The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 408 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 50

Chapter 408 I Don’t Want This Brother Anymore 50
The room suddenly lit up, and beside the bed, there was a person standing abruptly.

Lu Yuchen's pupils shrank slightly, and before he could make a sound, he was knocked out with a stick.

Rong Jiu looked at Lu Yuchen who had fainted, reached into his pocket, and took out a colorful snakeskin bag from it.

The strongest plug-in "..."?
Glancing at Rongjiu's small pocket, until now, he still hasn't figured out why the big baby's pocket can hold everything, and it can hold everything.

However, looking at some familiar pockets, I asked another question, "Big baby, did you wholesale snakeskin pockets before?"

It remembered that in the last plane, she also used such a bag to trap people.

Rong Jiu didn't answer the strongest cheat, but started to put a sack on Lu Yuchen.

The strongest cheater watched Rongjiu gradually familiarize himself with the business, and fell into a long silence.

After Rongjiu put Lu Yuchen into a snakeskin pocket, he threw the pocket over his shoulder and disappeared into Lu Yuchen's room.

In a blink of an eye, he appeared in another room.

"Why did you come to Lu Yufei's room?" the strongest cheat looked at Rong Jiu and asked.

"Aren't you curious why people who died 14 years ago are alive again?" Rong Jiu asked.

In the memory of the original owner's previous life, this doubtful point was not explained.

But Rong Jiu remembered very clearly that when she was five years old, Lu Yufei died of illness.

Rong Jiu was still very curious as to why people who had already died suddenly came back to life.

The strongest cheater blinked, his eyes stained with curiosity.

Standing by the bed, Rong Jiu stretched out his hand, opened his palm, and placed it on top of Lu Yufei's head.

Soon, white light flickered, and Lu Yufei's memories slowly flowed into Rongjiu's mind along Rongjiu's palm.

The smile on the corner of Rongjiu's mouth gradually took on a deep meaning.

After 3 minutes, Rong Jiu withdrew his hand.

"Big darling, what's up, what's up, have you figured it out?" Qiang Qiang looked at Rong Jiu curiously and said.

"I figured it out." Rong Jiu replied casually.

The strongest hacker heard the words, looked at Rong Jiu, and waited for Rong Jiu's next words.

Ran Goose, after waiting for a long time, Rong Jiu didn't speak again, "So? Why did she suddenly live?"

Rong Jiu didn't answer, but changed the location again.

"here it is……"

"Chiba City Experimental Base." Rong Jiu carried Lu Yuchen on his shoulders and walked on the ruined experimental base.

Carrying Lu Yuchen all the way forward, when he reached the center of the ruins, Rong Jiu flipped his wrist, and the ruins on the ground began to vibrate violently.

Slowly, a crack opened on the ground, rubble and debris piled up on both sides, and a stone door stood on the other side of the crack.

Rong Jiu jumped into the crack of the ground and walked to the stone gate.

A light flashed on the stone door, Rong Jiu closed his eyes slightly, and opened them again, the pupils changed a different color.

Standing in front of the stone gate, after being verified by the pupils, he walked into the stone gate with Lu Yuchen on his shoulders.


There was a cold touch on the face, as if water had been splashed on it?

When Lu Yuchen woke up, he felt very dizzy, especially the back of his head was in severe pain.

Shaking his head vigorously to wake himself up, he shook off the drops of water on his face.

"Are you awake?" A clean and pure voice sounded in the ear, and it seemed ethereal and distant in the empty room.

When Lu Yuchen looked up, he saw Rongjiu with his eyebrows bent and an innocent and pure smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

The pupils shrank, and the hands and feet began to struggle, but helplessly, they couldn't do it at all, "Rong Jiu, what do you want?"

Rong Jiu blinked, and looked at Lu Yuchen innocently, "Aren't you looking for me, I took the initiative to deliver it to your door, shouldn't you be happy?"

(End of this chapter)

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