The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 367 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 9

Chapter 367 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 9
The man fell silent when he heard Dr. Lin's words, and he said after a long while, "We must control her."

Dr. Lin chuckled lightly when he heard this, "Don't worry, I don't dare to take risks."

As he said that, he put his palm on the glass door above the glass container and pushed it aside.

The glass door opened, and a trace of cold air rose from the glass container.

The man took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and reached for Rongjiu lying in the glass container.

Ten centimeters away from the wine, the man stopped his movements.

"When will it be completely integrated?" The man withdrew his hand and asked.

"At least two or three years, at most seven or eight years." The doctor said casually.

Hearing this, the man frowned, "Is the time too long?"

"If you want a defective product, I can complete the experiment tomorrow." Dr. Lin frowned slightly.

"The doctor misunderstood, just follow your own time." The man replied immediately after hearing Dr. Lin's words.

"Okay, you go out, I'll see how her data fits today." Dr. Lin started to chase people away.

Hearing this, the man turned around and left. The moment he turned around, a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.


14 years later
"Dr. Lin, why did you tell me back then? You said it would take seven or eight years. It's been 14 years, and the experiment should be completed, right?" A man stood in front of the French window holding a wine glass in his hand , Looking at the busy traffic downstairs.

"Mo Qihao, you were the one who insisted on adding the new gene. I told you a long time ago that the experiment time will be extended." Dr. Lin replied casually while sitting on the sofa in a white coat.

Compared with 14 years ago, there are many more wrinkles on the face.

"Doctor." Mo Qihao turned his head, looked straight at Dr. Lin, and approached Dr. Lin step by step, "This is 14 years, not 14 days. Tell me, how many [-] years do I have for you?"

"I'm not afraid of anyone who is about to go to the ground. What are you afraid of?" Dr. Lin replied lightly.

Mo Qihao "..."

"Three days, I'll give you three days. If you can't finish it after three days, I will take back all the investment in your laboratory." Mo Qihao said, and put the wine glass in his hand heavily on Lin Lin. On the table in front of the doctor.

"It won't take three days." Dr. Lin said unhurriedly, "Just yesterday, the experiment was successful."

Hearing this, Mo Qihao raised his head and stared straight at Dr. Lin, "Really?"

"No accident, tonight, the experimental subject can wake up." Dr. Lin said, standing up, "If Mr. Mo has time, you can come to the base to witness the first moment of the experimental subject waking up."

Mo Qihao stared wide-eyed, watching the back of Dr. Lin leaving, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It took a long time before he laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha ha..."


14 years.

After 14 years, the experiment... finally succeeded.


In the evening, at nine o'clock, the laboratory was full of people.

A dozen people in white coats, and Mo Qihao in a suit and leather shoes and a silver mask.

Holding a needle in his hand, Dr. Lin walked up to the glass container.

Seeing this, the two assistants immediately acted and moved the glass door away.

As soon as the glass door was moved away, Dr. Lin lifted the blue and white striped sleeve of Rongjiu's wrist, and then stuck the needle in Rongjiu's arm.

Push the medicine in the needle tube into the wine container.

It's just that the person who had closed his eyes woke up before finishing pushing the potion.

"Wake up, wake up." The people around whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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