spore evolution

Chapter 100 Killing the Desert Scorpion

Chapter 100 Killing the Desert Scorpion

"Bastards, I'll kill you. Just this kind of creature actually drove away the most important water source in my team - the water storage beast."

Chen Tianhao was furious immediately, it would be fine if the opponent was a very powerful creature, but the opponent was just a very weak creature, and he was actually overwhelmed.

It doesn't matter if the water storage beast is driven away, at least it can be found.

The important thing is that just now, the three water storage beasts were poisoned by the other party's scorpion poison, and they probably won't live long. In this desert, every drop of water is so precious.

Let some winged men chase the escaped water storage beast, there are still half of the winged men beside Chen Tianhao.

"Trigger the side mission: kill the desert scorpion"

"Completion conditions: kill 50 desert scorpions, the current completion status is 0/50"

"Task reward: 25 points, poison upgrade"

When Chen Tianhao was angry, a side mission was triggered.

The task rewards are good, not only there are points, but there are also components, but I haven't gotten many components after working on it for a long time.

Now even if Chen Tianhao is to spare the other party, it won't work, in order to upgrade the toxicity, these desert scorpions must be killed.

Although Chen Tianhao's race could still use venom in the past, his venom was useless after landing on land.

"Brothers, use the electric ball to smash them."

Comparing the situation of the Desert Scorpions, Chen Tianhao disdains them in his heart, but he still needs to pay attention to them tactically.

Getting stung by a desert scorpion's tail is no joke.

"Brothers, attack freely, pay attention to each other's tail."

Chen Tianhao let Yiren attack freely, but reminded Yiren that other Yiren do not have Chen Tianhao's identification device, and can directly see the other party's information.

Wingmen can only fly for a short time, and the main point is that the movement underground will basically not be attacked by desert scorpions.

Seeing that its attack failed to hit the enemy, the Desert Scorpion immediately gave up and burrowed into the sand.

Desert scorpions are not particularly powerful compared to other creatures, but the venom on his tail is the deadly poison of other creatures, as long as they are stabbed by his tail, they basically don't want to live.

A desert scorpion emerged from the ground, waved its sharp tail, and aimed at Chen Tianhao who was above the sand.

Chen Tianhao had already paid attention to the situation under the sand with his consciousness, and he could clearly see the desert scorpion under the sand.

He stood on the sand to lure the desert scorpion to attack. Currently, Chen Tianhao had no choice but to lure the desert scorpion out of the sand to kill him.

The desert scorpion shot out from under the sand, and Chen Tianhao jumped to avoid the attack of the desert scorpion.

Releases an electric ball the size of an apple that has been pinched in the hand for a long time.


The released electric ball, with a blue tail, hit the middle of the desert scorpion in mid-air. The energy carried by the electric ball blasted the desert scorpion to pieces, and then fell on the sand.

The desert scorpion that fell on the sand waved its front paws, trying to get back to the ground, but only waved a few times before it stopped moving.

Chen Tianhao, who had just landed, casually released an electric ball the size of an apple, aiming at a desert scorpion who was trying to dig into the sand, trying to get into the sand.

This desert scorpion attacked the winged man next to Chen Tianhao. It was a young winged man. It was the first time he faced the attack of other creatures alone. He was a little scared, but he listened to Chen Tianhao's words and kept paying attention to the movement underground. Dodged the attack of the desert scorpion.

It's just that this young wingman, after evading the desert scorpion's attack, did not attack the desert scorpion.

But the desert scorpion found that it had missed the enemy, and immediately burrowed into the sand.

When Chen Tianhao saw it, how could he let the opponent run away, he immediately released an electric ball, such an apple-sized electric ball, Chen Tianhao can basically do it at his fingertips, it can't reach the realm of instant firing, but it only takes a second or two , enough to.

The energy core provides a large amount of energy. It is no problem to release twenty or thirty electric balls like this apple size.


The electric ball hit the desert scorpion's tail, and violent energy exploded from it.

The desert scorpion's tail is still relatively fragile. The energy explosion of the electric ball blew the desert scorpion's tail away. Half of the desert scorpion's body has entered the sand. It twitched a few times, but there was no movement. , I am afraid that he will not live long.

Chen Tianhao walked up to the frightened young Yiren, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come on, it's okay, in this case, you just need to hit his tail with an electric ball."

The young Yiren said awkwardly: "Boss, I don't know how to electric ball."

Chen Tianhao also retracted his hands on his shoulders in embarrassment, and said, "Then you should be careful."

Not all the people in the Winged Man can attack with electric balls. There are a large number of people who still don't know this skill, and he just took over this group, and he didn't notice that the Winged Man would not know how to use electric balls.

"It seems that we should get weapons sooner. I used to think that weapons are not very useful for my race. Now if I have weapons, ordinary winged people can also cause damage to desert scorpions." I just saw the young winged people afraid The poisonous tail of the desert scorpion does not dare to fight the opponent naked. If there is a long weapon at this time, the combat effectiveness of the young wingman will definitely be greatly improved.

"The time to take these Wingmen out of the desert is to teach them how to use weapons."

Chen Tianhao made up his mind to equip weapons for his race in advance.

After saving the young Yiren, Chen Tianhao went to help other Yiren.

The number of Wingmen on the battlefield is not as many as the Desert Scorpion, there are only about [-] individuals, but luckily most of the remaining Wingmen can attack with electric balls, only occasionally a few Wingmen can't use electric balls.

Although the number of Yiren is small, they are all within the range of Chen Tianhao's consciousness in the desert with a radius of one kilometer.

One kilometer range is huge.

Even the water storage beast that had just escaped was still within his conscious line of sight, but most of his energy was still kept in the surrounding battlefield.

In this battle field, Chen Tianhao found that under the desert, there were more desert scorpions coming from other places.

But according to the desert scorpion's forward speed, it won't be able to catch up in a while.

on the battle field.

Occasionally, a few fighters failed to inflict damage on the desert scorpions attacking them, and with Chen Tianhao's help, most of them were killed.

The other Wingmen can basically use electric balls, the only difference is the size and number of the electric balls used. The desert scorpion has no power to parry the electric ball attack of the Wingman.

In just a short while, the desert scorpions that attacked the Winged Man basically surrendered their lives in the hands of the Winged Man.

(End of this chapter)

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