The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 334 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 27

Chapter 334 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 27
Rongjiu "..."! ! !
With the bitter taste of the medicine accompanied by the warm touch, Rong Jiu stared at Mu Yanchen with wide eyes, with a trace of accusation in his eyes.

Mu Yanchen's hand holding Rongjiu moved lightly, and his fingers intertwined with Rongjiu's.

The movements were extremely gentle, grabbing the breath from Rongjiu's mouth one after another.

It wasn't until there was a tingling pain in his mouth that Mu Yanchen let go of the wine, a trace of satisfaction tinged between his brows.

Rongjiu stared at Mu Yanchen, immediately took out a candy from his pocket, wrapped it in his mouth, and still muttered, "Liar."

Never give him medicine again.

To deceive the little fairy's feelings.

The way to relieve suffering... is to let the little fairy bear the suffering with him?

"Big liar!" Rong Jiu murmured again while wrapping the candy.

Mu Yanchen "..." seemed to have made a mistake.

Mu Yanchen tightly clasped Rongjiu's hand, and pressed Rongjiu into his arms, "Little girl, you took my first kiss away, so you have to be responsible."

Let wine "..."? ? ?Hit back, hit back, and the thief shouted, "Stop the thief!"
"From now on, you can no longer hold other people's hands, you can't kiss other people, and you can't like other people, you know?" Mu Yanchen said without blushing.

Rongjiu's words "..." are so familiar.

"Like me, okay?" Mu Yanchen lowered his head, looking at Rong Jiu who was leaning against his arms and sulking.

"Not good." Rong Jiu said depressedly.

"It's irresponsible to kiss, that's the behavior of a scumbag." Mu Yanchen said.

"Liar." Rong Jiu stuck out his tongue, touched the candy in his mouth and struggled to get up from Mu Yanchen's arms.

Seeing this, Mu Yanchen's heart skipped a beat, really angry?

Rong Jiu stood up suddenly, and then straddled his legs.

Mu Yanchen "..."

Rong Jiu looked at Mu Yanchen's expression, his brows and eyes were curved, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

He stretched out his hand to wrap around Mu Yanchen's neck, then leaned over to cover Mu Yanchen's lips, and then... gnawed?
Feeling the chaotic mouth on his lips, Mu Yanchen felt helpless, raised his head slightly, and deepened the kiss.

"Don't play anymore." After a while, Rong Jiu stretched out his hand and pushed Mu Yanchen's head away, buried his head in Mu Yanchen's neck, and said depressedly.

"Kiss again, if you don't marry me... this matter will not end." After speaking, Mu Yanchen stretched out his hand to play with Rong Jiu's hair, tilted his head slightly, and whispered something in Rong Jiu's ear, "Little wine."

Rong Jiu lay lazily on Mu Yanchen's shoulder, motionless.

Mu Yanchen didn't open his mouth, just sat so quietly.

A bell rang, Rong Jiu looked up from Mu Yanchen's shoulder, and took out the cell phone from his pocket.

"Brother Jiu, where are you? You're starving to death." Mu Qi's voice was on the opposite side.

Let the wine "..." Excuse me, beauty misleads people.

"Here we come." After Rong Jiu finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Get off Mu Yanchen, and said to Mu Yanchen, "Let's go, let's go in."

Mu Yanchen stared at the phone in Rongjiu's hand for a long while, and asked, "Mu Qi?"

Hearing this, Rong Jiu raised his eyes and looked at Mu Yanchen, "Do you know Xiaoqi?"

Mu Yanchen nodded lightly, stretched out his hand, took Rong Jiu's hand, interlocked her fingers, and said, "Let's go in."

Rong Jiu nodded, leaning over to pick up the food box, "Food box."

"Let Assistant Xiao take it." Mu Yanchen said.

"Oh." Rong Jiu responded, then opened the car door and got out of the car.

Mu Yanchen followed closely behind.

Rong Jiu led Mu Yanchen all the way to the backstage of the competition.

"Brother Jiu, come here..." The team members quickly found Rong Jiu and shouted, seeing Mu Yanchen who was led in by Rong Jiu, they couldn't react for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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