Chapter 425 Kill God, Do You Dare? 4
"Of course not." The King of God put down the cup in his hand, and looked at Rongjiu solemnly.

"Oh? Is there something wrong with the Divine King?" Rong Jiu met the Divine King's gaze without avoiding it.

"A cup of scented tea is not enough, so I naturally came to ask for a few more cups." The corners of Shen Wang's mouth slightly curled up, and there was a trace of disobedient warmth on his handsome face.

Rongjiu paused for a moment with his hands playing with flowers, "Oh? Is that so? How did I hear that the King of Gods traveled abroad for many years, leaving behind the scenery of mountains and rivers and came back just for a cup of scented tea in the Temple of Flowers?"

"Although the scenery of mountains and rivers outside is charming, it's not half as good as that of the Flower God Temple." The deep voice said something that could be misunderstood, but it didn't make people feel ambiguous at all.

"Really? If it looks good, God King will take a look." Rong Jiu didn't bother to test him any more, so he said something perfunctory

"I've come from a long way, isn't God going to accompany me for a walk?" God King's eyes were light, it seemed that he really just wanted to see the scenery.

Rong Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Sorry, I still have things to do."

Seeing this, the God King clicked his tongue lightly, drank his tea and didn't speak any more.

God of War is also a taciturn person. He doesn't speak, but just drinks one cup after another.

Rongjiu felt bored, so he got up, and said, "You two drink tea slowly, and leave on your own after tasting." Then he left.

The King of God looked at Rong Jiu's back, moved his lips, but finally didn't say a word.


Back in the bedroom, Rong Jiu continued to play with the flowers he had just picked.

In the last plane, when she had nothing to do, she learned the art of flower arrangement, which happened to be useful in this world.

Rongjiu was busy arranging flowers, a flower maid rushed in, "God, it's not good."

Rong Jiu raised his eyelids, "What's wrong?"

"The God of War and the King of God are fighting, and they are about to tear down the Temple of Flower God." The maid looked at Rong Jiu anxiously, speaking very fast.

Let wine "..."? ? ?
He threw the flower branch in his hand on the table, got up, and disappeared into the bedroom with a flash of brilliance on his body.

Seeing this, the flower attendant turned around and ran towards the Flower God Hall.

When Rong Jiu appeared outside the Flower God Hall, the main hall of the Flower God Temple had already collapsed and turned into ruins. Two figures flew over the ruins.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rong Jiu was silent for a moment, and after a while, he smiled sweetly and looked at the two people who were fighting fiercely in the sky.

Many little gods and immortals heard the sound and came to watch in a hurry.

"What's wrong? Why did you fight?"

"Who is it? Can't see the moves clearly?"

"I heard it's the God King and the God of War."

"The god king is back?"

"No, why did the God King and the God of War fight?"

"The fight in the Flower God Temple... Could it be that it was about two men competing for a woman?"

"Not sure."


The onlookers whispered to each other, talking in low voices.

Rongjiu's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and a sweet and innocent smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Looking at the two people in the sky who hadn't stopped, he flipped his wrist lightly, and petals wrapped in time and space flew out along his fingertips. , Hitting the two men in the sky.

The petals surrounded the God King and the God of War, separating them.

Separated by the petals, the God King and the God of War were a little stunned and didn't react for a while.

Although the seven gods were born at the same time, they differ greatly in terms of force. Except for the god of the underworld who never fights, the other six gods have all fought against each other.

The weakest among them is the beautiful flower god, but now...

The God of War frowned, his face darkened, and he glanced at the God King who looked very unbeaten, but stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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