The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 481 Killing God, Do You Dare? 60 end

Chapter 481 Killing God, Do You Dare? 60 end

In this world, no one really remembers the presence of Rong Jiu.

On the contrary, there are rumors that the fall of the Flower God and the Immortal Emperor is because they died together.

However, no one knew why the Immortal Emperor and the Flower God died together, and the people at the scene of the death of the Immortal Emperor and the Flower God did not remember the cause and process.

"Your Majesty, why do you have time to come here?" Lou Ding looked at Lou Yue who suddenly visited, a little flattered.

"This is, you wrote it?" Lou Yue had two more books in her hand.

When Lou Ding saw it, he was stunned for a moment, then gave Lou Yue a cowardly look, and immediately began to defend, "My lord, I am not lazy, I wrote this in my spare time."

"Who did you give this to?" Lou Yue didn't understand, why, there was a feeling that there was another person beside him before.

"This...maybe Lou Bing stole it." Lou Ding said uncertainly.

Then he set his eyes on Lou Yue, hoping he would give it back to her.

Lou Yue did not return the book to Lou Ding, but took the book, turned and left.

Lou Ding anxiously watched Lou Yue walk away, feeling a little distressed, a book can be sold for a lot of money.


"Your Majesty, why are you in the kitchen again?" Lou Yi looked at Lou Yue who was standing by the stove for the nth time in a daze, and did not know how many times he asked the question.

"Just, come over and have a look." I always feel that he should stand by the stove and make snacks for... for whom?

"There is a big monster in the sea of ​​infinity who is in turmoil. I'm going to strengthen the formation. Are you going to join in the fun?" Looking at Lou Yue's increasingly haggard face, Qi Yao was surprised.

This is, lovelorn or about to fall?

"The Sea of ​​Promise?" Lou Yue nodded, "Go and have a look."

Hearing this, Qi Yao raised his eyebrows, "Let's go."

As he spoke, he carried the clouds and headed towards the infinite sea.

Along the way, Lou Yue was distracted until she reached the border of the infinite sea.

The black sea looks very calm, the black water is like stagnant water, there is no ripple on the sea surface.

"How long are you going to chase me?"

"Hello? Are you still fighting?"

"The Star Picking Fan, I don't know."

"You want that fan too?"


Some fragments flashed in my mind, but those memories seemed to be fragments that couldn't be put together no matter what.

What the hell did he forget.

Why, my heart, so empty?

"Master Mozun, why come to my Flower God Palace when you have time?" Hua Qingyue, who has been promoted to Flower God, looked at Lou Yue, a little puzzled.

"I always feel that I should take a look." Lou Yue said with a dazed expression.

Seeing this, Hua Qingyue exchanged a glance with Su Ting.

Sure enough, the rumors outside were true.

Since the war, Lou Yue has indeed become abnormal.


After the war, Lou Yue often ran between the Temple of Flowers, the Temple of Kitchen, and the Temple of Demons.

Running and running, and later, he stopped running and started to go up and down the water, wandering around, and his figure was all over the six realms.

Some people said that he was looking for someone, but who he was looking for, even Qi Yao, who had the best relationship with him, didn't know.

In fact, Lou Yue herself didn't know what he was looking for, she just wanted to.

I always feel that, looking for it, maybe one day, he will meet the person he is looking for.

"The fan in your hand, can you give it to me?" That day, when Lou Yue was sitting in the mountain temple in the human world looking at the peach blossoms, a little girl appeared from behind him, looking at him with crooked eyes.

When Lou Yue turned her head, she bumped into a pair of clear and clean eyes, and the emptiness in her heart seemed to be slowly filling up.

"This fan is for my sweetheart, do you still want it?" Lou Yue said to the little girl.

"My sweetheart said that he wants to give me a fan, do you want to give me?" The little girl looked at Lou Yue with a smile.

Lou Yue gave the little girl the Star Picking Fan and brought the little girl back to the Demon Realm.

A few days later, Shili Hongzhuang took the whole devil world as an offer to marry the little girl.

I heard that after the marriage, the Mozun kept the Empress by his side like a pendant all year round, never letting him out of sight for a moment.

After a long time, everyone knew the name of the empress, Rongjiu.

As for where it came from and who it is, no one knows.

(End of this chapter)

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