The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 331 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 24

Chapter 331 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 24
Seeing this, Xu Yanyan reached out to grab Zhao Xia's hand, and left in a hurry.

"Brother Jiu, did you call the police?" Lu Xiyan walked to Rong Jiu and asked.

"No." Rong Jiu took out the phone, pressed it, and the whistle sounded again outside.


"When I came in, I put a bluetooth speaker outside the door." Rong Jiu shrugged.

Lu Xiyan gave Rongjiu a thumbs up.

"Dad?" Rong Jiu opened his mouth and called Rong Qin.

Rong Qin was a little absent-minded, but when he heard Rong Jiu's voice, he came back to his senses.

"Huh? What's the matter, you got scared today. If she comes again in the future, just ignore her and wait for Dad to deal with it." Rong Qin said to Rong Jiu.

"Can you redeem your 2000 million order?" Rong Jiu looked at Rong Qin and asked.

Rong Qin "..." This poor child.


The next day was ICPC's last domestic qualifier and domestic finals.

A total of eight teams entered the finals, and only three teams were able to participate in the ICPC in the end, namely the champion, runner-up, and third-place teams.

Rong Jiu had a lot of tickets in his hand, he gave some to Rong Xing, Lu Xiyan took a few and left, and in the end there were only two left in his hand.

Rong Jiu raised his chin, staring at an ancient portrait for a long time.

It's been two months since I joined him, and I haven't spoken to Little Fairy once.

Rong Jiu poked the head portrait with his fingers, and the dialog box opened and closed, opened and closed again.

At this time, a phone call popped up on the screen, which was very sweet.

Rong Jiu poked it open with his index finger, "Sweet?"

"Do you need me to pick you up?" Rong Tiantian's voice has always been as gentle as jade, unchanged for a hundred years.

"You send Xiaoqi and the others to the scene first, I'll go there by myself." Rong Jiu lay on the table, put the phone on top of the speaker, and said to the hands-free phone.

"Okay then, let's go first."

After Rong Tiantian hung up the phone, Rong Jiu opened Mu Yanchen's WeChat and sent a message.

Jiujiu: I have two ICPC tickets here, are you interested?
After the message was sent, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

No one came back.

Rong Jiu stared at the phone screen for a long while, but did not wait for a reply.

Rongjiu exited the phone interface and pressed the phone to a black screen.

Putting the phone in his pocket, he glanced in the direction of the kitchen, "Aunt Li, is breakfast ready?"

"Come on, come on, where are Mr. and Xiaoyan?" Aunt Li came out of the kitchen with porridge.

"Lu Xiyan went out early in the morning, and my father went to negotiate a contract." Rong Jiu said with his chin in his hands.

"Ah, it seems that I have made too much breakfast." Aunt Li gave a soft snort.

"Baozi, help me pack it for four people, and I'll take it to the venue for Xiao Qi and the others."

"Okay." Aunt Li replied.


After breakfast, Rong Jiu glanced at his phone, but he still didn't receive a reply from Mu Yanchen.

Curling his lips, he turned off the phone directly.

I put my phone in my pocket and went upstairs to pack my things.

Coming down from upstairs again, there was an extra schoolbag behind her.

Aunt Li handed the packed breakfast to Rongjiu, "I packed some porridge for the children, you can take it with you."

Rong Jiu took a look at the two four-story insulation boxes, blinked, this...the locomotive can't fit so many.

Reaching out slowly, he took the two insulation boxes.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

Aunt Li glanced at the direction of the door, "Xiaoyan should be back, Miss, wait for him to finish his breakfast, and you can go to the game together."

With that said, he walked towards the kitchen.

Rong Jiu didn't want to go to the venue with Lu Xiyan, and then walked out of the villa with a food box in his left hand and a food box in his right, carrying his schoolbag.

As soon as he walked to the door, he ran into the housekeeper, Uncle Li.

"Miss, a gentleman surnamed Mu came outside and said he was looking for you."

(End of this chapter)

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