spore evolution

Chapter 11 Chen Tianhua

Chapter 11 Chen Tianhua

Evolution value?
Strange, isn't it nutritious?How did it become an evolutionary value?Could it be that the currency value of the multi-cellular era is this evolutionary value?

I don't know how much 20 evolutionary points are worth, but no matter what, at least I got an electric energy DNA component.This electric energy DNA component should be the component on the bug that can only discharge, and this component should be quite useful.Fortunately, the opponent's last electric shock was not strong enough, which gave him the best chance, otherwise he would have been reborn on other members of the same race.

Let's fill the stomach first, the last blow has already consumed too much energy of Chen Tianhao.Chen Tianhao immediately gobbled up the electric worm's body to replenish energy.

Wow, so full, half of this guy's body is enough to resist the food he has eaten before.Chen Tianhao felt that he could no longer eat, and his body was already saturated.

Looking at the remaining half of the electric worms, Chen Tianhao greedily swallowed his saliva subconsciously.Hey, it's a pity, and I can't take it away, really, I can only give up.

After eating and drinking, Chen Tianhao rested for a while, feeling that his stomach was a little more empty, and he ate a little more. In the end, he had to give up in order to hurry.

It’s really depressing. I haven’t encountered a creature of the same family after swimming for so long, and I ate so much food, and there was no prompt to breed. According to the previous words, eating so much food should increase a lot of nutritional value, which is enough for one breeding. up.

Is it because of the change of currency, or after becoming multicellular, the current food is simply not enough to reproduce the next generation?
Hey, it doesn't matter, anyway, it's good that I didn't die anyway, and I don't know when I will be able to evolve successfully into the space, it feels like a long time.

Chen Tianhao couldn't find the answer to the two questions, so he had to give up and continue thinking about these questions.

Chen Tianhao was about to move on, but he was dazzled by anger before, if Chen Tianhao still had a brain.It has already deviated far from the original route, and I don't know which direction to go.

Halo, I swam too far, it is estimated that it has gone the same way now.

Take a closer look at the direction of the sea.

After identifying the direction, it turned out that the direction I was heading was basically deviated by more than 90 degrees.Fortunately, I got an electric energy DNA component here, and the harvest is not bad, and this deviating road is still worthwhile.

In the dark deep waters, the sea water is slowly flowing, and a large number of creatures are also closely following the flow of the sea water to an unknown direction.

Chen Tianhao has been on the road for a while, but the strange thing is that in Chen Tianhao's perception, he did not feel the existence of other animals, not to mention the existence of multi-celled animals, even single-celled animals have no perception To a.If it wasn't for the occasional plants that flowed with the sea water, Chen Tianhao could already feel the flow of the sea water, and Chen Tianhao would have wondered if he had gone the wrong way.

In fact, the creatures in this area are already afraid of the killing of the electric worm race. The animals that originally lived in this area have already traveled as far as possible, and only occasionally passing animals will appear in this area.The development of electric worms makes the animals in this area farther and farther away, and the food for electric worms is getting less and less. However, the number of electric worms is still relatively small. Occasionally, other animals that pass through this area provide a lot of food for electric worms. food.And fortunately, electric bugs don't eat plants, otherwise this area might become a short-lived dead zone.

Chen Tianhao didn't pay too much attention to the characteristics of this area, he only knew that his goal was not this place, he only needed to swim in the direction of his destination, and everything else was left to chance.

In this way, Chen Tianhao kept swimming towards the destination with the flow of the sea. Chen Tianhao didn't know how long he had been swimming with the sea.Chen Tianhao only knew that he ate a lot of seaweed. After swimming past the initial place, there were no animals, and there began to increase slowly. The increase in food did not bring Chen Tianhao the help he expected, but it was convenient for Chen Tianhao No need to travel too far to find food.

Just as Chen Tianhao was counting the time idly, he finally heard the most beautiful voice from the system.

"The evolution of the editing space is complete, and you can already choose to enter the editing space."

"Enter the editing space."

"I'm almost suffocated outside, why is the evolution so slow." Chen Tianhao's consciousness had just returned to the editing space, before he had time to look at the evolved editing space, he shouted there.

"Hey, why is there light? Light that doesn't disappear? It seems that I didn't call the menu bar?" After Chen Tianhao yelled, he finally discovered what the editing space looks like after it has evolved.

Originally it was necessary to call the menu bar before it would emit a faint light, making it easier for Chen Tianhao to operate, but now there is no menu bar, and the rest was originally dark, but now it is filled with a weak white light, but it makes Chen Tianhao unable to Identify where these rays are emanating from.

I don't know if it's because Chen Tianhao has no eyes or there are other reasons. Chen Tianhao didn't feel the glare of these rays of light. Instead, Chen Tianhao felt that he was very comfortable under the rays of these rays of light, just like basking in the sun in winter. Same as the sun.

Chen Tianhao looked around at the light, and suddenly a figure appeared in the place full of light, and he could only roughly tell that it was a figure.Before, because it was surrounded by darkness, it was impossible to detect the existence of a figure here. Now, because of the white light, the shadow of this person appeared.Of course, it may also be due to the evolution of the editing space this time, so there is such a figure there.In any case, it is because of the evolution of the editing space.

"We finally met." Chen Tianhao could feel that the voice came from that figure.

"Brother Tianhua, is that you?" Chen Tianhao wanted to run over to meet him, but no matter how hard Chen Tianhao tried to run, the distance between Chen Tianhao and that figure remained unchanged.

"Of course it's me, why? Did you not recognize my voice so quickly? It seems that only I can talk to you in this space." Chen Tianhua joked.

Chen Tianhao stopped his running steps, and said with a slight smile: "Didn't I miss you? I said I couldn't meet you before. Although it can't be regarded as meeting now, at least there is a shadow to see, at least I know you are really existing."

"In the future, when you evolve to a higher level, you will definitely be able to see my real appearance. This is fine now, at least you have confirmed my existence. Are you a little disappointed that you can't see my appearance? This appearance is according to It was made up of humans in the world before you." Chen Tianhua laughed loudly.

"I'm not disappointed, but I look forward to meeting you. It turns out that your appearance is made up according to human beings. No wonder you look like a human shadow. Isn't this your real appearance?" Chen Tianhao wondered.

"This is my real appearance. Originally, I didn't have an actual form. After you successfully evolved into a multicellular animal this time, you rewarded the evolution of editing space, so I have the right to shape my body. I will follow your Humans in the previous world created such a character." Chen Tianhua waved his hand and explained.

Although Chen Tianhao couldn't see Chen Tianhua's expression, he could tell from the shadow of his waving hand that this shadow of Chen Tianhua should be his real form, but because of the obstruction of the system, he couldn't really see Chen Tianhua's appearance clearly.This space evolution gave Chen Tianhua a chance to shape his form, which was considered a merit.

"Brother Tianhua, can you tell me about the effects of this editing space evolution?" Chen Tianhao asked.

(End of this chapter)

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