Be a Man and Do Things Pillow Book

Chapter 56: Be good at time management when doing things

Chapter 56: Be good at time management when doing things (3)
Set short times for a job, that is, don't overstretch the work, and you'll get it done quickly.This is the purpose of why you should make a daily work plan.Without such a plan, you will become lazy when dealing with difficult or easy work, because there is no deadline or because the deadline is long, you feel that you can talk about it later.If you think only about your work and not about the time available, you're in danger of being overly perfect.You will not distinguish between the big and the small, and comfort yourself that you have done a certain minor job perfectly.

Try to make a daily time diary, constantly revising it according to your own situation.This table can include two categories: one is "events" and the other is "purpose of activities".Divide the office hours of a day into several time periods according to the standard you think is appropriate, and then put two marks on it, one under each category, and indicate in the "Notes" column that you have indeed done some work. what.

You can put this form on a side shelf, out of sight when not in use, and simply fill it out after each session.It takes about three or four minutes to fill out this form on a daily basis, but the effect it produces is amazing.

You'll find that you used to have no idea where your time was being spent.Your memory is unreliable in this regard because we tend to only remember the most important things of the day when we get something done and ignore the time we waste or fail to use productively.Trivial items, little distractions that don't matter so much, we don't remember them.But these are the areas where we most need to identify and correct.

After filling out this form for two or three days, you will be surprised how much you can improve.For example, you may find that you didn't know you spend so much time reading magazines, newspapers, etc., and want to find a way to spend less time on it.You might also be surprised how much time you spend commuting to appointments, so find ways to improve your itinerary by visiting several places at once or using the phone more.

But most importantly, you'll be even more surprised how little time you actually spend doing what you admit is your top priority.And you spend so little time planning, estimating, exploring and exploiting opportunities, trying to define goals, etc., that you’ll be more sane than if you were running around dealing with secondary priorities.

Each of us needs self-discipline to draw or fill out time sheets.When you actually do it, there are guaranteed to be some surprising results.

Effective time project management.

As you become more productive at work and time, you may be assigned more work.Effective project management (organization and execution capacity) will be the key to success, and its content includes the following aspects.

Multiple work plans: the more you can do multiple work plans, the stronger your ability;

Planning and organization: There must be good planning and organization in advance;
Anything must be set a deadline to complete it;
Make a complete job listing;
Steps to determine limitations: see what things will affect the results, and find ways to solve them;
Multiple work plans can be managed sequentially or in parallel;

Assignment and authorization: There are so many things that it is impossible for one person to undertake all of them, and some things must be assigned to others;
When assigning things to others, you must remember to check whether the other party is doing according to your ideals;

Everything that can go wrong will go wrong;
Every time something goes wrong, it is always in the place where it is least likely to go wrong;

No matter how much time you estimate, the completion of the plan will exceed the deadline;
Plan to spend more than you budget, no matter how much you estimate;
Before you do anything, you must first do some preparatory work.

Trish's Law: The difficulty of any task is proportional to the square of the number of steps it performs.For example, if there are 3 execution steps to complete a job, the difficulty of this job is 9, and if there are 5 execution steps to complete another job, then the difficulty of this job is 25, so the work process must be simplified; simplifying work is all The common trait of successful managers is that the simpler the work, the less problems there will be.

Try not to waste time: Most people are used to chatting for a while after answering the phone, which is a waste of time; try not to hold unimportant meetings, and the meeting must start and end on time, and it must be planned well so as not to waste time; Knocking on the door will take up to 10 minutes, so try to spend a few minutes before the end.

The following behaviors or habits should be overcome: procrastination, indecision, overcommitment, poor organizational skills, lack of goals, lack of prioritization, lack of deadlines, poor ability to delegate, poorly defined authority or responsibility, and lack of required resources.

Learn to draw out the key points of work, and then make a choice.Usually you are the time killer yourself, try to control yourself.

Overcome the habit of procrastination by being well organized; start with the important things; develop a sense of urgency; work at a fast pace; once you start, don't stop; set a specific time to work; start with the worst ;Plan in detail; make no excuses; set deadlines.

Understand the meaning of time to yourself, cultivate your personal time management philosophy; have a long-term vision; have the ability to delay gratification; cultivate personal characteristics, practice yourself in action; learn micro-vision, and measure time by every minute; Learn how to say "no"; value time as money; measure everything you are expected to do on an hourly basis; accomplish higher value work; time management is a lifelong skill; balance With moderation, take it easy, take vacations and exercise; identify your goals and values ​​in alignment; resolve to live to 100.Turn a day into 48 hours.

Waste of time and life is wasted.

Be a person who cherishes time, and your life will become more meaningful.

Bill Gates said: To waste time is to waste life.Spending money is not the biggest waste, squandering time is the biggest waste.Don't pay attention to the short 1 minute or 1 second, maybe in that [-] minute or [-] second, there is a good opportunity to change your life and destiny.

Maybe your wealth cannot be compared with Bill Gates, but there is one thing you have as much as him, and that is time.The distribution of time is extremely fair to everyone, no matter rich or poor, men or women, smart or not, the time in front of you is 24 hours a day, absolutely not much Not one minute less than one second.

But the use of time is the most unfair, because some people know how to cherish and use one point for two points, while some people waste everything and let time slip away at will. He doesn't know that squandering time is the biggest waste.There is a saying of caution that rings true: wasting time is wasting yourself.Because no one can look back and find even a minute of time that was wasted unintentionally.

If you learn to grasp time scientifically and make good use of it, you will become smart and full, and finish what you should do within the appropriate time.

No one really has no time.Everyone has enough time to do what must be done, at least the most important things.In the same amount of time, they can do more things. They don't have more time, but they are better at using time.

Anyone who has achieved something in his career is a person who cherishes time like gold.Whether it is a boss or a migrant worker, a person who has a plan in doing things can always judge the business value of the customers he is facing. If there is a lot of unnecessary nonsense, they will come up with a way to end it.At the same time, they will never talk to each other about things that have nothing to do with work during other people's working hours, because doing so is actually hindering other people's work and wasting other people's lives.

People who know how to save time are a kind of respect for life.Especially in the business field, if you are the manager of a department and deal with customers all day long, you should understand the value of time to yourself.Here is a simple and practical method: when you have settled the matter with the visitor, you should stand up politely, shake hands with the visitor and say goodbye, and sincerely tell the visitor that you are willing to talk for a while, because Our conversation was very pleasant, but there are too many things to do today, so we can only find another opportunity.The guests will accept and understand this kind of euphemism, and they will be very satisfied with your sincerity.

Today, time is money and time is benefit.People who really do great things, they are never willing to waste a little bit of precious capital time.

One of the most valuable skills of a businessman is to communicate with anyone with ease and speed.This is the passport that all successful people have.I am afraid that no one can compare with Bill Gates for the person who can produce the greatest efficiency in the least amount of time when dealing with people.In order to cherish time, he caused the resentment of many people. In fact, everyone should take Bill Gates as a model in this regard, because everyone should have this virtue of cherishing time.

Bill Gates enters the office on time at 9:30 am every day and returns home at 5 pm.Someone calculated Bill Gates' capital and said that his income was $50 per minute, but Bill Gates thought it was more than that.Therefore, except for discussions with people who have a special relationship with the business, he generally does not talk to people for more than 5 minutes.

Usually, Bill Gates always works in a large office with many employees. He doesn't work alone in the room.Bill Gates will direct his employees at any time to act according to his plan.If you walked into his big office, it was easy to meet him, but he would never welcome you if you had nothing important to do.

As the head of a company, Bill Gates can accurately judge what a person is approaching.When you speak to him, all oblique methods are ineffective, and he can judge your real intentions immediately.This excellent judgment has won Bill Gates a lot of valuable time.Some people don't have any important matters to contact, they just want to chat with someone, which consumes a lot of important time of busy people.Bill Gates absolutely hates this kind of person.

Value what you have today.

Just imagine, from now on, I will give you 1 yuan in cash every day to spend as you please, but the stipulation is that "it cannot be used for loans or installments, and at the end of each day, the unused part will disappear and cannot be used." Save it.” Faced with this situation, what do you do with the money?
At first glance, it seems quite enjoyable!With 1 yuan per day, well, there are a lot of things to buy, and you can also go to eat all kinds of big meals, or play around.The question is how many things in life will need to be replaced again and again?How many places to eat can we keep changing our tastes, even if we eat repeatedly, we will not get tired of eating?Are there places to play that can be revisited again and again without losing their appeal?
Isn't this analogy the 17 hours we use every day? (If the average sleep is 7 hours), isn't this 1 yuan the day we face when we open our eyes.This day will be used by us to go to work, or to take care of the children at home, including eating, riding in the car.Take a closer look, the colleagues we meet every day in the office are the same people, and the customers are similar, just the same types, and even if there are situations, there are probably only a few situations!As long as you stay in a certain environment for a while, your life will tend to be regular and normal. The only difference is the workload. As for the ingenuity you need and the way to solve problems, it is similar in your daily life.

How can we use the 1 yuan every day in a way of "having a plan in mind"?If we are not sure where the money should be spent, we can keep it in our pocket until we figure it out, but time does not wait.Are you the kind of person who is full of anticipation for the beginning of the next day before going to bed the night before, and when you wake up in the morning, there are some planned events and activities waiting to be done, or you are always lonely regardless of your physical condition , life is always flat and boring, is it a very monotonous "busy" person?

So, how should time be managed?It can’t be saved, kept, or paid in lump sum. It seems that it can only be arranged, so time management seems to be a curse. How can we treat it as a kind of homework?How to change from passive to active?How can we not admit defeat in the challenges God has given us?
Please show our "calculating" nature, just like when we are ready to pay, we know very well in our hearts what kind of gain we will get, whether spiritual or material, it will happen one by one according to the original expectation.

The most important thing is to seize today.A good time manager should realize that today is the only time we can use, and we must manage it rationally.The past is gone forever, tomorrow is just the future.Everything in the world is accomplished because one or some people realize that today is the only time for action, the achievement that can be obtained, and make good use of it!
Finally, don't forget that time also means rest.

There is this old Irish ballad:
Using time to work is the price of success;

Take a moment to contemplate that this is a source of strength;
Take some time to play this is the secret of eternal youth;

Taking time to read is the foundation of wisdom;

Setting aside time to be nice to people is the road to happiness;
Take some time to dream that you will surpass Mount Tai to surpass the North Sea;

It is God's grace to find time to love and be loved;
Finding time to look around is the shortest path to selflessness;
Take some time to laugh out loud this is music for the soul.

Our work and life are often driven by the realization of goals, but what goes hand in hand with the realization of goals is our correct adjustment to the tightness of life.

Setting goals and pursuing success is a habit.Relaxing yourself and retreating to advance is also a shortcut and rule to help us succeed!

Think about it, how long have you not relaxed yourself?How long have you been away from your family?How long has it been since you went to the cinema or department store?How long has it been since you traveled abroad?How long has it been since you gave your mind a good rest?

Let others do something.

There must be a way to do things, so that you can have more time for yourself and make life more valuable.

Bill Gates said: Many things come to me every day. I can't finish all the things one by one, but I can't ignore those things. In order to solve this problem, I learned to "arrange", that is, Let others do something.

(End of this chapter)

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