The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 315 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 8

Chapter 315 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 8
Soon, it will be Friday.

As soon as school was over, as soon as Rong Jiu walked out of the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, Lu Xiyan followed Rong Jiu.

After a week, Rong Jiu finally found out that the yellow-haired boy's name is Lu Xiyan.

Lu Xiyan followed Rongjiu, and said to Rongjiu, "I'll be on duty tonight, you can change my shift tomorrow morning."

"Huh? Alright, then I'll watch tomorrow night." Rong Jiu responded.

"Tsk, you're a girl, what kind of night shift do you have, just remember to take over tomorrow morning." Lu Xiyan said casually.

"What? Look down on girls?" Rong Jiu turned his head and looked at Lu Xiyan suspiciously.

"What do you know, chaos at night." Lu Xiyan said casually, "Okay, that's it, remember to come and change shifts with me tomorrow morning."

After speaking, without waiting for Rongjiu to answer, he ran away.


"Jiujiu, why did you wake up so early today?" Rong Xing was a little surprised to see that Rongjiu woke up so early.

"My friend invited me out to play, maybe I will come back at night." Rong Jiu said to Rong Xing.

Rong Xing was taken aback when he heard this, "Is it just for fun?"

It's not a fight, is it?

I haven't seen her cause trouble for a week, and I always have a sense of foreboding in my heart.

"No fight." The little fairy never fights.

Rong Xing obviously didn't believe it.

"I'm going to ride the bicycle, sister, study hard." Rong Jiu left such a sentence, and then went out.

"Come back early." Rong Xing ran after Rong Jiu to the door, and warned her.

"Understood." Rong Jiu had already gotten into the car, waved to Rong Xing, and left on the bike.

Rong Xing looked at the fast ride and held the wine, and spoke again, telling him, "Ride slowly."

Rong Jiu drove with one hand and waved at Rong Xing.

Rong Xing's brows twitched, feeling a little helpless.

Ten minutes later, Rong Jiu parked his bicycle outside the Internet cafe.

"Are you here?" Lu Xiyan said to Rong Jiu as soon as he entered the Internet cafe.

Rong Jiu nodded.

Lu Xiyan repeated the job requirements, "By the way, this computer, you can play with it when you have nothing to do."

Rong Jiu nodded, indicating that he understood.

"I'm going to have breakfast first, and I'll come back after breakfast. If anyone makes trouble, you can call me." Lu Xiyan said to Rong Jiu, and seeing Rong Jiu wave his hand, he turned around and left the Internet cafe.


Half an hour later, Lu Xiyan came back.

As soon as I walked into the Internet cafe, I heard exclamations from the Internet cafe.

Lu Xiyan thought something was wrong, walked in quickly, and saw Rong Jiu surrounded by a group of teenagers.

Lu Xiyan paused slightly, and a big question mark appeared on his head.

This is, what's the situation?

When Lu Xiyan got closer, he saw Rong Jiu sitting in front of a computer, lightly moving his fingers, leaving an afterimage on the keyboard.

On the computer screen, one window after another frantically jumped.

For a moment, Lu Xiyan was also stunned.

Although he couldn't read it, it seemed like a very six-faced boy.

Lu Xiyan walked to a familiar face and stretched out his hand, poking his arm.

However, Mu Qi ignored him.

Lu Xiyan saw that Mu Qi was staring at the table, unwilling to blink, and became even more curious.

Mu Qi's parents are both computer professionals, and Mu Qi has been exposed to computers since he was a child.

Mu Qi is also talented in computers. Although Lu Xiyan doesn't know Mu Qi's computer skills, but according to his parents, he seems to be pretty good.

So, looking at Rongjiu like this now...?
A group of teenagers standing behind Rong Jiu whispered from time to time, one by one as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Lu Xiyan reached out and stroked his yellow hair.

Some inexplicable.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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