Ye Qi, "My Highness said that she doesn't know Ye Qi, see you."

Ye Qi's smile froze for a moment.

After hearing this, Ji Chen frowned slightly, "Please report back to your Highness, Ji Chen please see me."

A hint of impatience flickered in the guard's eyes, "I see you, my Highness doesn't know Ji Chen, you guys, hurry up and get away from His Highness's boat."

Hearing this, the boatman immediately pushed the boat back.

"What's the matter?" The voice here was too loud, Rong Jiu was afraid that the guards might not be able to handle Ye Qi, so he sent Xue Rong over.

"They said they knew His Highness, but His Highness said just now that they don't know them." The guard said respectfully to Xue Rong.

Xue Rong heard the words, nodded, caught a glimpse of Ji Chen by chance, paused slightly, and said, "Go and ask His Highness, Lord Shen is here too, do you want to see him?"

Hearing this, the guard froze for a moment, nodded, and went to report back.

Soon, the guard came back, "Stop, Mr. Ji Chen, my Highness invites you to board the boat and have tea together."

After hearing this, Ji Chen twitched his mouth, looked at the boatman who was chattering, "Trouble, take me back."

The boatman froze for a moment, did he really know His Highness?

"Boater?" Ji Chen asked.

"Oh, good." Hearing this, the boatman turned his head and approached the big boat.


After getting on the big boat, Xue Rong led Ji Chen and Ye Qi towards the inside of the big boat.

The ship is very big, and there are many rooms on board.

After walking for a long time, the sound of the piano on the boat never stopped.

Gradually, the sound of the piano is getting closer and closer.

Turning the corner, I saw three people sitting on the bow.

One man, one woman, one child.

The man was dressed in plain white, and there was a guqin in front of him, and his white and slender fingers fell on the strings.

Women and children sat at the table. On the table was a pot of tea, four or five teacups, and several plates of snacks.

The woman held the teacup in one hand and supported her head in the other, her eyes fell on the man who was playing the piano, and she took a sip of tea from time to time.

The child held a plate of snacks in his arms, with snacks in his mouth, like a little hamster eating, puffing his mouth and chewing snacks.

No matter how you look at this scene, it looks like a family of three.

It's as if... outsiders will never be able to get in.

In the eyes of others, it is extraordinarily harmonious and warm.

But in Ji Chen's view, it was extraordinarily glaring.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ji Chen tightened his grip on the folding fan, strode up to Rong Jiu, "His Royal Highness, you are so elegant."

Hearing the words, Rong Jiu raised his eyes slightly, and bumped into a pair of deep and dark eyes.

"Prince Shen is here, sit down." Rong Jiu stretched out his palm and pointed to the seat opposite him.

Seeing this, Ji Chen didn't sit where Rong Jiu pointed, but walked to Rong Jiu's side and sat down beside her.

"That's the position of Master...Father." Rong Xilou said vaguely with a snack in his mouth.

After speaking, he still didn't forget to raise his head and look straight at Ji Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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