Chapter 479 Kill God, Do You Dare? 58
"Today is your death day." The Immortal Emperor looked at Lou Yue with gloomy eyes, his eyes full of killing intent.

There was a trace of solemnity in Lou Yue's eyes, she didn't know what was going on.

"Do you think evil can't prevail against righteousness, and it's just a sentence?" The Immortal Emperor grinned, looking at Lou Yue arrogantly, "No, this is not just a sentence, it's...the law of heaven and earth, it's a rule."

Lou Yue tightened the fan in her hand, and said in a deep voice, "Such an unfair law, what use is it?"

"It doesn't matter how powerful you are. From the time we were born, it was decided that you, the queen of the underworld, and the demon god are destined to live in the demon world, the underworld, and the demon world that represent evil, and I, the immortal emperor, am the representative of justice." Immortal Emperor There was a hint of madness on his face.

"Good? Evil?" Lou Yue snorted lightly.

"I am righteous and you are evil, so heaven and earth will help me, and you will be destroyed by me. I am the real god." The immortal emperor said and raised the sword in his hand, "laws of heaven and earth, please give me strength .”

"Darling, this Immortal Emperor seems to have a second-degree illness." Moreover, the illness is not serious.

When Lou Yue started to lose the wind, Rong Jiu had already rushed to Lou Yue's side.

As soon as I landed next to Lou Yue, I heard the Immortal Emperor holding a sword and saying please give me strength.

"Indeed." Rong Jiu nodded in agreement.

Over there, the Immortal Emperor's eyes were stained with madness, he held the sword, and stabbed straight at Lou Yue.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Rong Jiu grabbed the sword.

The Immortal Emperor narrowed his eyes, "Rongjiu, ruin my good deeds."

Rongjiu looked at the Immortal Emperor with a smile, "The law here stipulates that the evil cannot prevail against the righteous, but... there is also another rule, does the Immortal Emperor know?"


Rongjiu tightened his hand holding the sword, his eyebrows curved, and with one forceful force, he broke the sword in the Immortal Emperor's hand into two pieces, "You must not kill gods, those who kill gods will enter reincarnation, and they will never end well."

"But, I am righteous." Seeing that the immortal sword in his hand was broken, the Immortal Emperor stepped back slightly, and said to Rongjiu, "He is evil, righteousness gets rid of evil, what's wrong."

Lou Yue walked to Rong Jiu's side, grabbed Rong Jiu's hand, took a look, saw that she was not injured, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Didn't I let you watch the battle?"

Rongjiu gave Lou Yue a peaceful look, then looked at the Immortal Emperor with a smile, "Yueyue is a god, Immortal Emperor, do you dare to kill him?"

"I've never heard of such a rule, why don't you dare?" The Immortal Emperor tightened the sword in his hand, ready to move.

"No." A figure fell behind the Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor looked back and saw that it was Concubine Bai.

"Don't kill gods, it's true." Bai Xianfei leaned into the ear of the Immortal Emperor and said this.

People in the world of gods and immortals do not know this rule, but the three worlds of demons, underworld, and demons all know this rule.

Xu Shitiandi felt that gods and immortals are benevolent and would not want to kill, but the two worlds of random immortals and gods do not know this rule.

Now it seems that it is really ironic.

Hearing this, the Immortal Emperor gritted his teeth, his eyes full of unwillingness.

The corners of Rongjiu's mouth raised slightly, his eyes were full of evil, "Immortal Emperor." The corner of his mouth smiled deeply, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, and he looked at the Immortal Emperor, "Killing God, do you dare?"

Hearing Rongjiu's harsh and provocative tone, Emperor Xian gritted his teeth with hatred, but he didn't dare.

"You don't dare, I dare." Rong Jiu said, his wrists fluttered, and he summoned his divine power to strike straight at the Immortal Emperor.

Seeing this, the strongest cheater's pupils shrank slightly, "No!"

Seeing this, Lou Yue's pupils constricted and her body was surrounded by black mist, "Jijiu is back."

Concubine Bai didn't expect Rong Jiu to make a move, her eyes were filled with shock.

Needless to say, the Immortal Emperor was stunned.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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