The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 507 The host wants to be a zombie 26

Chapter 507 The host wants to be a zombie 26
"How strong is this?" Zhou Xiaolin asked after hearing Xu Qian's words.

"It's not a zombie." Zhou Xiaohui's eyes fell on Rong Jiu, and his eyes were stained with speculation.

He didn't believe it, Rongjiu's ability was only third level.

When she dealt with that zombie just now, the rattan that she transformed... is not something that a third-level power user can do.

Rong Jiu scanned the whole building, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he withdrew his mental strength, "Let's go, go to other buildings, this building is out of supplies."

Unfortunately, was one step ahead.

Obviously, a lot of supplies were returned before going upstairs, but now they are all gone.

"Brother Jiu, just now, was it the mental power you released?" Xu Qian asked cautiously.

Rong Jiu raised his eyebrows, but did not deny it.

Xu Qian swallowed, "You, you are more than the third level?"

"I just advanced yesterday, it's the fourth level." Rong Jiu said nonsense.

"I just said, how can the mental power of the third level be so strong." Xu Qian said.

"Did someone sweep the building?" Zhou Xiaohui looked at Rong Jiu and asked.

"Sweeping, there is nothing left, all the tables, benches and chairs have been taken away." Rong Jiu said casually.

"Which team has such a clean shot?" Zhou Xiaolin muttered in a low voice.

Rong Jiu led Su Yan downstairs.

a team?

Is it enough for the heroine alone?
Not only the supplies were taken away, but even the zombies in the building were taken away.


After walking out of the building, Rong Jiu and his party changed to another building and cleaned the building.

Rong Jiu took the lead in searching with his mental strength, and chose a building with supplies.

There was not a single zombie in the whole building, which disappointed Zhou Xiaolin and Xu Qian.

When the task of collecting crystal nuclei started, Xu Qian and Zhou Xiaoling were the most active and rushed to the front.

However, after walking for more than 1000 meters, I didn't see a single zombie.

"It's strange, why didn't I see a single zombie today." Some team members muttered in a low voice.

"It's getting late today, let's go back, the crystal nucleus mission, come back next time." Rong Jiu said.

She has already used her mental strength to investigate, and there is no living zombie within 2000 meters.

It is estimated that they were all taken away by the hostess.

Rong Jiu didn't know what the heroine was doing with so many zombies, but she was curious.

So, it takes another time to figure it out.

"Ah? Don't do it?" Xu Qian was a little frustrated, he hadn't tried it with zombies yet.

"I don't want to go back, how about walking back by myself?" Rong Jiu looked at Xu Qian.

"Hey, no." Xu Qian immediately stood up straight when he heard Rong Jiu's words, "Return, I will return now."

"Pack up your things and go back." Rong Jiu looked at the team members and said.

Then, everyone got busy.

While everyone was busy packing their things, Xu Qian sneaked into the alley next to him.

It was already 10 minutes after everyone loaded their things into the car.

"Is everyone here?" Standing by the car, Rong Jiu asked.

"The second group is here, the third group is here, and the fourth group is here..."

"The first group is not complete, and Xu Qian is gone." Zhou Xiaohui, who was in charge of counting the number, had a big head.

After hearing this, Rong Jiu raised his eyebrows, could it be, ran to...

"Fuck! Help, is there anyone? Help!" A voice rang in my ear.

"Monster, where do you escape, you split it open, split it, if you don't split it, if you don't split it, I will burn you to death." It was Xu Qian's voice.

Everyone followed the prestige, but did not see anyone, until a few seconds later, two people appeared in the alley.

A man in ragged clothes ran in front, chasing Xu Qian behind, with his index finger and middle finger stretched out together, and his other fingers curled up, pointing at the person running in front, shouting, "Crack it open, monster."

Everyone "..." Is Xu Qian crazy?
Rong Jiu blinked, this is, learn and use.

 Good night, tomorrow is the college entrance examination, the little friends of the college entrance examination are cute and come on
(End of this chapter)

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