The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 374 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 16

Chapter 374 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 16
"Rong Jiu." Rong Jiu replied casually.

She didn't mean to shake hands with him, but just put her chin in both hands and continued to sip the juice in the glass.

Seeing this, Qi Xiuyan took his hand back as if nothing had happened.

Sitting across from Rongjiu, his gaze fell directly on Rongjiu, watching Rongjiu sip his juice without saying a word.

During this period, several notification tones sounded.

Qi Xiuyan took out the phone from his pocket, lowered his head, and looked at the messages on the phone one by one.

The content of the news was quite rich, after Qi Xiuyan finished reading it, Rong Jiu finished a glass of juice.

After sucking up the juice, Rong Jiu got up and planned to leave.

"Little girl, I can do what Su Jinyu can do for you, even better than him." Qi Xiuyan didn't intend to get up, but raised his eyes, looking at Rong Jiu who had already stood up.

When Rong Jiu heard Qi Xiuyan's words, he tilted his head and looked straight at Qi Xiuyan, with obvious curiosity and inquiry in his eyes.

Facing the clean and deep eyes of Shang Rongjiu, Qi Xiuyan's throat rolled slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he looked at Rongjiu and said, "I don't have an ID card, and I haven't settled down, right? I can help you with these."

Looking at Qi Xiuyan's deep and cold eyes, Rong Jiu asked, "What do you want?"

"It's very simple, I just need a word from you, and you must have it." Speaking of this, Qi Xiuyan lowered his eyes slightly, not meeting the girl's clean eyes again.

Rong Jiu tilted his head and thought for a while.

She must have?
She has a lot of things, but none of them seem to be very expensive.

Giving it to someone else... She wasn't very happy.

However, if it is for the person in front of you...

With eyebrows and eyes bent, he stretched out his hand to Qi Xiuyan, and said with a smile, "It's a happy cooperation."

The corners of Qi Xiuyan's mouth rose slightly, he got up, and reached out to hold the girl's soft hand.

Touching the soft and delicate hand, Qi Xiuyan's eyes were stained with deep meaning, "Happy cooperation." The voice was warm and clear, as if carrying a trace of the early spring breeze, clean and gentle.


Qi Lin looked at Qi Xiuyan coming out of the restaurant, blinked, good guy, why is there a little girl beside the young master?

After seeing the little girl's appearance clearly, Qi Lin hissed lightly, this is too pretty.

Qi Xiuyan opened the car door for Rong Jiu, put his hands on the door, and said to Rong Jiu, "Get in the car."

Rong Jiu bent over and got into the car.

Qi Lin was in the driver's seat, and Su Jinyu was naturally in the co-driver's seat.

"Boss, why are you here too?" Seeing Rong Jiu getting into the car, Su Jinyu immediately turned around, looked at Rong Jiu and said.

Rong Jiu just glanced at Su Jinyu lightly.

Su Jinyu looked at Shang Rongjiu's clear and clean eyes, who seemed to be able to see through everything, and looked away with some guilt.

Rong Jiu didn't speak, and leaned lazily on the back seat.

As soon as Qi Xiuyan got into the car, he said to Qi Lin, "Drive, go back to the City Lord's Mansion."

Upon hearing this, Qi Lin started the car immediately.

"Brother Xiuyan, why did you come to Qianye City?" Su Jinyu took his seat and turned to look at Qi Xiuyan.

Qi Xiuyan focused on Rongjiu, and when he heard Su Jinyu's question, he turned his head and looked at Su Jinyu, "Passing by."

Su Jinyu "..." Do you think I look like a fool?

"Then... when will you go back? When you go back, can you bring me and the boss with you?" Su Jinyu looked back at Qi Xiuyan and asked.

"You are piggybacking." Not the little girl.

Su Jinyu heard the words, but thought that Qi Xiuyan would not bring Rongjiu back to the country, and was anxious, "Boss, she is very pitiful, she was brought to the laboratory 14 years ago, and was studied for 14 years, and her memory was washed away. Who it is, I don't know where my home is, so just take her with you."

(End of this chapter)

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