The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 414 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 52

Chapter 414 Don't be Cinderella anymore, be the boss 52
The building outside the car window receded quickly, and a familiar female voice sounded next to her ear, as if she was on the phone.

There was a slight pain in her heart, Rong Jiu blinked, and when she came back to her senses, she realized that she had left the world of punishment.

Leaning on the back seat, closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, "Qiang Zai, what's going on now?"

"We're back to the previous mission. After you leave the world, the world will automatically leave a copy. Now it's two years later." The strongest cheat looked at the plot and said to Rongjiu.

"Two years later?" Rong Jiu murmured in a low voice, "So, the mission will continue?"

"Su Qing's current situation... is very favorable for you to complete the task." The strongest cheater said to Rong Jiu.

"En." Rong Jiu just responded lightly.

"This is the memory of the clone over the years, you accept it." Said Qiang Qiang, and gave the memory of the clone to Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu closed his eyes, receiving the memory.

After receiving all the memories, Rong Jiu blinked, and a tear fell from the socket.

Rong Xing who hung up the phone saw tears in the corner of Rong Jiu's eyes, stretched out his hand, wiped Rong Jiu, and sighed helplessly, "Thinking of Mu Yanchen again?"

Rong Jiu opened his eyes, bent his eyebrows, nodded slightly to Rong Xing, and did not speak.

"Jiujiu, forget about him." Rong Xing said to Rongjiu.

She didn't know the story between Rongjiu and Mu Yanchen, but after the two broke up, she met Mu Yanchen.

Mu Yanchen really has no feelings for Rongjiu.

Instead, it seems to be looking at another person through wine.

"I'm fine." Rong Jiu just said this.

At this time, the car stopped.

Rong Jiu opened the door first and got out of the car.

They are now in country M, and today is the finals of this year's ICPC.

Because this year's opponent is relatively strong, Rong Jiu signed up, and Mu Qi is also teaming up with Rong Jiu.

Before the game started, Rong Xing took Rong Jiu out to relax, so he came to the venue late.

Mu Qi, Rong Tiantian and his group were already waiting at the venue.

Rong Jiu got out of the car, and Rong Xing also got out of the car.

After getting backstage, Mu Qi was still walking around in the waiting room.

Seeing Rong Jiu and Rong Xing coming, Mu Qi's eyes lit up, "Brother Jiu, you are finally here."

"Not late." Rong Jiu said casually, then looked at Rong Tiantian.

Seeing that Rong Tiantian was no longer a clone, he blinked at Rong Tiantian.

Rong Tiantian smiled back.

"Then let's play." Mu Qi said, clutching Rong Jiu's wrist, and left the waiting room.

Rong Xing looked at Rongjiu's back, pursed his lips, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, Jiujiu be different today?

Shengyan Villa
Assistant Xiao was holding a tablet in his hand. On the tablet, it happened to be the live broadcast of the ICPC finals.

"Master, today is the final match between Miss Rong and Young Master Mu, do you want to watch the live broadcast?" Assistant Xiao asked standing behind Mu Yanchen.

Mu Yanchen was wearing a green shirt, sitting in a wheelchair, his face was pale, his brows were full of despair and world-weariness, only those eyes were full of tenderness, and his gaze fell straight on the pocket watch he was holding in his hand. And inlaid in the pocket watch is a photo of Rongjiu.

Hearing Assistant Xiao's voice, Mu Yanchen tightened his grip on the pocket watch, and said lightly, "Take it off."

Assistant Xiao shook his head helplessly when he heard this, and turned off the tablet.

He wanted to say something more when he heard Mu Yanchen coughing.

"Master, are you alright?" Assistant Xiao stepped forward, looking at Mu Yanchen worriedly.

Mu Yanchen held a handkerchief in his hand, covered his mouth, and coughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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