Chapter 438 Kill God, Do You Dare? 17
Rong Jiu blinked and glanced at Su Ting.

"Corroded by the seawater of the Promise Sea?"

Ah... this year's God King is too weak.

The little fairy stayed in the infinite sea for three days and three nights, but the sea did not do anything to her.

"That's right." Su Ting nodded, and then added, "But it's okay, it will recover in a few days."

Rong Jiu let out a soft sigh, "Why did Lou Yue throw you to the Sea of ​​Promise?"

"Not really, he turned into me every day to go to the Temple of Kitchen God. I found out three days ago, and then he threw him into the sea of ​​infinity." The more Su Ting said, the more angry he felt.

When Rong Jiu heard his words, he turned his head and looked at Hua Xiyue, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Hua Xiyue's eyes fell on Su Ting, her eyes were a little deep, and she didn't realize that Rong Jiu was looking at her.

"Forget it, right, where are you going?" Su Ting followed up with Rong Jiu and asked.

"Picking flowers." Rong Jiu replied casually.

Su Ting's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "It's just right, I have long wanted to see the beauty of the Temple of Flowers, Jiujiu, please take me for a stroll."

While talking, he slowly approached Rongjiu.

Rong Jiu didn't move, Hua Xiyue took the lead and took a step forward, separating Su Ting and Rong Jiu, her face remained unchanged.

"Xiao Huaxian, get out of the way, don't block me from cultivating feelings with your adults." Su Ting looked at Hua Xiyue and said this.

Hua Xiyue pretended not to hear, and continued to stand between the two.

"I said Xiaohuaxian, you don't know who I am, do you? I am..."

"God King Su Ting, Xiaoxian has heard it just now." Hua Xiyue turned her head, smiled politely, and looked at Su Ting and said.

Su Ting " you know that you still dare to offend?"

"Xiaoxian is a member of the Flower God Palace, and is not under the control of the Lord God King." Hua Xiyue said seriously, "Besides, you have plotted against my lord, Xiaoxian has an obligation to protect my lord."

Su Ting "..." God damn's plan is wrong!
"Jiujiu~" Seeing that Hua Xiyue couldn't explain it, Su Ting looked at Rongjiu with an aggrieved face.

Rong Jiu directly ignored Su Ting's existence.

Su Ting let out a long sigh, stepped forward, and walked to the other side of Rongjiu, "Jiujiu, tell me, you have accepted my token of love for more than half a month, why are you still so indifferent to me?"

Hua Xiyue stopped walking when she heard the words, and the way she looked at Su Ting suddenly changed.

"Huh? What token?" Rong Jiu stopped and looked at Su Ting in a daze.

Why didn't she know that she still took his token?
"The Star Picking Fan, that's my token of love for you." Su Ting said, showing a smile, coupled with his bumpy face, he really had hot eyes.

Rongjiu "..."

"That's your apology to my lord." Hua Xiyue spoke first.

Su Ting looked at Hua Xiyue, "I said Xiao Huaxian, do you have a crush on me, that's why you have been preventing me from developing a relationship with your adults, let me tell you, give up, I won't like you, I There is only wine in my heart."

After hearing this, Hua Xiyue tightened her hand holding the basket slightly, turned her head and looked at Rongjiu, "My lord, if I hit my lord, will your lord blame me?"

Rong Jiu immediately shook his head, she also seemed to beat up this idiot.

When Hua Xiyue heard this, she smiled, turned her head, and looked at Su Ting.

"Xiaohuaxian, let me tell you, don't ask for trouble, I'm the king of gods, I can be crushed to death with one finger..."

Before he finished speaking, Hua Xiyue punched him flying.

In a blink of an eye, it disappeared in the Flower God Temple.

Rong Jiu looked at Su Ting, who was beaten into the air again, and blinked. Isn't this god king a little too weak?

(End of this chapter)

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