The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 509 The host wants to be a zombie 28

Chapter 509 The host wants to be a zombie 28
Lu Yuan saw Xu Qian sitting side by side with him, his eyes stared like copper bells, "It's you, the bastard, it's you, scare me, call me a monster."

As Lu Yuan said, he stretched out his hand and locked Xu Qian's throat.

"Fuck, you stink, let me go and stay away from me." Xu Qian was choked by fate, and he still didn't forget to despise Lu Yuanshou.

"You think I'm stinky, why don't you say I'm stinky when you're chasing me? See if you don't stink to death." After hearing this, Lu Yuan got even more aggressive and threw himself on Xu Qian.

If it weren't for the kindness of the young master, a fireball would burn this dog to death.

"Damn it, let me go." Xu Qian raised his foot to kick Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan chuckled, stretched out his foot and pressed Xu Qian's leg, "How about it, doesn't it taste good? Enjoy it."

Rong Jiu, who was driving, was instantly excited when he saw the fierce battle in the backseat from the rearview mirror.

"Watch the way." Su Yan looked at Rong Jiu who was suddenly excited, and said helplessly.

After hearing this, Rong Jiu coughed lightly and regained his composure.

I have already started to call Qiang Zai in my heart, "Qiang Zai, Qiang Zai, quickly record it for me, I will go back and watch."

The strongest plug-in "..."

A little speechless, but resigned to fate, he turned on the camera.


The battle between Xu Qian and Lu Yuan ended with Xu Qian being fainted.

Well, in fact, Rong Jiu drove too fast, Xu Qian hit the car door and passed out.

When getting off the car, Rong Jiu gave Lu Yuan the task of taking Xu Qian back to his room, "It happens that he still lacks a roommate, so you can live with him."

After hearing this, Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, "Thank you, aunt, for taking me in."

After finishing speaking, he carried Xu Qian on his shoulder, "Where is his room?"

"Second floor, the first room on the right." Rong Jiu enthusiastically pointed out the way.

Lu Yuan carried Xu Qian on his shoulders and quickly went upstairs.

Rong Jiu blinked and watched Xu Qian and Lu Yuan go upstairs, look at the back, what a pair of babes.

When the two of them were no longer in sight, Rong Jiu looked away, thinking of the heroine's behavior of taking away the zombies today, "Qiang Zai, tell me, why is the heroine taking the zombies?"

"Ah? The heroine collects zombies? Why does she collect zombies?" The strongest cheater looked bewildered.

Rong Jiu: "..." Sure enough, this kind of thing is only suitable for the little fairy to think on her own.


"Brother Jiu, the base chief sent someone to look for you just now, please go to the center of the base." Rong Jiu just came back from the outside after finishing his mission, Xu Qian, who was staying at the base on duty, ran over and said to Rong Jiu.

After hearing this, Rong Jiu let out a sigh of relief, "Why does he want me?"

"I don't know, but I heard that someone called you a small report." Xu Qian said to Rong Jiu with a mysterious face.

Rong Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Who?"

Xu Qian shook his head, "I don't know."

What's the use of Rongjiu "..."?
He closed the car door casually, and walked slowly towards the center of the base. After only a few steps, there was one more person beside him.

Rong Jiu tilted his head and looked at Su Yan, "Huh? Why did you follow me? Didn't I tell you to go back and upgrade?"

Staying with Rongjiu every day, Su Yan absorbs many times more elements than others, and after only a few days, there is a tendency to break through to the eighth level.

"Accompany you." Su Yan said, stretched out his hand, and took Rong Jiu's hand.

Seeing this, Rong Jiu didn't say much. He took Su Yan's hand and walked slowly towards the center of the base.

Just after entering the central building, someone came to guide Rong Jiu upstairs.

"The head of the base and the others are inside." The person who led the way did not take Rongjiu and the two to the meeting room they went to last time, but took them outside an office, and by the way opened the door of the office, facing Rong Jiu Jiu and Su Yan made a gesture of invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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