Chapter 453 Kill God, Do You Dare? 32
Lou Jia "..." Faint Lord.

Cursing the faint king in his heart, he withdrew respectfully.

Although it is the same for their demon clan to have a demon king or not, but the demon king can sit in that position, in addition to the force value, the means are also there.

In the early years, Lou Yue was ruthless in his work, many people coveted his position, but they were all killed by him, the methods were extremely cruel.

Even though Lou Yue was not in the Demon God Temple all the year round, no one dared to covet that position anymore.

No one dared to disobey Lou Yue's order.

Just like the battle between immortals and demons thousands of years ago, the demon king did not participate at all, but Qi Yao and the demon king's cronies brought the demon soldiers to participate in the battle.

Later, the demon king was defeated.

It's not that the demons have no complaints, they just dare not speak out.

Until 500 years ago, when the Demon Race and the Monster Race fought, Lou Yue participated in it on a whim.

After winning the battle and even signing a peace contract with the Yaozu, the demon crowd felt a little bit in awe of the Demon Lord.

It was also because of the battle with the demon clan that the demon crowd reluctantly became convinced of this demon venerable.

The demons were originally warlike, and they used to like to cause trouble everywhere. Since the defeat of the fairy-devil war, the demons realized that without the demon, they could not win at all.

Then they simply stopped fighting, but kept themselves cute in their own territory.

It's been a long's Buddha.

Today's demons enjoy life one by one. If there is a sudden war... the possibility of winning is almost zero.

The more Lou Jia thought about it, the more worried she became.

He had to keep the fact that his lord had kidnapped the Flower God back to the Demon Realm a secret, otherwise, there might really be a fight.


Rong Jiu felt that she had a very long sleep.

And, when I woke up, I couldn't remember anything.

Sitting up from the bed, he looked left and right, with a trace of bewilderment in his eyes.

where is this?

who am I?
"Are you awake?" Lou Yue in a black robe walked in and saw Rong Jiu sitting on the bed.

Rong Jiu tilted his head, looked at Lou Yue, "Who are you?"

Lou Yue walked to the bed and sat down, put the porridge in her hand on the table beside the bed, "Don't remember?"

Rong Jiu shook his head, looked at Lou Yue and asked, "Do you know me?"

Regarding Lou Yue, Rong Jiu believed it from the bottom of his heart, so he asked subconsciously.

"Your name is Rongjiu."

The corners of Lou Yue's mouth were slightly curved, and she looked at Rong Jiu tenderly.

"Rongjiu." Rongjiu repeated in a low voice, as if it was his name.

"I'm Lou Yue, your husband." Lou Yue continued to talk to Rong Jiu.

"Husband?" Rong Jiu looked at Lou Yue.

"Although we are not married yet, we will soon." Lou Yue lowered her eyes slightly, tilted her head, took the porridge on the bedside, and continued, "You were injured, so you lost your memory. What happened before I don't even remember."

Rong Jiu blinked, is that so?

But her body...except for a little dizziness, she doesn't seem to have other discomforts.

Lou Yue dug a spoonful of porridge and brought it to Rongjiu's mouth, "Drink some porridge."

Rongjiu opened his mouth subconsciously, took the spoon in his mouth, put aside all the doubts in his mind, and focused on the porridge.

Lou Yue looked at Rong Jiu who was so well-behaved and had no doubts at all, feeling a little unreal in her heart.

So, well.

"Does the taste suit your taste?" There was tenderness in his eyes, and tenderness and pampering in his voice.

Rongjiu nodded, and replied vaguely, "It's delicious." He opened his mouth, and swallowed the porridge that Lou Yue brought to his mouth.

Seeing this, Lou Yue's smile deepened.

If it has been like this, it's not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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