Be a Man and Do Things Pillow Book

Chapter 54: Be good at time management when doing things

Chapter 54: Be good at time management when doing things (1)
The grasp of piecemeal time.

There are a lot of fragmented time in our daily life and working time, if someone invites you to have lunch and you are late, so you can only wait; or when you are waiting in line at the bank and moving forward slowly, don't waste these short time in vain , you can use this time to do some things that you usually have no time to do.

Don't think that this kind of odd time can only be used for routine or minor chores.The highest priority work can also be done in this little time.If you follow the "staged approach," where you divide your main work into many smaller "ready-to-do jobs," you can always do small, but important, tasks.

So if your time is wasted because of the influence of unproductive people, remember: it's your fault, not anyone else's.

It is obvious that a small amount of investment is enough to get rich. However, few people pay attention to the fact that the mastery of piecemeal time is enough to make people successful.In a modern society where everyone is busy, the busier a person is, the more time is divided, and the time is lost relatively faster invisibly. In fact, these fragmented time can often be used to do some small but meaningful things.For example, keep a small account book in the bag at any time, and use the time to make a summary, so as to save a lot of effort and keep abreast of your wallet at any time.

People who are often on the go must seize the opportunity to read the schedule repeatedly, so as not to forget some small things or appointments, and at the same time, they can also figure out when it is time to arrange a vacation for their family or themselves.

Think about what needs to be improved in your work, try to write a few suggestions to the company, etc.As long as you are good at discovering, you can often accomplish great things in a small time.

Time is like a jar, and if you put a few stones in it as if you have used time productively, the jar is not full.Then you can grab some sand and throw it in, and the jar will look full now, but if you pour some water into it, the jar will still hold.It can be seen that the total amount of time is fixed, but the part that each person uses effectively varies from person to person.Some people only put in a few or even a stone, but some people use time like sand, and those who are best at using time can already use time as freely as water.Of course, don't just focus on sand and water.The stone is still the most important thing, don't lose the big because of the small.

Control the time and control everything.

As the saying goes, "An inch of time is an inch of gold", being a person who is good at managing time will not only fill your career with opportunities for development, but also your life will be full of happiness.

Bill Gates, who has a soft spot for time, said in a conversation with a friend: A businessman who doesn't know how to manage time will face the danger of being eliminated.And if you control time, it means that you control everything and control your own future.

If you drive to an unfamiliar place, do you not ask for directions or bring a map?Time management experts agree that taking a little time at a time to plan ahead can pay off.Spend 10 minutes planning in advance, and you don't have to spend an hour thinking about what to do.

Hedrick said in his book "Life Arrangement Five-Day Guide": "Don't keep all the activities in your head, write down what you have to do, and let your mind do more creative things."

Trust notes, not memory.Cultivate the habit of "everything comes first".

Bill Gates, who is good at management, pointed out that budgeting and planning for time is an important strategy for time management and the first step in time management.Successful goals are the precursor and basis for managing time.You should use a clear goal as the axis, plan your life and set a deadline for completing the goal.

Bill Gates said: Only by being fully prepared is the guarantee of completing the work quickly.

If you want to become an expert in business management, you have to roughly plan how long it will take to break through a course, when to enter management practice, and learn from experts.If you aim to invent and create, you have to allocate time and energy to several areas such as learning scientific theories, asking for advice from others, making by hand, and experimenting.

Establish a plan, including the inspection and supervision of the "budget".You should always check to achieve a short-term goal, whether it is completed on schedule, you can keep a work log, or record the time it takes to complete everything.

Some people seem to be very busy at work all day long, and often work overtime. Why do they have to work overtime?Mostly due to poor work management, the key to avoiding overtime lies in scheduling.In general, it is very important to draw up a periodic schedule.

We can try to draw up an itinerary, so that things such as our work schedule, colleagues' activities, boss's scheduled plans, and the company's overall trends can be seen at a glance.

Since one's own work is not completely isolated, it must be defined in the subject of the department, the company as a whole, and even the trends of all walks of life in order to be able to manage it.

As long as you try to draw up an itinerary, the various scheduled plans that were originally messy will appear organized.

The reason why people are so busy at work is that they are always busy working overtime and staying up late before the work is about to end.This practice often leads to a decline in work standards.

If you can draw up an itinerary, set the time for further studies, leisure time, and communication time with your family, you and your family will get a tacit understanding and keep pace.In addition, through communication and understanding with family members, not only can the tension of daily life be relieved, but also new vitality can emerge.

Of course, we've had this nasty experience in life too. We've planned and we're ready to go step by step according to the plan, only to have something happen along the way and mess up our budget.Tried once, again, and finally we gave up: "Forget it, just take a step and see!" But this attitude is harmful: "Let's take a step and see one step" dragged down how many plans and destroyed many ideals , so many people come home from get off work listless and exhausted because they don't know where the time went, what did they accomplish today?

Fight against time and embark on the road to success.

A person's life is limited, ranging from a hundred years to decades.If a person lives to be 70 years old, then his total time is 60 hours.If you use the time of your life as a whole, then you will think that now is just the starting point when you are 40 or 60 years old. Even if you are 40 or [-] years old, you still have a lot of effective time to use.But time seems to pass by so easily. If you just live one day at a time, when you are [-] or [-], you will feel that the road of life has been halfway.People over thirty do not learn art, and the result is to spend their old age doing nothing.A lot of time that could have been put to good use was wasted in vain.

Many of us are like this, wasting time at will. Then, although he is free at this time, he may not be free in the face of the upcoming social competition, and he will lose some of his original belongings. his chance.

A well-known scholar wrote in his book on effective time management: "Discussions about the manager's task generally start with how to plan. This seems logical. Unfortunately, managers Work plans rarely come into play. Plans are often just ideas on paper, often just good ideas, and seldom turned into achievements.

From what I've observed, effective managers don't start with their tasks, they start with time. They don't start with a plan; they start with knowing where their time is being spent. ..."

People grow in time and advance in time.Time, and time alone, can bring intelligence, imagination, and knowledge to fruition.People's talents can be brought into full play, and they can set foot on the road to success as soon as possible. If they don't have the ability to make full use of time, fail to recognize their own time, plan their own time, and manage their own time, they will only fail.

Time is the ladder for successful people to move forward.Anyone who wants to achieve a career cannot do it overnight, and must climb step by step on the ladder of time.

Time is the bargaining chip for winners to win.Success requires a process of directional accumulation. There has never been any success that can be achieved without spending time in the world. Time is of great significance to the success of your work.Goethe once said with regret: "I wasted too much time on many careers that do not belong to me." If we distinguish between the primary and the secondary, "I will probably get the most precious diamond." Goethe died at the age of 70, so his great masterpiece "Faust" would definitely not be completed.

In today's social work, time is seen as more and more important. Whether you can effectively use time and improve the art of time management has become a key factor in determining the size of your achievements.Due to the increase of modern information, the cycle of knowledge obsolescence is shortened, making talents more and more unstable.Efficient use of time becomes a requirement.

Time is an important resource, but it cannot be developed, accumulated or replaced. Everyone has the same time in a day, but everyone has different mentality and results. The main reason is that people's attitudes towards time are quite subjective and different. Many people have different views on time, so the use of time is ever-changing.

What kind of understanding should you have about time management, and how to fight against time?It is positive for anyone.

Time management is how to manage yourself in the face of the flow of time. Its attitude is to use the past as a reference for the present improvement and the future as the direction of the present efforts, and to grasp the present and use the correct method immediately. right thing.To fight with time, you must understand the following concepts: the distribution of time management.In order to be able to master time, everyone can arrange ten-year long-term plans, three-year or five-year mid-term plans or even quarterly or monthly implementation plans according to their own goals. Plans can also be arranged for ten-year operations according to different job levels. Goals or three- to five-year strategic goals.

Priority of time management: In order to generate benefits within a limited time, everyone should prioritize the goals they set according to the size of their own significance. The order is that the first priority is important and urgent The second priority is the important but less urgent, the third priority is the less important but urgent, and the fourth priority is the more important and not urgent routine.

Time management limitation breakthrough: Any goal achievement will be limited by the three resources of people, material, and money. How to objectively find out these limiting factors and seek different breakthrough methods can increase the degree of goal achievement, which also means The practicality of the expected goals, so as to avoid ideals becoming fantasy and time wasting in vain.

The planning efficiency of time management: Without planning, the efficiency of action will be greatly reduced, and only after planning can we see the possible risks in actual actions, so as to remind ourselves to pay attention, so that ideals and reality can be combined.

Results and evaluation of time management: Any action must evaluate its results to clearly understand the advance and lag of the target plan, various unforeseen restrictions and possible risk factors for readjustment or improvement, Make the flow of the whole time steady.

The struggle we have with time is to manage our time effectively.Let the limited time have greater meaning to our work.

Always be one step ahead of others in time.

People who can "pick their opponents off the horse" actually have no unique skills to speak of, it's just that they are a little faster than their opponents in terms of time when they make a move.

Bill Gates said: In today's business competition, there are no secrets to talk about. Whoever can give full play to his advantages in the shortest time will be "king".

In the fiercely competitive business war, time is an important factor in defeating the opponent. Whoever is one step ahead in time may win successive victories.Only by doing this can we meet the requirements of people in the new era and make your technological innovation convenient and practical.In this way, you will firmly occupy the market, and you will also use this as a driving force to continue to develop.The vision and courage shown by Bill Gates in the development of "excellent" software is a good illustration.

With the progress of the times and society, the development of modern enterprises has been deeply imprinted with time, and the effective use of time has gradually become an important criterion for measuring the health of an enterprise.

In business competition, time is efficiency, time is life, especially the most modern computer software is a time-sensitive product, once it lags behind others, it will face the danger of failure.

Bill Gates has the deepest understanding of this point in his long-term practice. It is precisely because of this rare wealth that he can take decisive measures to get ahead of others at some major crisis moments of the company, and thus succeed.

"Always one step ahead of others" is a famous saying that Microsoft has summed up in many years of actual combat.This famous saying was especially vividly expressed in a battle between Microsoft and Kingrad.

According to the market demand, after painstaking research and development, Jinruide has launched a set of "pioneering" software designed to provide assistance to those customers who cannot use electronic forms.This is a huge gap in the market, and there is no doubt that if Kingrad succeeds, Microsoft will not only give up one position for nothing, but also have the danger of other positions being occupied.

Faced with this situation, Bill Gates felt that he was facing a very serious situation, and he responded quickly in order to defeat his opponent. In September 1983, Microsoft secretly arranged a small meeting, bringing together the company's top decision-makers and software experts at the Suk Hotel in Seattle, and held a "high-level summit" for two days.

At this meeting, Bill Gates announced that there is only one purpose of the meeting, and that is to launch the world's fastest spreadsheet software as soon as possible.In order to occupy most of the resources of the market before rushing to King Ruide.

After understanding the seriousness of the situation, the senior technicians of Microsoft volunteered one after another. After repeated evaluation, Bill Gates decided to form a technical research team led by the young engineer Michael to preside over the development of this software. .Michael and his colleagues thoroughly analyzed and compared the advantages and disadvantages of "Pioneer" and "Dissipation Plan" at the technical seminar, and agreed on the specifications and characteristics of the new spreadsheet software.

In order to fully implement and implement this plan, Bill Gates did not hide his intention to design this spreadsheet software. From the final name "Excellence", anyone can smell the breath of a challenger.

As the person in charge of this development project, Michael is well aware of the weight of the burden on his shoulders. For him, to achieve the "always one step ahead" called by Bill Gates, first of all means to surpass himself and conquer himself.

However, the development of things has never been smooth sailing, and the reality is often beyond people's expectations.

New Year's Day in 1984 was a far-reaching milestone in the world's computer history. On this day, Apple announced that they had officially launched their first personal computer.

This strange visitor named "Macintosh" is a personal computer with a unique graphic "window" as the user interface. "Macintosh" went to the market with its better user interface, thus launching a strong offensive challenge to IBM PC personal computers.

Bill Gates was moved upon hearing the news, and immediately formulated corresponding countermeasures, deciding to abandon the design of "excellent" software.At this time, Michael and the programmers are sweating and working hard, and the "excellent" spreadsheet software has also begun to take shape.After much deliberation, Bill Gates still had to make a heart-wrenching decision. He formally notified Michael to abandon the development of "excellent" software and turn to develop the same software for Apple's "Macintosh".

After hearing the news, Michael was puzzled, and rushed into Bill Gates' office in a hurry:

"I really don't understand your decision! What are we working on day and night? Ginrad beat us in software development! Microsoft is here to get back what it lost!"

Bill Gates patiently explained to him why:

"In the long run, the 'Macintosh' represents the future of computing. It is the best user interface computer available, and only it can give full play to our 'superior' functions, which cannot be matched by IBM personal computers. From Focusing on the overall situation, gaining experience in the Macintosh first is precisely for future development."

Seeing that the project he was responsible for developing and researching died halfway, Michael ignored Bill Gates' explanation and shouted angrily: "This is an insult to me. I will never accept it!"

The young and energetic Michael submitted his resignation letter to the company in a fit of anger.No matter how Bill Gates persuaded him to stay, he never let go.However, the designer's work ethic drives him to do the finishing work with all his heart.

Michael transplanted some of the designed programs to the Macintosh computer, and made a video tape of how to operate "Excellence".After that, he quietly left Microsoft.

Bill Gates, who loves talents like his life, immediately went to his home to do the retention work after hearing that Michael had left Microsoft. Michael hesitated to speak, but refused to agree.Gates had no choice but to leave Michael's house with conflicting feelings.

Although Michael couldn't talk back to Microsoft, he not only missed Microsoft in his heart, but also admired Bill Gates's personality and his genius creativity.

The next day, when Michael appeared at the gate of Microsoft, the nervous Bill Gates was completely relieved: "God, you are finally back!"

(End of this chapter)

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