The fake plug-in of the male supporting role of fast wear

Chapter 514 The host wants to be a zombie 33

Chapter 514 The host wants to be a zombie 33
"What? Don't you like me to be gentle?" Su Yan put Rongjiu on the sink, "Why don't you do some morning exercise?"

Rong Jiu "... Bah."

After a little pooh, he jumped off the sink and started to wash.

Su Yancong put his arms around Rongjiu's waist, put his chin on Rongjiu's shoulder, looked at Rongjiu in the mirror, "Jiujiu."


"Did I say a word to you?" Su Yan asked with a faint smile on his lips.

"What?" Rong Jiu stopped what he was doing.

"I love you." Su Yan tilted his head and kissed Rong Jiu on the face, "So, I support all your decisions."

Rong Jiu froze for a moment, " you know something?"

"Huh?" Su Yan tilted his head, "Know what?"

"It's nothing." Rong Jiu shook his head, then bent over to brush his teeth.

Su Yan let go of Rongjiu's waist, "I'll go prepare breakfast for you." Then, he went out the door.

As soon as Su Yan left, Rong Jiu slowed down his teeth brushing, then slower and slower, and finally stared at the mirror in a daze.


"Jiujiu, is it really you?" Just as Rongjiu left the villa, a person rushed towards him. Fortunately, Su Yan stopped the person and did not rush forward.

Rong Jiu glanced at the stopped person, blinked, who are these two people?
"Jiujiu, it's me, Lu Heng." The unshaven, ragged, unkempt man said.

Rongjiu "..."

Male supporting role?

She's not dead yet, she thought that standing side by side with the sun doesn't count as reaching the pinnacle of life, that's why the task index didn't increase.

It turned out that he wasn't dead at all.

"I'm sister, Jiujiu." The equally disheveled woman said.

"Aren't you dead yet?" Rong Jiu said regretfully.

Rong Ling & Lu Heng "..."? ? ?
"Do you have anything to do with me?" Rong Jiu looked at the two people in front of him and asked.

"Jiujiu, I heard that you are the captain of the Sunflower team, we..."

"I'm not." Rong Jiu said, interrupting Rong Ling's words.

Rong Ling "..."? ? ?
"He's the one." Rong Jiu stretched out his hand, and casually grabbed the young man Lu Yuan who had just come out of the villa to join in the fun.

Lu Yuan "..." Huh?Ok?Ok?

"Lu Yuan?!" Rong Ling and Lu Heng looked at Lu Yuan, their eyes widened, "Are you alive?"

"Fuck, the road to Yuanjia is narrow." Lu Yuan saw who was coming, and laughed, "Isn't this Miss Rong and Brother? Why did they become like this?"

Rongjiu "..." Huh?Ok?Ok?brother?
The little fairy miscalculated again?
But... it seems that Yazi has a story.

Rong Jiu took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and started to watch the play.

"Lu Yuan, why are you with Jiujiu?" Lu Heng frowned at Lu Yuan.

"He is the captain of the Sunflower team." Before Lu Yuan could speak, Rong Jiu spoke first.

Lu Yuan "..." Huh?

Sudden captaincy?
Lu Yuan stared at Rong Jiu with wide eyes.

"Okay, you can continue to settle your personal grievances." Rong Jiu said while holding a handful of melon seeds.

Hearing what Rong Jiu said, Lu Yuan's expression brightened, then he put his hips on his hips and looked at Lu Heng, "Brother, is there something wrong with our Sunflower team's residence?"

"It's okay, I heard that Jiujiu is here, come and have a look." Lu Heng gritted his teeth and said.

"Well, brother Jiu is having a good time here. Now that I've finished reading, brother can go." Lu Yuan put his hips on his hips, looked at Lu Hengdao with a look of embarrassment and arrogance on his face.

Seeing Lu Yuan like this, Lu Heng wanted to punch him, but he couldn't.

His powers have been taken away, and now he is just an ordinary person with a better system than ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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