Be a Man and Do Things Pillow Book

Chapter 65 Be Prepared and Foresighted in Doing Things

Chapter 65 Be Prepared and Foresighted in Doing Things (1)
Why not prepare it beforehand.

In order to make a good pot of soup, a wife invited the neighbor's wife to come to her house for guidance.

She bought all the ingredients and was about to start a fire to boil water, but the neighbor's wife said: "This stainless steel pot is not suitable for making soup. I'd better buy a clay pot. The soup will be more delicious."

Then, hastily, she took off her apron and ran to buy clay pots.

The clay pot was bought soon, and the wife was about to boil water, but the neighbor wife said: "I remembered, I have a set of tableware that goes well with this pot, wait for me, I'll go home and look for it."

Then, she ran home in a hurry to rummage through the boxes and brought the tableware sweating profusely.

When the water was boiling, the neighbor's wife looked at the ingredients to be put into the pot again, shook her head and said, "No, this piece of meat is too big, it's not easy to taste, I have to cut it into smaller pieces. "

Finally, I took out the kitchen knife, and after only two or three cuts, the neighbor's wife said again: "This kitchen knife is not good, you need to sharpen it quickly."

So she dropped the kitchen knife and went home to fetch the whetstone.After getting the whetstone, she found that it was convenient to sharpen the knife with a wooden stick, so she hurriedly went out to look for the wooden stick, but after searching for a long time, she couldn't find it.

The lady who was waiting at home had to put the ingredients into the pot first, and wait while cooking.When the neighbor's wife was out of breath and ran back with a wooden stick in her hand, the ingredients in the pot were already cooked and ready to eat.

After reading this story, you must be laughing, how can there be such a stupid person as the neighbor's wife in the world!

In fact, although we are not likely to do so many stupid things like the neighbor's wife, but many times, we also make the same mistakes as the neighbor's wife. It takes a lot of effort, and it doesn't necessarily please people. More will only delay time and cause trouble and people.

Goethe once said: "It is only a moment that determines a person's life and his entire destiny."

The "in a flash" refers to your attitude and method of doing things.Many people have the same goal, but often because they choose different paths and walk in different ways, the results are very different.

Only when you are prepared can you adapt to change.

In 1984, in the Tokyo International Marathon Invitational, the little-known Japanese runner Yamada Motoichi won the world championship beyond everyone's expectations.When a reporter asked him how he trained himself, he only said one sentence: "I use my wisdom to defeat my opponent."

At that time, many people thought that Yamada was playing tricks. After all, marathon is a sport based on physical strength and endurance, and explosive power and speed are second. As long as the runners have good physical fitness and enough endurance, they have the hope of becoming the champion.So, what does wisdom do for a marathon?This statement is really a bit reluctant.

Two years later, the Italian International Marathon Invitational was held in Milan, the northern city of Italy.Yamada Motoichi represented Japan in the competition and won the world championship again.

Facing Yamada Motoichi, the reporters once again asked about the key to victory.

The dull-tempered Yamada Motoichi was originally not good at words, so the answer this time was the same as last time: "Use your wisdom to defeat your opponent."

This time, though, the reporters weren't taunting him in the papers, they just remained baffled by his claims of wisdom.

Ten years later, in his autobiography, Yamada Motoichi explained his "wisdom" clearly:
"Before each game, I will carefully look at the route of the game and write down the more eye-catching signs along the way. For example, the first sign is a bank, the second sign is a big tree, and the third sign is a big tree. It's a red house...wait, keep counting until the end of the race.

When it comes to the real game, I will sprint hard to the first goal, and when I reach the first goal, I will run to the second goal at the same speed.

In this way, no matter how far the race is, as long as it is broken down into a few small goals, I can easily complete the race.

At the beginning, I didn't understand this truth, and I only set my goal at the finish line. As a result, I was exhausted after running less than a dozen kilometers, and was frightened by the long distance ahead. "

A plan is the first step in realizing your dream, and only with a plan can you start the steps to realize your dream.

Therefore, we should not regard the plan as a constraint, but as a norm, and then gradually adjust and modify it as the environment changes.

In this way, the probability of success is definitely much higher than that of headless flies that run into walls everywhere, and it is better to avoid many unnecessary wrong paths.

Can only blame the fish for being "cunning"

A couple who live in seclusion in the mountains have been away from the city for many years and are self-sufficient.

One day at noon, the wife suddenly wanted to eat fish, so she told her husband to use his spare time in the afternoon to go fishing by the river, so that he could have fresh and delicious fish dishes for dinner.

While thinking about the dishes for the evening, the wife prepared the equipment and urged the husband to go fishing.

In the evening, the husband returned home with his head down and his hands empty. The wife saw her husband's distressed appearance and asked anxiously, "Where have you been? Why didn't you bring back a single fish?"

Wiping his sweat, the husband said: "Don't mention it, the fish are really cunning now. I waited by the river for an afternoon, but not only did I not catch half of the fish, even the bait was stolen! I was so tired Sweating profusely, it almost drove me to death."

The wife was half-believed and dubious. This river has always been rich in fish, so why didn't even a single fish catch the bait all of a sudden?
So she picked up the fishing rod, looked at it carefully and said: "No wonder! The hook is already crooked, why didn't you even find this? No wonder you squatted all afternoon and couldn't even catch a fish. This The hook isn't working at all! Put on a new hook and we'll have fish in no time."

The husband did not find out the crux of the problem, so he was busy for a long time, but it was in vain.Situations like this are not uncommon. You and I have encountered it before. If you don’t choose the right method, you have been busy for a long time and it is still nothing.

The crux of the problem is actually not a difficult truth, a discerning person can see through it at a glance, but because of our carelessness and muddled attitude, not only can’t see clearly, but like a blind man figuring out an elephant, he is at a loss, delaying others and delaying Own.

"If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools." Before starting to do something, make complete preparations!Spend a little more effort, maybe you can save more sweat.

Don't go on the road with an empty gun.

The hunter set off with his bag, ammunition, gun and hounds.Although everyone advised him to load the cartridges in the barrel before going out, he went away with an empty gun.

"Nonsense," he yelled, "haven't I been out before? And it's not like there's only one sparrow in the sky since I was born! It takes me an hour to get there, and even if I have to reload a hundred times, I can't go out." There is plenty of time."

However, before he had crossed the swamp, he found a great flock of wild ducks floating on the water so densely that our hunters could score half a dozen with a single shot, which would no doubt feed him for a week if he set out If the bullet is loaded in front.

Now that he was hastily reloading, the ducks had uttered a cry, and all in one flight they were soon out of sight.

To make matters worse, the sky suddenly began to rain again.The hunter was covered in rain, and the bag was empty, so he had to drag his tired feet home.

Success happens every day.Successful people have something to do every day.Today's things are fresh, different from yesterday's things, and tomorrow will have its own tomorrow's things.So don't put off what you do today until tomorrow.Don't let the barrel of the gun be empty today.

Everything has to leave a way out for yourself.

There are two villages located at both ends of the desert. If you want to reach the opposite village, there are two ways to go.

One has to go around the desert and pass through the outer cities, but it takes 20 days to get there; if it goes directly through the desert, it only takes three days to get there.

However, crossing the desert is very dangerous. Some people have tried to cross it, but no one survived.

One day, a wise man passed by these two villages. He taught the people in the village to find many Populus euphratica saplings, and planted a sapling every kilometer until the other end of the desert.

On this day, the wise man told the people in the village: "If these saplings can survive, you can walk along the Populus euphratica tree; if not, remember to insert the dead saplings deeper and clean the surrounding areas , lest the fallen trees be submerged in quicksand."

As a result, these Populus euphratica saplings were planted in the desert and were all roasted to death by the scorching sun, but they also became road signs. The villagers of the two places walked along these road signs for more than ten years in safety.

One summer, a monk from other places insisted on going to the opposite village alone for alms.

Seeing that they couldn't stop it, everyone told him: "Master, when you pass through the desert, when you encounter a Populus euphratica that is about to topple, you must plunge deeper. If you encounter a Populus euphratica that is about to be submerged, remember to pull it up. And tidy up around."

The monk nodded in agreement, and set out on the road with water and dry food.

However, when he met the Populus euphratica tree that was about to be submerged by the desert, he thought: "Anyway, I only go this way, if it is submerged, it will be submerged!"

So, the monk just walked past one after another Populus euphratica that was about to disappear in the wind and sand, watching the trees that were about to fall down one by one by the storm.

However, at this moment, the monk who had already walked to the depths of the desert could only hear the whistling wind in the quiet desert, and when he looked back at the time, he couldn't even see the shadow of a Populus euphratica tree.

At this moment, the monk realized that he had lost his direction. He was running around like a headless chicken, and he couldn't get out of the desert.

When he had his last breath left, he thought angrily, "Why don't you listen to everyone? If I listen, at least there is still a way out now."

Leaving a way out is not to give ourselves a chance to escape, but to allow us to see the wrong footprints on the way forward when we start again, learn from the lessons, and never repeat the same mistakes.

However, most people don’t know how to learn lessons. Even if their predecessors have already experienced failures, they still like to get themselves bruised and swollen, and then exclaimed: “I didn’t expect it to be true!”

Human experience is accumulated over time, and then obtained after a long period of removing the chaff and saving the chaff.We cannot turn a blind eye to the wisdom and advice of all the elders. Those are our excellent success secrets.

The same is true for dealing with people. In everything, you must reserve a way out for yourself with a tolerant heart, and leave a ray of favor, so that we can meet each other in the future, isn't it?
Looking far is like buying insurance for the future.

Both Su Qin and Zhang Yi are students of Guiguzi, and Su Qin debuted earlier than Zhang Yi.When Su Qin put forward the strategy of "joint vertical" and gained the trust of the princes of all parties, Zhang Yi was still a poor scholar who was unknown to the world when he was recognized as the seal of the six kingdoms. Unborn talents will emerge sooner or later.

When Su Qin's reputation was in full swing, the only thing he worried about was Qin, a difficult country. In order to prevent Qin from alienating the various princes and destroying his painstakingly planned Six Nations Alliance plan, Su Qin racked his brains and finally decided to send someone Going to be the prime minister of Qin State to facilitate manipulation, and Zhang Yi is the best candidate in his mind.

Of course, this method of "burying hidden piles" in advance is not easy, and subtle arrangements must be made.Therefore, Su Qinxian sent someone to lobby and design Zhang Yi, so that Zhang Yi would take the initiative to come to see him in order to achieve fame.As a result, Zhang Yi really came to Zhao State and wanted to see Su Qin.

In Su Qin's layout, he told the guards in advance not to inform Zhang Yi, but he had to find a way not to let Zhang Yi leave immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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