Chapter 434 Kill God, Do You Dare? 13
The originally deep and penetrating eyes were now dyed with bright colors, making them look even more dazzling.

Lou Yue's eyes fell on Rong Jiu, and her hands tucked into her wide sleeves trembled slightly again.

Not only want her smile, but also want her eyes.

Looking at Lou Yue who hadn't left yet, Rongjiu raised his eyebrows, "Master Mozun, don't you leave? There are heavenly soldiers guarding the Temple of the Kitchen God."

"If you don't return the stars for a day, I will stay with you for a day." Lou Yue looked straight at Rong Jiu and said this.

Rongjiu "..." Ah this...

Is the little fairy eager to be well?

Eyebrows bent, looking at Lou Yue, "Master Mozun must follow carefully, don't lose him."

Lou Yue nodded seriously.

Xingyun stopped outside the Temple of Kitchen God, Rongjiu and Hua Qingyue turned into radiance and fell on the entrance of the main hall, at the same time, another radiance fell beside the two of them.

Rong Jiu looked at Lou Yue who had transformed into Su Ting, and blinked, is that okay?

The three of them walked into the Temple of Kitchen God just like that, and the heavenly soldiers guarding the gate saluted the three of them politely.

After entering the Temple of Kitchen God, it is a different look.

People who come and go, except for the patrolling heavenly soldiers, are people with turbans on their heads and aprons around their waists.

On this side, there is a man chasing a duck with a kitchen knife, there is a man who is being dragged by a cow, and there is a man holding his trouser legs in the pond to catch fish...

I saw all those flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and running on the ground, and there were quite a few of them.

Rong Jiu blinked, this Temple of Kitchen is still lively.

Walking into the dining hall, the sounds of shouting, chopping spoons, burning fire, chopping vegetables and meat lingering in my was very chaotic.

The steward of the Temple of Kitchen had a big belly, and walked among the crowd holding a trumpet brought back from the world, "Do it well for me, do it carefully, if there is too much material, or if there is less material, just redo ten times for me." Over and over again, if you don’t work hard today and make dark dishes tomorrow, cheer me up.”

"Guard Liu." Hua Qingyue opened her mouth and called God of Cooking.

Guanshi Liu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Miss Qingyue, why come here when you have time?"

"Where did your lord go?" Hua Qingyue asked.

"Your Excellency is in the snack room." Guanshi Liu replied.

Upon hearing this, Hua Qingyue thanked Guanshi Liu, and then led Rongjiu to the dim sum room.

The dim sum room is not as chaotic as the dining room, it is very quiet here, when you walk into the dim sum room, there is actually only one person in it.

The inside is separated by several bead curtains, and you can only vaguely see a person bent over making snacks in the innermost place.

"Master Chef?"

"Wait a moment." There was a clear and childish voice from inside.

Hua Qingyue just stood there waiting, Rong Jiu was already full of heart on those snacks, her little paws were about to move.

Lou Yue stood still, but her eyes kept following Rong Jiu.

Seeing Rong Jiu like this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but bend.

After a while, the bead curtain was lifted open.

A white figure came out from the inside, seeing the three of them, he was slightly stunned for a while, and then he said, "Lord Flower God, Lord God King, why are you free to come to my Temple of Kitchen?"

"Can I eat?" Seeing the God of Cooking coming out, Rong Jiu's first question was this sentence.

The God of Cooking was stunned for a moment, and then nodded slightly, "Of course." There was a clear and clean smile on his slightly immature face, and there was a little smile in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lou Yue panicked and asked blankly, "Can I eat?"

"Of course you can." God of Cooking replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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