Douluo's God King is in the world

Chapter 181 Go to the Killing Capital!

Chapter 181 Go to the Killing Capital!
"Really?" Long Youjing stared at him with wide eyes, with a bit of suspicion on his face.

"Of course it's true!" Long Yun said helplessly. As he spoke, another black light popped out, and another black hole appeared not far from him. This time the black hole was more stable than before, and the black light inside was darker and deeper. .

"Let's go!" Long Yun took Long Youjing's hand and walked towards the black hole. Long Chen followed behind them, and the three of them disappeared into the black hole together.

After a few breaths, Wuhun City, the Pope's Palace!
Inside the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong was sitting on the throne, and the Chrysanthemum Ghost Erdouluo was standing beside him. Suddenly, the three of them frowned at the same time, looked at each other, and then looked at the hall of the Pope's Palace. Standing up on the throne, he came to the front of the high platform in a flash, looking ahead with wary eyes.

Where their eyes converged, a black dot appeared out of thin air, and then quickly enlarged, but in the blink of an eye, it enlarged to a diameter of more than two meters, and it exuded terrifying fluctuations of soul power.

Chrysanthemum Ghost Second Douluo's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and his martial soul was released immediately. In a flash, he surrounded the black hole, ready to attack at any time.

Bibi Dong stared fixedly at the black hole, without any intention of making a move, and murmured in a low voice, "Why do I feel Xiao Yun and You Jing's aura inside? But whose aura is there?"

Her mental power is much sharper than that of the Chrysanthemum Ghost Erdouluo. She has already sensed the three soul power fluctuations coming from the black hole, two of which are very familiar, and soon recognized Long Youjing and Long Yun. But there is also a domineering and powerful aura, which she has never seen before, but she feels a little familiar, majestic and domineering, which seems to be somewhat similar to Tang Hao's aura.
This made Bibi Dong frowned uncontrollably, how could Xiao Yun be with someone suspected of being in the Clear Sky School?Could it be... Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's eyes narrowed, with a murderous look on her body.

Just when the Chrysanthemum Ghost Erdouluo made a move, Dongzhong stepped out first from the black hole, which made the Chrysanthemum Ghost Erdouluo's nerves tense up immediately, and he wanted to make a move, but stopped again. With a look of shock and doubt, is this the breath of the Son of Long Yun?
Under the watchful eyes of the three people, Long Yun completely stepped out of the black hole and appeared in the field of vision of Bibi Dong and the three of them. Bibi Dong was also relieved to see Long Yun appearing in front of him intact, and a smile appeared on his face. smile.

Seeing Bibi Dong's smile, Long Yun also had a look of joy, and greeted Bibi Dong with a smile, "Teacher, I'm back!"

"It's good to come back! Who came back with you?" Bibi Dong wondered, just now he thought that Long Yun was kidnapped by an unknown strongman from the Clear Sky School, but now his state is not the same.

Long Yun was taken aback for a moment, and soon realized who Bibi Dong was referring to. He turned his head and looked at Long Chen who had come out beside him, and introduced, "This is Chen Lao, an enshrinement of the Jingu, a level 99 Limit Douluo !"

"Hiss!" As soon as Long Yun said this, all the Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo gasped, and looked at Long Chen with deep fear. It turned out that this was a Limit Douluo!
That is, when Bibi Dong heard the words of Limit Douluo, her eyes were all fixed, and a storm arose in her heart, another Limit Douluo?How strong is this shrine?To be able to take out two Limit Douluo, and this is probably not their full strength!This strength is too terrifying!
Although she was terrified in her heart, Bibi Dong was always Bibi Dong, and being in the top position for a long time had already allowed her to cover up her emotions completely, showing no joy on her face.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!" Bibidong nodded slightly to Long Chen, and the latter responded with a smile. This is Long Yun's teacher, and he still needs to give him enough respect.

"You Jing, you and Mr. Chen, go to rest first! I will talk to the teacher alone." Long Yun looked at Long Youjing and Long Chen and said, then looked at Yueguan and said, "Elder Ju, please arrange a place for Mr. Chen." Let's live!"

"Yes!" Yue Guan nodded and said, although arranging rooms for others does not match his status as a Titled Douluo, and it is a bit of a drop in price, but it also depends on who arranges it for.

If it was arranging a room for a person lower than his level, he would definitely not be happy, but it would be different if it was changed to Limit Douluo. Logically speaking, he should respectfully call him a senior and arrange for him. The room is as it should be!

"Well, you should also pay attention to rest." Long Youjing cared. Long Yun hadn't rested for more than 80 hours, and his exhaustion had already shown on his face, which made people feel heartbroken.

"I know" Long Yun nodded slightly. Seeing Long Yun nodding, Long Youjing no longer kept his figure and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye. Long Chen also disappeared in the hall, and Chrysanthemum Ghost Second Douluo also left very tactfully. hall.

"It seems that you have gained a lot from going out this time, tell the teacher about it!" Bibi Dong looked at Long Yun with deep eyes, and said with a little deep meaning, with a touching smile on his face.

"It seems that the teacher has already guessed it." Long Yun smiled lightly, and said that a black light appeared on the left palm, was ejected by Long Yun, and a black hole appeared out of thin air, walked in under Bibi Dong's surprised eyes, and appeared again At that time, it was by Bibi Dong's side.

"Teacher, how's it going?" Long Yun patted Bibi Dong's fragrant shoulder, and said with a smile, with a trace of complacency on his face.

Bibidong looked at the black hole and Long Yun that appeared around him, with a look of surprise on his face, and said slowly, "I didn't expect Xiaoyun, you really got a space-type skill, or a top-notch skill like traveling through space." Shock and delight.

For Long Yun to have such a powerful skill, she is really indescribably happy and proud as a teacher!

"However, it seems that your soul bone skill is not transmitted from your left arm, but from your left palm." Immediately, Bibi Dong realized something was wrong, and asked in confusion, looking at Long Yun's left hand with a thoughtful expression on his face. color.

"That's right, it's exactly what you think, teacher, I got the left metacarpal bone of the Void Sable!" Long Yun generously admitted, and shook his left palm at Bibi Dong.

"Void ferret? External soul bone!" Bibidong said in surprise, she also knew the rarity of void ferret, but she didn't expect Long Yun to meet this void ferret this time, and also got its external soul bone, really What a stroke of luck!
"En!" Long Yun nodded, and then told Bibi Dong about his experience of going out, and also told Bibi Dong about his fourth soul skill and the skills of the soul bone in detail. There was not much concealment, for He has absolute trust in Bibi Dong.

After listening to Long Yun's narration, Bibi Dong was also stunned for a while, looking at Long Yun with some splendor in his eyes, after recovering, he looked at Long Yun and said with a smile, "What a lucky guy, with a Soul bones are such a rare and powerful thing, it would be great luck for others to own one, but you have four! I don’t know what to say for a while!”

"Especially the external spirit bone this time, even among the external spirit bones, it is a top-quality existence. It is not too much to say that it is the number one external spirit bone in the mainland! Even the teacher is a little envious!" Bibidong joked.

To be honest, she is tempted by the Void Sable's left metacarpal bone. If this soul bone is not in Long Yun's hands, she will snatch it by hand, even if it is in the hands of the two great empires and Shang Sanzong. Bone is worth fighting them for it's too precious.

But this soul bone was in Long Yun's hands, so Bibi Dong didn't have the slightest intention of snatching it. Instead, she was very happy for him, as if she had absorbed this soul bone.

"Hehe, my luck has always been good, but this time it is considered the best luck. I have obtained such top-quality soul skills and soul bone skills, especially the soul bone skills. The distance of thousands of miles is only a few meters away, and it can be reached in the blink of an eye," Long Yun said with a smile.

"Well, this soul bone skill is much stronger than your soul skill in a certain sense, and it will also grow as you grow up in the future, and the distance traveled will definitely be farther in the future. Let you travel?" Bibi Dong also smiled lightly.

"Haha, I'm looking forward to that day." Long Yun smiled. The left metacar bone spirit bone skill is already so powerful. After further improvement, it will break through to 10 years, or even break through to the god level. Then how powerful will this soul bone technique be?I am afraid that the distance of thousands of miles is only one step away!

Seeing Long Yun's excited face, Bibi Dong was also happy for him. If the space skill is used well, it's really amazing.

Long Yun quickly restrained his excitement, looked at Bibi and said, "Teacher, I'm going to the capital of killing tomorrow."

"Is it so fast? Don't you rest for a few days?" Bibi Dong said with some reluctance. Long Yun came back and stayed for less than a day, and then left again. For a while, she really felt a little reluctant.

Long Yun looked at Bibi Dong with some reluctance in his eyes, and actually didn't want to leave so soon. After hesitating for a while, he suppressed the reluctance in his heart, and said with a light smile, "I'll try to come back as soon as possible."

"Alright then! I will accompany you to the City of Slaughter tomorrow." Seeing Long Yun, Bibidong decided to leave tomorrow, and she will not hold back anymore. Although she is very reluctant, she is not a person who is influenced by feelings. Distinguish the severity.

Long Yun also understands what Bibi Dong means, she is one of the two great killing gods today, if she takes him to the killing city, it will make the killing king fearful, and he dare not do anything excessive to himself in the killing city After all, this is also a guarantee for your own safety.

However, after Tang Chen was drawn, Long Yun didn't worry about his safety in the Slaughter City anymore. Long Chen can be said to be another Slaughter King, and he can run unimpeded in the Slaughter City. Threat, Long Yun can definitely call Long Chen in, with him in the capital of killing, who else can hurt him?

Long Chen's strength is much stronger than the Slaughter King. Although the two are the same person, there is no difference in strength, but at this time the Slaughter King is controlled by the Nine-headed Bat King, and he is insane. His own strength was also limited, and he couldn't exert much of his own combat power at all. How could he compare with Long Chen who was in a state of complete victory?
It can be said that if the two fight, Long Chen will definitely have the upper hand, and can even be crushed. The Slaughter King will not even have a chance to fight back.

Even the Slaughter King is not Long Chen's opponent, so who else is his opponent?It can be said that Long Yun can walk sideways inside.

But he didn't want to take Long Chen to sweep in. He still had to rely on himself, and he couldn't rely too much on them. As long as there were no accidents, he wouldn't let Long Chen make a move.

"Yes!" Long Yun naturally would not refuse Bibi Dong's kindness, and nodded with a smile, "Then teacher, let's set off tomorrow morning! I'll go back to rest now."

"En!" Bibi Dong nodded slightly, and when Long Yun saw this, another black light popped out, and his body jumped into the black hole and disappeared into the Pope's Palace.

He reappeared in his own palace, "It's really useful to travel through this space" Long Yun muttered looking at the surrounding environment, and then fell towards the big bed, feeling his whole body softened after lying down , The indescribable comfort, Long Yun soon fell asleep in such a comfortable big bed.

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(End of this chapter)

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