spore evolution

Chapter 14 The Dangerous Seabed

Chapter 14 The Dangerous Seabed

Chen Tianhao's surroundings were still dark, and there was a ray of light emitted by the poisonous electric insects when they were preying, illuminating the surrounding poisonous electric insects.This made Chen Tianhao feel that he was not fighting alone, there were many compatriots fighting with Chen Tianhao.

After a period of food storage and evolutionary value storage, the nine poisonous electric bugs led by Chen Tianhao have reached the breeding period again.

Chen Tianhao was again faced with whether to mate with other poisonous electric bugs, which made Chen Tianhao feel quite embarrassed.Before, because I was alone, I didn't feel anything when I split into a new member.

Now that the mode of reproduction has evolved into oviparous reproduction, it is necessary to reproduce after mating.In this way, Chen Tianhao, a poisonous electric bug, has the thinking of a big man. To mate with a poisonous electric bug, he feels hungry.

What a fool, I'm a single-celled animal anyway, so there's nothing I can't let go of, at least I'm not a female poisonous electric bug, so it's important to reproduce my own offspring.Chen Tianhao struggled with it for a while, and finally let go of the knot in his heart, and successfully completed his first mating in the animal era.

Although Chen Tianhao has experienced many times of mating, but each time Chen Tianhao still has to struggle a little, and wait until the other poisonous electric insects have finished mating before starting his own mating task.

Chen Tianhao's team of poisonous electric insects completed another breeding task, and five electric insects had a new generation.But fortunately, the female who had just begun to have a baby poisonous electric bug did not affect its attack power.

In order to quickly reach the shallow waters, Chen Tianhao raced against time to move towards the goal he set.

The team of ten poisonous electric bugs, under the dual paralysis attack, has not encountered a joint attack that can resist ten poisonous electric bugs.Those animals were basically unable to move after encountering one of the attacks, not to mention the double attack, and the encirclement attack of ten poisonous electric insects.

When pregnant with the babies of poisonous electric insects, the five poisonous electric insects needed a lot more food than usual. Under Chen Tianhao's leadership, they can basically guarantee that they have enough food.

According to past experience, the current poisonous electric bugs are about to spawn. Chen Tianhao stopped moving forward, but swam downstream to the bottom of the deep sea.

Chen Tianhao has always opened up his own perception. After years of evolution, the range of Chen Tianhao's perception has expanded a lot.According to Chen Tianhao's estimation of the length of the poisonous electric bug, the perception is always on normally, and there is about ten lengths of the poisonous electric bug in the radius.The limit perception range is about the length of twenty poisonous electric bugs in a radius.

Chen Tianhao led the clansmen to find a place on the seabed for them to lay eggs.Passing by a place on the bottom of the sea, Chen Tianhao suddenly felt a little mental fluctuation.

Chen Tianhao, who felt something was wrong, stopped.Prepare to investigate carefully where this mental fluctuation comes from.

During the journey to the shallow sea, it was precisely because Chen Tianhao was able to perceive the surrounding environment in a wide range that the poisonous electric bug avoided some sneak attacks from other animals.

Seeing Chen Tianhao stop, the other poisonous electric bugs had already started to prepare for battle. Although they didn't feel the danger of the mission, they knew that the leader suddenly stood up, and there must be other multicellular animals coming.Only the other four male poisonous electric insects tightly protect the five female poisonous electric insects in the innermost part.

The four male poisonous electric worms mobilized the electrical energy of the whole system, preparing to release the electrical energy at the same time when the enemy invaded.The venom attack in the mouth is also ready, and the venom in the mouth is sprayed at the moment the electric energy is released.After having the paralysis effect of electric energy, the hit rate of venom attack can be greatly improved.

The other five female poisonous electric insects who were preparing to lay eggs were not idle either, and they were not without a little attack power during the laying period.They are not preparing to release the electrical energy of the cells in their bodies, but are preparing to attack with the venom in their mouths, and are preparing to do their best when the electrical energy attacks the opponent.

After Chen Tianhao's careful perception, he finally discovered the existence of this mental fluctuation, which turned out to be in the bottom of the sea below his side.Because of the mud cover, Chen Tianhao couldn't find the other party's existence very well. When he was about to give up this side and go to other places to search.A tentacle hidden under the soil moved, and only then did Chen Tianhao discover its existence.

Chen Tianhao didn't know what kind of animal this animal was, but judging from the way it hides, it is estimated that it has already hunted and killed many prey.If Chen Tianhao didn't sense the other party's existence, he would lose several poisonous electric bugs if he didn't pay attention.

Chen Tianhao didn't know how many things were hidden under the soil. According to what Chen Tianhao perceived now, it should be a relatively large animal.After predicting the distance from my side to the bottom of the sea, the use of electric energy attacks here cannot achieve the maximum effect.

Chen Tianhao stared closely at the tentacles exposed by the swing, and slowly led the team forward.As long as the tentacle moves, all of them will attack immediately.

Chen Tianhao led the team and got quite close, but the tentacle still didn't respond. Chen Tianhao didn't continue to move forward. Within this range, it already had enough lethality.

"Start the electric energy attack and venom attack directly below."

Under Chen Tianhao's command, the five poisonous electric bugs including Chen Tianhao erupted with dazzling light instantly. At the same time as the light flickered, the five tentacles that were originally hidden under the soil rushed towards Chen Tianhao and the others.It turned out that the animal had more than one tentacle, and five tentacles moved aggressively when they touched the electric energy, and immediately retracted.

However, at the moment when the five male poisonous electric bugs emitted electric energy, the five female poisonous electric bugs also launched their own attacks at the same time.The five poisonous water arrows chased the tentacles through the water and spread to the bottom of the sea. The poisonous water arrows hit the bottom of the sea at the same time.

In an instant, the mud on the bottom of the sea flew up, making that area cloudy.Fortunately, poisonous electric insects do not rely on eyes to identify directions at this stage.

In the range of Chen Tianhao's perception, the animal that was still covered by the soil finally showed its prototype, a squid-like animal, the height is about five times the length of poisonous electric insects, and the width is also enough for two poisonous electric insects. The width of the worm.After carefully counting the opponent's tentacles, he found that the five tentacles just now were not all of the opponent's tentacles. This squid-like animal had a total of eight tentacles.

Just as the electrical attack just now didn't seem to have caused any damage to the squid, the venom attack also seemed to be ineffective against the squid.

The squid was originally hidden under the soil, probably trying to catch passing animals by sneak attack.After being attacked by Chen Tianhao and the others, the squid completely gave up its plan to continue hiding, and wandered around the bottom of the sea, ready to attack Chen Tianhao directly.

(End of this chapter)

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