The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 403 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 45

Chapter 403 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 45

Tsk, the world of punishment that Mo Qihao specially arranged for her, of course, depends on her original fate.

As Rong Jiu made his voice, there was an extra memory in his mind.

What the original owner experienced in 19 years ago, Rongjiu has experienced it all.

It's just... the original owner became a successful experiment, while Rongjiu became an out-of-control experiment.

And to control the original owner... only need a string of passwords.

On the day the experiment was successful, Qi Xiuyan, the young master of the first family in the Hidden World City, led people to surround the experiment base.

The experimental base was destroyed.

As a dangerous experimental product, the original owner was brought back to the Hidden World City by Qi Xiuyan.

After arriving at the Hermit City, Qi Xiuyan hired a teacher to teach the original owner right and wrong who didn't understand the world.

The original owner stayed in the hidden world city for a long time, after all, he wanted to meet the people from the Lu family in the hidden world city.

The Lu family discovered that the original owner and several members of the Lu family looked quite alike.

Then, a kinship test was done with the original owner.

After confirming that the original owner was the blood of the Lu family, the Lu family found the Lu family in S City through the clue of the original owner.

It's just that the day when I found Lu's house happened to be the day when Lu Yao passed away and was buried.

Although the memory of the original owner was washed away, there was always an obsession in his heart.

When seeing Lu Yao's body, the original owner remembered everything in the past, and also knew her long-standing obsession - to return to Lu Yao's side.

Lu Yao was the only person who treated her well after the director of the orphanage. Even though he only spent one year with Lu Yao, it was also the happiest time in the original owner's life.

The original owner recovered his memory.

After Lu Yao's burial, Lu Yuchen and the original master recognized their ancestors and returned to the hermit city. Lu Yufei and Lu Jiu, whom Lu Yuchen had mistakenly recognized, went back to the hidden city with them.

The original owner was depressed for several days, and often went to Lu's villa in S City.

After learning that Lu Yao had been recuperating in a nursing home for a long time, she went to the nursing home.

Then...she found that there were slight signs of fighting in the convalescent room where Lu Yao lived.

The original owner was implanted with many excellent genes from various countries, and it was easy for her to find out the cause of Lu Yao's death.

Soon, she found out the cause of Lu Yao's death.

Lu Yao was killed by someone, and the murderer was Lu Yufei.

The original owner returned to the hidden world city and questioned Lu Yufei.

Lu Yufei kept denying it, and the original owner didn't care if she admitted it or not, and wanted to kill Lu Yufei and let her be buried with Lu Yao.

But... was stopped by Lu Yuchen.

It turned out that Lu Yuchen had always known that the person who killed Lu Yao was Lu Yufei, but instead of letting the murderer get the punishment he deserved, he was very partial to her.

The original owner didn't understand why, but it didn't hinder her determination to kill Lu Yufei.

Since Lu Yuchen protected Lu Yufei and prevented her from killing Lu Yufei, the original owner planned to kill Lu Yuchen together.

Unfortunately, it was the original owner who was killed in the end.

Lu Yuchen got the control code from the original owner from nowhere, and stopped the original owner.

Not only that, since then, the original owner has been subject to him.

Lu Yuchen manipulated the original owner to do many things.

The original owner's most prominent is hacking technology and force value.

Lu Yuchen manipulated the original owner to hack the internal networks of many consortiums, and also manipulated the original owner to help him eliminate many people who blocked his way of making money.

The strength value of the original owner can be said to be invincible here, no one is her opponent.

Even Qi Xiuyan, who was the number one expert in the Hidden World City, died after fighting with the original owner.

Once Qi Xiuyan died, all the existences that threatened Lu Yuchen were almost eradicated, and the last one was the original owner.

(End of this chapter)

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