The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 311 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 4

Chapter 311 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 4
"Because the original owner's wish has not yet entered the plot point. Now, it is the original owner's first year of high school, please the host to change the original owner's fate."

"Oh." Rong Jiu responded softly.


"Jiujiu, we're home." The motorcycle passed through a narrow alley and stopped in front of a small bungalow.

Rong Jiu got off the car, took off the helmet on his head, and stared straight at the motorcycle.

"Come on, give the helmet to Dad." Rong Qin waved to Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu didn't move, Rong Qin turned his head, and saw Rong Jiu who was looking at the motorcycle curiously, "Dad's new car, isn't it handsome, from now on, Dad will use this car to take Jiu Jiu to and from school."

Rong Jiu nodded slightly, "Handsome."

Rong Qin stretched out his hand and rubbed Rong Jiu's head, "Let's go, let's go into the house."

Rong Jiu handed the helmet to Rong Qin, but went into the house holding the helmet on his own.

"Xing Xing, Dad is back." Rong Qin yelled as soon as he entered the room.

"I'm back, the meal is ready." Rong Xing came out of the small room, saw the injury on Rong Jiu's face, was stunned for a moment, and then quickly walked up to Rong Jiu, "Jiu Jiu, I got into a fight again ?”

"It's not a fight, it's just a joke." Rong Jiu said casually.

"Don't do this next time, look, you've hurt your face." Rong Xing took Rong Jiu's hand and turned to the room, "Father, I'll put medicine on Jiu Jiu first."

"Okay, let's see if she's hurt." Rong Qin said to Rong Xing.

"it is good."

As soon as he walked into the room, Rong Xing began to rummage through the box, and finally found a piece of ointment, "Come home with me next time after school, don't go out fooling around."

"Oh, good." Rong Jiu obediently responded.

Hearing that Rong Jiu obediently complied, Rong Xing paused when he applied the medicine to Rong Jiu, "Which bastard beat you?"

"Huh?" Rong Jiu raised his eyes and looked at Rong Xing in surprise.

The gentle and kind heroine can still swear?

"Hey, if we meet again in the future, don't fight them." Rong Xing coughed lightly, and said in a low voice with a blushing face.

From Rong Xing's point of view, Rong Jiu obediently agreed to her, he must be afraid of being beaten.

To be able to beat such a prickly head like her sister, the other party must be very powerful, so, she must not let her sister fight the other party again.

"Oh, good." Rong Jiu obediently responded again.

After hearing this, Rong Xing felt even more distressed. He must be afraid of being beaten.

Rongjiu is so well-behaved on the surface, but in fact, he is looking through the memory of the original owner.

When Rong Jiu was born, Zhao Xia and Rong Qin divorced.

When Zhao Xia was pregnant with the original owner, she had already fallen in love with someone else.

If it weren't for the fact that abortion was no longer possible at that time, and Rong Qin begged in every possible way, the original owner probably wouldn't have been able to be born

The original owner hadn't been born yet, Zhao Xia and Rong Qin had discussed that they would get divorced as soon as the original owner was born.

Both children were taken care of by Rong Qin.

Zhao Xia is an extremely selfish person. She still wants to get married in the future and take care of her children, which must be in the way.

Rong Qin said that she didn't need her to raise the children, but she was too happy, and when she got divorced, she left the two children and left.

She married her current husband in less than two months.

The original owner was ignorant when she was young, seeing that other people have mothers, she also wanted a mother, and argued for a mother every day.

Rong Qin was both a father and a mother, working hard to bring up the two children.

Rong Xing was precocious, obedient since he was a child, and helped Rong Qin take care of the original owner.

Because there was no mother by their side since they were young, the two sisters were often bullied and laughed at by other children.

At the beginning, the two sisters secretly hid under the covers and cried, comforting each other.

Seeing that her sister was crying too, the original owner felt even more uncomfortable.

Once, the original owner was so angry that he beat up a boy who mocked and bullied her.

 The explosion is over, good night

(End of this chapter)

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