Chapter 299 Idiot, You Deceived 68
The Ye Kingdom mission has gone back, but Ji Chen, who was the mission, didn't go back?
It is said that His Highness the Empress Dowager has taken a fancy to her, and she will soon be accepted as a side king.

The ministers who left the country expressed sympathy for Ji Chen.

It's really miserable to be seen by the little devil.

The people of the Li country are envious and jealous of Ji Chen.

How can a person from Yeguo be favored by His Highness?
The Ye Kingdom people were angry and helpless about this.

The majestic king, the king, condescends to be the side king of the female dowager, but they dare not refuse!
As soon as the Ye Kingdom mission left, Ji Chen moved into the Tai Nu Mansion.

The wedding date of Ji Chen and Rongjiu is set in two months, and it is said that it will be a big event.

Ji Chen had no home in the country, so he lived in the Tainu Mansion.

At the beginning, the people in the Empress's Mansion somewhat looked down on Ji Chen.

But gradually, they found that they dare not look down on them.

The first reason is that Ji Chen looks desolate, he does not fight or grab, but in fact he is secretly shady, shady and accurate, his methods are quite cruel, and his scheming is quite deep.

The second reason is that Her Royal Highness indulged Ji Chen in every possible way, what Ji Chen said, what Rongjiu believed, and she also favored Ji Chen in every possible way.

Ever since Ji Chen moved into the Tai Nu's Mansion, the Tai Nu stayed in Ji Chen's courtyard all day long.

Even Su Zhengjun, who was the most favored in the past, seems to have been forgotten.

Poor Su Zhengjun, who stays alone in the empty room every day.

After a long time, the people in the Empress Dowager's Mansion did not dare to disrespect Ji Chen anymore.

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed, and tomorrow is the wedding day.

"Prince Shen." Xue Rong bowed to Ji Chen, then handed him the wedding dress in her hand, "This is the wedding dress."

Ji Chen reached out to take the wedding dress, "Where is Your Highness?"

"His Royal Highness went out early in the morning and said he had something to do."

Ji Chen nodded, "Your Highness is back, please let me know."

"Yes." Xuerong replied.

Ji Chen took his clothes and entered the room.


Rong Jiu didn't come back until late at night, and there was still no news. Ji Chen walked up and down the room with a folding fan in one hand.

"Here we come, Your Highness is back." Ji Chen's personal servant ran over excitedly.

"Where is it?" Ji Chen asked immediately.

"His Royal Highness has gone to Luside Junyuan..." Before he could finish speaking, Ji Chen's figure had disappeared.


"It's inside, go in." Rong Jiu looked at the person in front of him and said.

"Xiaojiu, thank you." Su Wan sincerely said to Rongjiu.

"No, just don't forget to promise me." Rong Jiu said casually.

"I'll never forget it." Su Wan said to Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu waved his hand, Su Wan saw this, turned around, and went to the courtyard of Lu Yunfan's room.

Rong Jiu took out a lollipop from his pocket, peeled it off and stuffed it into his mouth. When he turned around, he bumped into a warm embrace.

Rong Jiu blinked, raised his eyes, and looked at Ji Chen who suddenly appeared in front of him, "Why are you here?"

"I thought you ran away from marriage, but it looks like you haven't." Ji Chen pulled him into his arms, and said this to Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu blinked, "Are you kidding, the little fairy will run away from marriage?"

After hearing this, Ji Chen chuckled lightly, and the gloom of the day just dissipated.

"No." Ji Chen said with a smile, "It's so late, have you had dinner yet?"

"No." Rong Jiu blinked and shook his head.

After hearing this, Ji Chen led the people and headed towards the kitchen.

It was late at night, and there was no one in the kitchen. Ji Chen didn't call for anyone, but rolled up his sleeves and walked to the stove.

Rongjiu turned the lollipop in his mouth, "You want to cook?"

"Tomorrow is the day of getting married, so get used to the life of being your Highness' side king in advance."

Rongjiu "..." Didn't you experience it for two months?
(End of this chapter)

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