spore evolution

Chapter 142 Editing a New Image

Chapter 142 Editing a New Image

After entering the desert, I completed several tasks, accumulated several components that were not used, and suddenly added several components.

"Toxicity Upgrade: Redeem Points: 10 points, increase the creature's toxicity skill by one level."

Let me go, this is too simple, it's just a level up, and I don't know what the specific effect is. The original toxicity of Yiren is already very weak, so I don't know if it will have any effect just by leveling up.

Hey, it doesn't matter, now I don't have to worry about points, let's exchange him for equipment first.

"Demonization: Exchange Points: 50 points, skills, active skills, consume 000 points of energy, make yourself into a demonized state, last for 100 minutes, after the duration is over, you will fall into a weak state, attack power, attack speed, The movement speed becomes 5 times of the original state. Demonized state: Increase own attack power, attack speed, and movement speed by 0.5 time."

This is Chen Tianhao's dream skill. It doubles the attack power, attack speed, and movement speed. This is not a simple doubling of strength. Although it only lasts for 5 minutes, if it is used well, the effect is far more than doubled.

"Muscle (Ultimate): Redeem points: 250 points, greatly increase the muscle strength of the creature, cooperate with other ultimate systems to play a super powerful role, increase a large amount of defense ability, and have stronger explosive power."

Chen Tianhao looked at this component, drooling, this is his first ultimate component, and the ultimate sound is a very good thing.

However, it needs to be matched with other ultimate skills to exert the strongest effect, but fortunately, most of the components of Yiren have also risen to the super level, which should not be much different.

The points are not too many, only 25 points, he now has more than 160 million, 25 is indeed just a decimal.

With a wave of his hand, change, and immediately equip the winged man with ultimate muscles.

After installing the ultimate muscle, the muscles of Wingman's whole body become bumpy and streamlined, and the explosive power is hidden under the muscles.

"Energy Core (Advanced): Redeem points: 100 points, one of the most important components of a creature, known as the second heart of a creature, can provide a lot of energy for a creature, the level of the energy core represents the level that a creature can achieve In the limit state, all skills rely on the energy provided by the energy core, which can take your skills to a higher level."

When the side mission of killing desert worms was first triggered, Chen Tianhao never thought that he would be able to complete this mission.

What a surprise he was when he actually completed this task.

The desert worm provides a very important component - the energy core (advanced), which is the second only to the brain. With this component, the strength of the Wingman can be greatly improved. Exchange qualifications, the tribal era will come.

Thinking of the tribal age, Chen Tianhao was very excited. After working hard for so long, he could finally leave the biological stage.

"Corrosive liquid (super): redemption points: 100 points, skill category, can convert energy to produce corrosive liquid, can be formed on the hand, and can have an effect on most substances. Please explore the specific effect by yourself. It is immune to most corrosive liquids."

This is the third component obtained from the desert worm. This skill has obtained the most basic corrosive liquid from the soil eater before.

When I obtained this liquid, I thought that it could refine metal from soil like a soil-eating beast, but it turned out that he was overthinking it. It was just a simple corrosive liquid, which worked on some ordinary substances and had no effect on living things. great effect.

But this time the corrosive liquid was obtained from the desert worm. He remembered the time he was touched by the black liquid of the desert worm. If he hadn't washed it with water in time, he might have died that time.

This time, he didn't expect the corrosive liquid given by the system to have the effect of desert worms. As long as it could have an effect on other creatures, he would be lucky.

"Advanced vision (night vision): redemption points: 25 points, special vision, which allows creatures to see the surrounding environment in the dark night, and cooperates with other systems to further improve the vision of creatures."

This component belongs to another ability of the eyes. With the ability of night vision, Yiren can protect himself in a dark environment, and he no longer needs to be blind at night.

After putting it on, I read the instructions. Fortunately, it didn't conflict with the previous Hawkeye. If there is a conflict, I'm afraid I have to give up this night vision ability.

Night vision allows creatures to see the surrounding situation clearly in a dark environment, but the effect is definitely not as good as during the day. It is not easy to see the range of hundreds of meters around, and it is impossible to see a few kilometers like in the daytime. .

"Charm: exchange points: 10 points, skills, passives, make creatures more approachable, have a bonus effect on the favorability of creatures, and make your social skills more significant."

Passive skills, this is good, no need to consume energy, the more such skills, the better.

Increase favorability?Doesn't that mean that it will be much easier to form alliances with other creatures in the future?
"Telepathy: exchange points: 10 points, skills, passives, increase the communication ability of creatures, and enhance your social skills."

That's right, it's another passive skill that enhances communication skills. Does this mean that even if you are not an ally, you can communicate freely?

This has to be tested when we get back to the real world.

The skills I got from the tree demon are all related to strengthening the alliance. Does this make me more alliance with other creatures?
"Constant temperature system: redemption points: 20 points, keep the temperature inside the organism at a temperature that is most suitable for displaying strength, and will not change its own temperature due to external temperature, because it requires a lot of energy to maintain a constant temperature state permanently. "

This component is good, but it seems to conflict with the cold-blooded system that was exchanged before. The cold-blooded system that was exchanged before did not feel any effect. It was so hot in the desert that there was no use for the cold-blooded system.

It would be great if we could have two systems at the same time. When the energy is sufficient, the constant temperature system is used, and when the energy is insufficient, the cold-blooded system is used.

He installed the constant temperature system on the Yiren, and it really reminded that there was a conflict, and the two systems could not be installed at the same time.

Chen Tianhao could only abandon the cold-blooded system and install a constant temperature system. Now that he has an advanced energy core, he doesn't need to worry about the energy needed by the constant temperature system.

Withdrew the cold-blooded system, and returned the 10 points used for the exchange at that time, since the system did not steal the points.

"High-temperature-resistant skin: redemption points: 10 points, which greatly improves the high-temperature resistance of organisms, and can survive safely under high temperatures. It can withstand up to 000 degrees for two hours."

This is so powerful that it can withstand a temperature of 100 degrees for two hours. That is to say, you will not be afraid of being scalded when you boil water in the future?
This skin will not conflict with the previous skin, right?
Try it now.

Fortunately, after installing it, no conflicts were displayed.

This high-temperature-resistant skin is only equivalent to the performance improvement of the original skin, and has not undergone fundamental changes.

(End of this chapter)

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