The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 494 The host wants to be a zombie 13

Chapter 494 The host wants to be a zombie 13
Just trying to mobilize the ability to heal the wound on his neck, but found that his ability cannot be used.

Lu Yuan's heart skipped a beat, his brows were filled with fear, he raised his head and looked at Su Yan, "Is he a zombie?"

Rong Jiu nodded.

"You actually have zombies together?"

"What? Are you racist?" Rong Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan "..." What does this have to do with discrimination or non-discrimination?

"No." Lu Yuan shook his head, then looked at Su Yan, "Brother, please, can you stop imprisoning my abilities? Otherwise, I might bleed and die from shock."

After hearing this, Su Yan ignored Lu Yuan, but set his eyes on Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu turned his head and nodded to Su Yan.

Only then did Su Yan take back the prestige on his body.

Once the coercion was withdrawn, Lu Yuan only felt the invisible gravity on him disappear.

My heart seemed to relax a little, and there was a white light on my hand, and as soon as it touched the wound on my neck, the wound healed.

"Healing?" Rong Jiu blinked and looked at Lu Yuan.

"I have dual abilities of healing and fire, little girl, do you want to hug me up..." Facing Su Yan's dark red eyes, he paused.

"You just said that you would pay me for my time. From now on, just stay by my side and run errands." Rong Jiu looked at Lu Yuan and said.

Lu Yuan "..."? ? ?

"Do you have an opinion?" Rong Jiu looked at Lu Yuan.

"No." For the safety of his life, Lu Yuan hesitated.

Seeing this, Rong Jiu is satisfied.

"Get in the car." Said to Lu Yuan.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, and he got into the car.

Rong Jiu rolled up the window again, and was about to drive when his hands were grabbed.

Rong Jiu tilted his head and looked at Su Yan.

"Run errands, I can, he, get off." Su Yan spoke so many words intermittently for the first time.

When Rong Jiu heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he looked at Su Yan, "Don't you like him?"

Su Yan remained silent, as a tacit consent.

"Let him run errands, and Susu can stay by my side all the time." Rong Jiu blinked and looked at Su Yan.

Su Yan's expression changed when he heard that.

Rong Jiu chuckled, looked at Su Yan and said, "Sit down, we're leaving."

Su Yan listened, sat down seriously, and grabbed the leather cushion with his hands consciously.

And Lu, who occupied the entire row of back seats, stretched his waist, lay down directly in the back seat, and then sighed a long time, "Oh, it's comfortable."

With the sound of bang on the accelerator, the car moved forward at high speed again.

"Fuck! Auntie, slow down!"

"Grandma, please, slow down."

The car was speeding forward on the road, and the howling sound in the car continued.

Lu Yuan's current feeling is that he is flying in the car, and his soul is chasing after the car.


The car drove into a small town, and Rong Jiu stopped the car, "Get out of the car."

Open the door and get out of the car.

I didn't know that there was no one in the town, so to be on the safe side, I stopped the car before fully entering the town.

Rong Jiu got out of the car, and Su Yan also got out of the car.

Lu Yuan staggered out of the car, held on to the door, and looked back.

"What are you looking at? Let's go." Rong Jiu looked at Lu Yuan.

"Let me see if my soul has caught up." Lu Yuan's face was pale, and he looked at Rong Jiu quietly.

Rong Jiu blinked and didn't speak, but took Su Yan's hand and walked into the small town.

Su Yan glanced at the car, and with a flick of his mental strength, the car was taken into the space.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan swallowed, no wonder there were no supplies in the car, it turned out to be because of the ability of the space system.

Can't the difference between people be smaller?
Putting away the envy and jealousy in his eyes, he slowly followed the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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