The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 400 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 42

Chapter 400 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 42
When Qi Xiuyan arrived at Lu's house, the living room of Lu's house was already full of people.

Except for the two old people from the Qi family and Lu Xue who didn't know where to go, everyone else came together.

"Brother Yan, you're here." Seeing Qi Xiuyan coming, Lu Jingge immediately stood up.

Qi Xiuyan nodded to everyone, then looked at Lu Jinge, "Take me to the surveillance room."

"Okay." Lu Jinge replied, and then took Qi Xiuyan and Qi Lin upstairs.


On the other side, the adult that Lu Xue was talking about had already brought Rong Jiu and Lu Xue to Chiba City.

Standing on the roof of Mo's Building, Mo Qihao handed the pill in his hand to Lu Xue, "Feed her the medicine."

Lu Xue took the medicine from Mo Qihao's hand and walked to Rong Jiu's side.

But before she could feed Rongjiu medicine, Rongjiu woke up.

"So you're not dead yet." Rong Jiu said with a smile on his lips, looking at Mo Qihao.

Mo Qihao turned around, looked at Rong Jiu, and smiled flamboyantly, "I'm not dead, are you disappointed?"

"It's quite disappointing." Rong Jiu said while throwing the rope that had been taken off his wrist.

The smile on the corner of Mo Qihao's mouth froze for a moment, " did you know how to untie the fairy rope?"

"You said this thing is called the Immortal Binding Rope?" Rong Jiu asked, pointing to the rope on the ground.

A broken rope, what is it called a binding fairy rope.

Mo Qihao took two steps back, looked at Lu Xue and said, "Kill her."

Lu Xue was stunned for a moment when she heard this, "My lord, didn't you say that I just need to tie her here?"

"Lu Xue, do you know where the last person who didn't listen to me went?" Mo Qihao looked at Lu Xue with threats in his eyes.

"I... my lord, I don't dare. Killing people is going to jail, I..."

"In Chiba City, I am Fa. Now, Fa wants you to kill people. Lu Xue, why are you hesitating?" Mo Qihao looked at Lu Xue with a bewitching tone.

Rong Jiu looked at the two people who were ignoring him, with some doubts in his eyes.

Why didn't Mo Qihao do it himself?

"Lu Xue, kill her, kill her, I will give you eternal youth, an inexhaustible lifespan." Mo Qihao spoke again.

Lu Xue's eyes gradually became dark red.

From fear, struggle to indifference and determination.

Seeing this, Mo Qihao twitched his mouth, very satisfied with the current situation.

Lu Xue clenched the dagger in her hand, and stabbed straight at Rongjiu.

Rong Jiu raised his foot and kicked Lu Xue.

Lu Xue was kicked a long way, and fell heavily to the ground.

Lu Xue struggled on the spot for a while, then passed out.

"City Lord Mo, don't you want to do it yourself?" Rong Jiu tilted his head and looked at Mo Qihao.

"You... Your force value hasn't been sealed?" Mo Qihao looked at Rong Jiu with a hint of panic in his eyes.

"Didn't Dr. Lin tell you that I'm immune to all medicines?" Rong Jiu looked at Mo Qihao with crooked eyebrows.

Mo Qihao shrank his pupils, cursed inwardly, and then slowly backed away.

"I didn't have a good fight with City Lord Mo last time, why not have a good fight today?" Rong Jiu looked at Mo Qihao with a smile.

"No, I have something to do today." Mo Qihao said, then turned to leave.

Rong Jiu teleported to Mo Qihao's side, and grabbed Mo Qihao's neck.

"I'm a little curious, why didn't you burn to death with such a big fire." Rong Jiu grabbed Mo Qihao's neck and looked at Mo Qihao.

Mo Qihao was pinched by Rong Jiu, there was no room for him to fight back.

Rong Jiu looked at Mo Qihao like this, tilted his head, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

As far as she knew, Mo Qihao's force value was still a bit high.

But it seemed that every time he fell into her hands, he had no room to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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