Chapter 306 Idiot, You Deceived 75
After that, Qiyue served as General of the Ye Kingdom for five years.

During these years of being Ji Chen, Qi Yue actually always thought that she was really Ji Chen.

After all, everyone around him knew him and called him General.

Later, because of his military achievements, he was named King Shen.

If he hadn't been on a mission this time, Qi Yue's memory hadn't recovered, thinking about it, he would be Ji Chen for the next half of his life.

"But why back then, I couldn't detect your soul fluctuations?" Rong Jiu has always been curious about this point.

"The woman who sent me into this world blocked it. She said it was helping you." Qiyue didn't quite understand, "Perhaps, it's related to your mission."

Rong Jiu blinked after listening, "I have never asked you, how did you know that I am a tasker?"

"I met a lot of taskers before, and used the soul search technique on them." Qi Yue's chin lightly rubbed against the top of Rongjiu's hair.

"Then when did you recover your memory yesterday?" Rong Jiu asked again like a curious baby.

"Last night, when I was double cultivating with you." Qi Yue leaned into Rong Jiu's ear and said softly.

Rong Jiu, "...Liar, it is obvious that the dual cultivation has already recovered."

"That's not called double cultivation, it's called mating in biology." Rong Jiu corrected after finishing speaking.

Qiyue "..." Mating...mating?What kind of tiger-wolf word is this?
She raised her eyebrows, opened her mouth and bit Rongjiu's ear.

"What are you doing?" Rong Jiu shrank his neck and pushed Qi Yue's head away.

"Learn more about what you call biology."

Rong Jiu slapped Qi Yue's face, "I'm hungry, I'm getting up."

After finishing speaking, she struggled to get up from Qiyue's arms.

Seeing this, Qiyue felt a trace of regret in her eyes, she got up, and followed suit.


"Why are you free to enter the palace today?" Rong Qi looked at Rong Jiu and asked.

Rong Jiu sat lazily on the chair, held the teacup, took a sip of the tea, and then said, "He's back, I want your seat."

Rong Jiu frowned, looked at Rong Qi and said.

When Rong Qi heard this, her pupils shrank, "You want enthroned?"

"Being a monk or dying suddenly, you choose one." Rong Jiu's eyes were clear, but what he said made Rong Qi feel cold.

"Rong Jiu, you are not suitable to be a monarch at all." Rong Qi said to Rong Jiu, holding the edge of the table tightly with both hands.

"I'm not suitable?" Rong Jiu looked at Rong Qi with a smile, "Could it be that you, who have been under my control for five years, are suitable?"

Rong Qi fell into silence upon hearing this.

"I'll give you a day to think about it." After Rong Jiu finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the door of the study.

Rong Qi gripped the edge of the table tightly, the veins in her hands popped out.

After staring at the position of the door for a long time, finally, he leaned weakly on the dragon chair, his brows were full of exhaustion.


Two days later, Empress Rong Qi announced her abdication, passed the throne to the Crown Princess Rongjiu, and then became a monk.

Throughout Liguo, no one dared to object.

Seventy-eight years after leaving the country, Rong Jiu ascended the throne, and on the same day as the enthronement, Shen Wang Qiyue of the foreign country was conferred the title of empress.

Still, no one dared to object.

Why not?

What a joke, didn't you see, no one in the Su family objected?
What are they against?

What if the new emperor gets upset and is sent to the desert to plant trees?
I don't know how the new Huangrong wine got its habit. Anyone who annoys her and she doesn't want to kill is sent to the desert to plant trees.

The desert is barren and uninhabited. Planting a tree is more difficult than climbing to the sky. Planting trees in the desert is more difficult than going to the army.

don't go!Resolutely not to go!
All the ministers thought Buddhistly: As long as Liguo does not go bankrupt, other things are trivial.

They don't have to meddle in His Majesty's affairs all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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