The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 324 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 17

Chapter 324 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 17
Canteen No. [-], Luoshen University

"Jiujiu, are you going home this weekend?" With a plate in his hand, Rong Xing sat face to face with Rongjiu, and sat at a table by the window.

"Not sure." Rong Jiu shook his head, holding his chopsticks, and began to concentrate on cooking.

Seeing this, Rong Xing stopped bothering Rong's wine and cooking, and lowered his head to start eating.

"Brother Jiu, Sister Xing." A familiar voice sounded from above his head.

Rong Xing raised his eyes, but instead of seeing a familiar face, he saw a handsome face.

After a slight pause, he nodded slightly to Nangong Jue, then looked at Mu Qi, "Xiao Qi, it's you."

Mu Qi sat next to Rong Jiu, "Brother Jiu, do you have any plans for this weekend?"

Rong Jiu shook his head, and continued to cook without raising his head.

Seeing that Mu Qi took the seat next to Rong Jiu, Nangong Jue sat next to Mu Qi, smiled and said to Rong Jiu, "Junior Sister Jiu Jiu, we meet again."

Rong Jiu ignored Nangong Jue, and continued to cook with his head buried.

Seeing this, Mu Qi stopped disturbing Rongjiu from eating, but turned his head to look at Su Qing and He Shen who were still standing by the table, "You two sit down, it's just right, let me introduce you." Then, Looking at Rong Xing, "Sister Xing, the three of them are all from my childhood, Nangong Jue, Su Qing, and He Shen."

Rong Xing nodded slightly at the three of them upon hearing this.

"This is Rong Xing, this is Rong Jiu, I mentioned it to you before." After introducing her childhood friend to Rong Xing, she then introduced Rong Xing and Rong Jiu to Nangong Jue and the others.

Su Qing and He Shen nodded slightly, as a greeting.

"Since we all know each other, let's sit together." Rong Xing said, looking at Su Qing and He Shen standing still stupidly.

Su Qing and He Shen sat down after hearing the words.

Rong Jiu, who was serious about cooking, raised his head, stopped eating, and glanced at Su Qing and He Shen, "Both of you, who is Su Qing?"

"I am." Su Qing replied softly.

Rongjiu held the chopsticks in one hand, poked the plate, and held his chin in the other hand, staring at Su Qing.

Seeing this, Nangong Jue looked at Su Qing with a hint of hostility.

When Rong Xing and Mu Qi saw that Rong Jiu stopped cooking and stared at Su Qing, they also turned their attention to Su Qing.

He Shen: "..." Everyone is watching, should I also look at Ah Qing.

She turned her head silently, looked at Su Qing, and stared at him.

I looked up and down, left and right, but I didn't see a flower.

Su Qing "..."

With doubts all over his head, he asked, "Is there something on my face?"

As he spoke, he reached out and touched his face lightly.

"Do you want to reach the pinnacle of life?" When Su Qing was still wondering if there was something dirty on her face, she heard Rong Jiu ask this question.

Su Qing looked left and right, as if he was talking to himself?
"Do you have a dream?"

Su Qing "..." Ah... this...

Rong Xing & Mu Qi "..." My sister (Brother Jiu) might be possessed by something!

He Shen "..." Ah Qing was targeted by the MLM organization!
Nangong Jue gritted his teeth, Su Qing, I will never end with you.

"Um... did you recognize the wrong person?" Su Qing asked tentatively.

Rong Jiu shook his head, of course the little fairy would not admit the wrong person.

"I don't want to reach the pinnacle of my life, and I don't have any dreams." Su Qing said helplessly.

Dreams can be told to others casually?

Sure enough, the people Mu Qi knew were all out of their minds.

"You without dreams, what's the difference between you and salted fish?" Rong Jiu stared at Su Qing and said quietly, then buried his head and continued cooking.

Su Qing "..." I... salted fish?
"Salted fish." Nangong absolutely said something to Su Qing, then turned his head and looked at Rongjiu through Mu Qi, "Does little fairy eat chicken legs?"

(End of this chapter)

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