The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 380 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 22

Chapter 380 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 22
He let out a sigh of relief, then opened the door of the room and went downstairs.

"Jiujiu, it's so late, you still haven't slept yet?" Seeing Rongjiu coming down, Qi's mother asked.

"You haven't slept yet?" Rong Jiu looked at Qi's mother and asked.

"Your father is working overtime again. He hasn't come back yet. I'll wait for him." Mother Qi said to Rong Jiu with a pillow in her arms.

Rong Jiu took advantage of the situation and sat next to Mother Qi, "Can't you sleep if Dad doesn't come back?"

Mother Qi "..."

Rong Jiu raised his chin and watched the TV series, "I called Qi Xiuyan just now."

Mother Qi's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she looked at Rong Jiu, "Really, what did you say to Xiu Yan?"

"He didn't answer the call." Rong Jiu raised his eyes and said to Mother Qi.

Mother Qi "...??"

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

"It's a woman, she said, Qi Xiuyan is taking a bath." Rong Jiu blinked and looked at Mother Qi.

Mother Qi "...!!! Too much, too much, Xiu Yan..."

Facing Shang Rongjiu's clean and clear eyes, Qi's mother suddenly paused, "Jiujiu, don't you feel anything?"

Rong Jiu blinked, "How does it feel?"

"Aren't you angry?" Qi's mother looked at Rong Jiu and asked.

Rong Jiu blinked, angry?

What was it like?
I think should not be.

Looking at Rongjiu's eyes, Qi's mother suddenly felt that her son was a failure, two months old... this is not even worthy of making a little girl jealous?

"What's your reaction when you hear a woman on the other side?" Qi's mother continued to ask.

"I hung up the phone." Rong Jiu replied obediently.

When Qi's mother heard the words, her eyes lit up, and she knew to hang up the phone. It seemed that she didn't feel anything at all.

"That's how it's played on TV." Rong Jiu added.

Mother Qi "..." You don't need to add the latter sentence.

"Besides this, should you have any other reactions?" Qi's mother encouraged her to be her son's assist.

"Does it count if you can't sleep?" Rong Jiu tilted his head, looked at Mother Qi and asked.

Without Qi Xiuyan, he couldn't control the amount of wine, fruit juice and milk tea.

Being unable to fall asleep at night due to drinking too much fruit juice and milk tea is a common occurrence for Rongjiu.

Mother Qi's eyes lit up when she heard the words, "Forget it, forget it."

Rong Jiu looked at Qi's mother as if she was very happy, but she was a little puzzled.

"Xiu Yan went too far. He actually let a woman into his room. This is nothing compared to his father. When he comes back, you must punish him severely." Mother Qi said to Rong Jiu.

"Punish him again?" Rong Jiu blinked, not quite understanding.

If a girl enters a room, will she be punished?

"Yes, you will be punished." Mother Qi nodded.

"How to punish?" Rong Jiu blinked and looked at Mother Qi with great interest.

"Punish him to sleep in the study." After Qi's mother finished speaking, she realized that her son and the little girl hadn't had sex at all. "What's more, wechat and phone calls have to be blocked."

Hearing this, Rong Jiu silently took out the phone from his pocket, started to blackmail, raised his eyes, and looked at Mother Qi, "Is there any more?"

"Are you relieved?" Mother Qi asked.

Rong Jiu shook his head.

Although she doesn't know what it feels like to be angry, she should not be angry.

He was not angry, and naturally he did not say anything to relieve his anger.

After hearing this, Mother Qi thought to herself that it was over for her son this time, "When he comes back, just ignore him and don't talk to him."

Seeing this, Rong Jiu frowned slightly.

She didn't want to ignore him.

However, when Mother Qi said that, Rong Jiu still nodded, "How long should I ignore him?"

"When he apologized to you." After Qi's mother finished speaking, she nodded confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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