spore evolution

Chapter 17 Volcanic Eruption

Chapter 17 Volcanic Eruption
"The muscular system

A strong and powerful system that animals need very much, can burst out more powerful abilities than usual
Evolution value: 200"

Chen Tianhao, who has a lot of evolution points, doesn't care about the price at all, he just cares about how many useful effects this muscular tissue system can provide.

Chen Tianhao thought that what he didn't have, and it was a good thing, he put it on his body, and immediately added the musculature system to the poisonous electric worm.

When the muscle tissue was placed on the poisonous electric worm, Chen Tianhao found that the whole body of the poisonous electric worm was more streamlined. Although there was still no bone support, he could already feel more powerful strength from it.

The poisonous electric worm with muscles, the system did not prompt that it needs to be renamed. It is estimated that this muscle system has not made major changes to the poisonous electric worm.

After carefully observing the description of the poisonous electric bug, I found that the description has changed.

"Poisonous electric bug
Life 100/100
Attack 15
move 15
Own system: primary digestive system, primary nervous system, musculature system

Own Abilities: Venom Attack, Electric Energy Attack

Evaluation: The attack power and speed can be ranked in the forefront, but this is not the time for you to be proud. Now you only have simple digestion and nerve response, and you need more things to strengthen your body in order to adapt future environment. "

Chen Tianhao found that the movement speed and attack power of the muscle tissue have been greatly improved. According to the previous evaluation, the level of a muscle tissue has directly increased by 50%.It seems that this musculature system provides a great help for the strengthening of the body.

Chen Tianhao now has a lot of evolution points, seeing that the musculature system can improve such a high performance, he is going to buy one more.It was found that the poisonous electric worm cannot continue to assemble another muscle tissue system. It seems that only one DNA component of this type of system can be assembled in the whole body.

Chen Tianhao observed carefully again, and found that there was no longer any thing that could continue to strengthen the body in the editing space.After saying hello to Chen Tianhua who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he exited the editing space.

Chen Tianhao came out and possessed the poisonous electric bug, which was in a small team.It is estimated that it may be related to the number of teams that Chen Tianhao separated before. This team has a total of fifteen poisonous electric bugs, which is very similar to the number that Chen Tianhao separated from the team before.

However, according to the time, the poisonous electric worm possessed now has muscle tissue, so it cannot be the previous poisonous electric worm.

Feeling his new body, Chen Tianhao swung his tail wantonly. Chen Tianhao obviously felt that his tail was swinging more powerfully, and his swimming speed was also faster.The team was originally quite neat, but because of Chen Tianhao's acceleration, Chen Tianhao immediately came out and swam in the front alone.

Fortunately, because the race belonging to Chen Tianhao has the spiritual imprint of Chen Tianhao, the moment Chen Tianhao possesses him, he has already felt his existence.So Chen Tianhao swam out of the team and swam to the front, and he only thought that Chen Tianhao was leading the way for them. If it was some other small poisonous electric bugs, they would have been driven back by those adult poisonous electric bugs.

After feeling the strengthened body, Chen Tianhao swam back to the team of poisonous electric insects.

In other words, what should be done to find the meteorite fragments? Although the meteorite fragments themselves can emit light, according to the current stage of the eyes, they cannot feel the very faint light from far away.The use of perception can only feel the position of various objects, and cannot directly feel the color of the object.It seems that a good eye is needed at this stage, with a good eye, you can experience a more colorful world, and you can also look for meteorite fragments that can be observed with the naked eye.

There was once a real meteorite fragment in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. If there is still a chance, I hope I can have the eyes to distinguish the real and fake fragments, so that you will never leave me again.

Need an eye, a good eye, an eye that can see the colorful world.

Hey, don't think so much, let's go to the land.There will always be good eyes on the road, or when the character explodes, maybe there may be a meteorite fragment next to it.

Chen Tianhao continued to lead his team to swim towards the land he had identified. Along the way, he encountered many animals. Under the attack of a group of poisonous electric insects, they were basically eliminated without any power to fight back.However, solving so many animals did not result in a new DNA component.

It seems that because the DNA components and the systems possessed by the poisonous electric worms are already in the leading position, surpassing most animals, unless the animal has a particularly advanced system, the new system can only be obtained after the poisonous electric insects are killed , otherwise it is basically impossible to have a new system.

Of course, it’s only about obtaining new systems from other animals. There are other ways to obtain new system organizations. One is to understand the method by yourself and obtain evolution with the help of the system, just like when single-celled animals evolved to multi-cellular animals. The other is to obtain meteorite fragments, which may have an evolution system. Although Chen Tianhao has not obtained meteorite fragments, it does not affect Chen Tianhao's evolution system in meteorite fragments.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Chen Tianhao has been swimming along the bottom of the sea for a long time. Apart from his own light, he has never seen any other objects that emit light by themselves.Are there any meteorite fragments? Why are they so rare? I haven’t seen one after swimming for so long. Could it be that Chen Tianhua lied, just for me to evolve faster?
Just when Chen Tianhao was wondering if Chen Tianhua was lying, he suddenly felt a bright light in front of him.

I'm stupid, no, isn't it, Chen Tianhua is not lying, according to this brightness, as Chen Tianhua said, this is definitely a big meteorite fragment, then this meteorite fragment definitely has something good.

"Brothers, charge, charge forward." Chen Tianhao activated a wave of commands with his consciousness, and swam his tail first.

My day, no, why is the temperature of the surrounding water so high? Before Chen Tianhao could react, a fiery red liquid erupted from the bottom of the sea.

Before Chen Tianhao realized what was going on, he was already dead.

The red liquid sprayed out from the bottom of the sea, and the sea water near the bottom was instantly evaporated into gas, and then was re-irrigated by the surrounding sea water, creating more smoke again and again.

When the red liquid was released into the seawater, it turned into pieces of stone and was carried to other places by the seawater.

The animals around here, at this moment, whether they are single-celled animals or multi-cellular animals, whether they are animals or plants, all these creatures have been extinct by the volcano.

The volcano erupted for a long time, and I don't know how long it took. Finally, this area fell into silence again, and fell into real silence. It would take a long time to restore the vibrant scene.

(End of this chapter)

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