Chapter 1 Preface
In our daily life and study, and in our future work, writing is inseparable.As the famous writer Yu Qiuyu said: "If you learn to write, you will learn a way to communicate with others, and you will also learn a way to talk to the world." Composition for primary school students is a form of practical training for learning writing in primary school .It not only trains students' basic skills in using language correctly, but also cultivates students' ability to observe, think about and solve problems, and it is also a concentrated reflection of students' comprehensive quality and comprehensive intelligence level.

Facing composition questions, many students often feel at a loss and don’t know how to write. Some students finish writing in a few words, and some students can’t finish writing after writing the beginning. How about a simple and practical way for primary school students to master writing skills as soon as possible?The famous writer Ye Yonglie once said: "Listening more, reading more, thinking more, writing more, and revising more are the 'tricks' of writing a good composition." Since you want to read more, of course you should read more high-quality compositions by your peers.For this reason, we have specially hired experts who are familiar with the situation of primary school students' composition, engaged in the research of new curriculum standards, and excellent teachers with rich experience in Chinese teaching to carefully write. techniques.This book can be used as a reference for primary school students, and can also be used by primary school teachers and parents to better guide children's writing. It has the following three characteristics:

[-]. Strong pertinence and strong readability
Considering the limitations of primary school students' life experience, cognitive level and thinking ability, this book selects a group of simple and close-to-primary school students' compositions, which are easy for primary school students to understand and learn from; Fantasies, real and simple, or naughty and cute, can not only guide primary school students to use independently, but also improve reading ability, laying a solid foundation for developing good independent study habits in the future.

[-]. The system is scientifically innovative and highly operable
This book starts from the actual situation of the students, and pays attention to the characteristics of the style arrangement.The book is divided into eight parts: New World of Growth, Characters, You and Me, Campus Express, Emotional Record Bag, Natural Symphony, Wings of Dreams, Application Treasure Box, and Letters from Hongyan.These eight parts are interlocking, each part has several excellent model essays, and each model essay is accompanied by incisive comments, allowing young readers to improve their writing ability in a subtle way.

[-]. Writing prompts are practical
Before the opening of the eight parts of the book, there are "writing tips", which describe in detail the techniques used in each type of composition, involving skills in writing people, things, scenery, lyricism, association, and practical writing. The knowledge points are comprehensive, involving almost all aspects of elementary school students' writing; all the techniques are simple and easy to understand, in line with the writing habits of elementary school students, and teach elementary school students some practical and effective writing methods.

Classmates, when you choose this book, you have chosen a group of good teachers and made a group of good friends.You will read quietly and taste carefully, you will effortlessly uncover the unmysterious veil of writing, write with ease, and express your heart without reservation.

During the process of selecting and editing this book, I tried my best to contact all the young authors, but due to various reasons such as address changes, some authors still could not be contacted.We will preserve their legal rights and continue our efforts to contact them.Please also contact us (021-55395950-119) for the young authors who cannot be contacted after seeing this book.

Due to the limited level and the rush of time, it is inevitable that there are inadequacies in the book. We sincerely hope that everyone can provide valuable opinions and suggestions to make the book more perfect.


(End of this chapter)

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